Positive symptom Georgievsky - Mussy - is it dangerous?

Positive symptom Georgievsky - Mussy - is it dangerous?
Positive symptom Georgievsky - Mussy - is it dangerous?

Georgievsky's symptom - Mussy is observed in inflammatory processes of the biliary tract. Cholecystitis occurs at any age, most often after eating fatty, fried, pickled foods in large quantities.

How to check the symptom?

To cause the symptom of Georgievsky-Mussy, it is necessary to press the index finger between the sternum and clavicular processes of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. You need to press gently, on the right side. Patients with inflammatory processes of the gallbladder begin to feel a sharp sharp pain in the right hypochondrium. What causes a person to feel pain in a remote area? Find the answer to the question will help human anatomy.

symptom of St. George mussi
symptom of St. George mussi

Physiological basis of the symptom

All internal organs are controlled by the central nervous system, which is responsible for the operation of each system of the body. Inflammation entails a violation of the functions of specialized anatomical sites (heart, lungs, bronchi, liver, etc.), whichmanifests itself in the form of local pain. But the nerves responsible for a specific organ are also involved in the process. The nerve bundle is located strictly in the region of the legs of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, neurons are intertwined in it, innervating not only the neck region, but also the underlying organs.

As a result of pressure, irritation of the nerve plexuses is produced, and then a characteristic pain occurs at the site of inflammation. Recent medical research has substantiated this phenomenon. The fact is that the liver is controlled by the phrenic nerve, which forms the so-called hepatic plexus. The nerve passes near the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which serves as a pathophysiological justification for this symptom. That is why the Mussy-Georgievsky symptom causes intense pain in the gallbladder.

Mussi St. George's symptom
Mussi St. George's symptom

When else is the symptom positive?

Georgievsky's symptom - Mussy, or phrenicus-symptom, may be positive on the left. This signals a critical state of the body and serves as an indication for urgent hospitalization. Georgievsky's symptom - Mussi is duplicated on the left in the case of:

  • rupture or injury of the spleen;
  • gastric ulcer perforation;
  • abscesses in the subdiaphragmatic region;
  • massive internal hemorrhages in the retroperitoneal space (with ectopic pregnancy, mechanical action on tissues, gunshot wound).

These conditions are medical emergencies.

symptoms of ortner murphy georgievsky mussi
symptoms of ortner murphy georgievsky mussi

First signscholecystitis

The initial symptoms of inflammation of the gallbladder are characteristic pains in the right hypochondrium, which are accompanied by nausea (sometimes vomiting). The body temperature also rises to 38 degrees. The bile ducts begin to shrink, as a result of which bile stops flowing into the intestines. The skin begins to turn yellow, and the stools lose their characteristic dark color, taking on the appearance of melena.

The patient can detect symptoms of Ortner, Murphy, Georgievsky - Mussy. To check the rest of the signs, you need to know that the gallbladder is located in the right hypochondrium on the costal arch along the midclavicular lycinium. It is in this place that you need to press your thumb to check for Murphy's sign and make sure there is inflammation. Ortner's sign is caused by light tapping of the palm along the costal arch, where the gallbladder is located.

Georgievsky's symptom - Mussy with cholecystitis helps even young surgeons to differentiate inflammatory processes in the gallbladder from appendicitis, peritonitis, ectopic pregnancy, perforated ulcer of the stomach or small intestine, hepatitis, nonspecific colitis.

What happens if help is not provided?

The acute period of cholecystitis requires special enzyme therapy. Without proper treatment, the disease acquires a chronic course with phases of exacerbation and remission. The chronic is much more difficult to cure, since the pancreas and intestines are involved in the process. Moreover, food is poorly digested, which means that the body will not be able to get the right amount of vitamins, fats, proteins,carbohydrates, minerals.

Most often, Georgievsky's symptom - Mussy signals the severity of the inflammatory process. Complications can be:

  • fistula formation;
  • development of acute pancreatitis;
  • abscess of the gallbladder;
  • blood poisoning (sepsis).

Even with a weakly positive symptom, it is recommended to go to the nearest hospital in the office of the surgeon on duty.

St. George's mussi symptom or phrenicus symptom
St. George's mussi symptom or phrenicus symptom

What to do?

Sometimes seeking medical help may not be possible, for example for rural residents. The first thing that can be done for the patient is to give him a comfortable position in bed, relieving intense pain in the hypochondrium. Then you should check for other signs of cholecystitis. If they are positive, a visit to the doctor will be mandatory. After the appearance of the first signs, smoked meats, pickled vegetables, fatty foods, and alcohol should be excluded from the diet. This will help not to aggravate the inflammatory process, to exclude the development of complications.
