There is just a huge number of varieties of inflammatory diseases of the skin. Some of them go away on their own very quickly, while others require long-term treatment. In this article, we will talk about what carbuncles are, and also find out what are the causes of their occurrence and distinguishing features, and get acquainted with the features of their treatment. Read the information provided carefully in order to arm and protect yourself as much as possible. The causes, treatment and photo of the carbuncle are very important information that every patient should be familiar with. So let's get started.
What are carbuncles
Carbuncle is called acute inflammatory processes that occur in the skin and are necrotic-purulent in nature. Such an abscess affects several hair follicles at once, as well as the sebaceous glands and nearby subcutaneous tissue.

Most often this pathology occurs inas a result of the active activity of the staphylococcus bacterium, the activity of which is usually accompanied by a severely weakened immunity of the body. Most often, carbuncles occur on the face, as well as the back, neck and buttocks. At the same time, according to the reviews of doctors, this disease is most often found in the strong half of humanity. In addition, the disease usually begins to progress in the summer, but there are exceptions. There is also such a thing as emphysematous carbuncle. This disease occurs in animals and most often leads to their death.
Main causes of this formation
We have already figured out what carbuncles are. Now it is worthwhile to figure out what are the reasons for the occurrence of such an unpleasant and painful phenomenon. As mentioned above, the main reason for the development of carbuncles is the active life of a staphylococcal infection. However, sometimes streptococci also join staphylococci. And then the disease has a mixed character. However, doctors have recorded cases when the disease was caused by Escherichia coli, Proteus, anaerobes, and enterococci. If a person suffers from increased production of sebum, as well as increased sweating, then the most favorable conditions for existence will be created for the bacteria, which means they will begin their rapid activity. Pathogens can also penetrate the thickness of the skin through microtrauma and abrasions of the skin. If a person's immune system is weakened, then pathogenic microorganisms will begin to multiply with greatacceleration. This will also contribute to failures of metabolic processes in the body, such as obesity, diabetes and others.
What are the main symptoms of this pathology
A lot of people are interested in what a carbuncle is and how to identify it. In fact, it is not difficult to recognize this formation, since it has quite pronounced symptoms.

Most often, carbuncles appear singly. Usually, patients find them on the face, back of the neck, and also between the shoulder blades, since it is in these places that the sebaceous glands work especially actively, which means that ideal conditions have been created for pathogenic microflora. Of course, the skin can also be affected on the limbs, but in practice this is quite rare.
As soon as the carbuncle begins to develop, it consists of several small bumps that are located very close to each other. Each of these bumps is an inflamed hair follicle.
Over time, these follicles will become more and more inflamed, and thus the tubercles will merge into one big inflammation of the skin. If the patient did not go to the hospital in time, then the inflammation can be simply gigantic, up to the size of a child's palm.
Carbuncle is bluish-red and hot to the touch. Such signs indicate the progression of inflammatory processes. Over time, the inflammation will increase more and more, and the patient will experience more and more severe pain that will be simply intolerable.when pressing on the affected area.
Quite often, the symptoms of this disease are fever, as well as weakness, loss of appetite, headache and general malaise. In some cases, patients also complained of bouts of vomiting and nausea.

The carbuncle of the skin is considered mature when several pustules ripen on its surface, which eventually open up, and through them a purulent-necrotic mass of a yellow-green hue comes to the surface. Over time, more and more tissues will succumb to necrosis and a deep ulcer is formed at the site of accumulation of purulent fluid, which in the most advanced cases can also reach the muscles. Usually this stage lasts about two to three weeks, after which gradual healing begins. Please note that after a carbuncle, a large ugly scar will remain on the skin, which will consist of soldered surrounding tissues.
Possible Complications
Carbuncle can cause complications, so it is very important to identify and start treating this ailment in a timely manner. Most often, complications arise in cases where infectious processes begin to move from the site of the lesion to other tissues. According to doctors, the infection can spread not only through the skin, adipose and muscle tissue, but also into the systemic circulation. And this can be fatal.
Most often, complications occur precisely in those patients who did not treat carbuncle at all (photos of this inflammation are not very attractive) or didthis is wrong with various folk methods.
The most common complication is infection of nearby tissues. However, in this case, not everything is so simple. If the infection spreads to the bone, it can cause such a dangerous disease as osteomyelitis. If the inflammatory processes affect the blood vessels, this will lead to thrombophlebitis, as well as inflammation of the vein walls. When an infection enters the lymphatic vessels, their inflammation is not excluded. In the presence of other concomitant factors, the infection may become erysipelas.

Carbuncles that are located on the face are considered the most terrible. The danger lies in the fact that it is on the face that the vessels are very close to the brain, which means that their infection can lead to meningitis.
Please note that if blood poisoning occurs, this will lead to sepsis, which, in turn, will be fatal.
Diagnostic features
Carbuncle is very important to start treating on time in order to prevent the occurrence of very dangerous consequences. Be sure to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis, as well as the appointment of the most optimal therapy.
Usually, the disease is diagnosed very simply by a qualified specialist, since the disease can be easily identified by appearance. However, only visual information is not enough, since there is a possibility of confusing this disease with another, for example, with anthrax. It is very important to take an analysis for sowing in order to determine which onethe causative agent caused the development of this infection. After the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to tell the patient what methods of treatment will be the most optimal for him.
Features of treatment
The causes and treatment of carbuncle are interrelated (a photo of this disease in the last stages of many people can shock). Keep in mind that carbuncle is not so easy to cure. Usually, to eliminate it, doctors prescribe conservative or surgical methods to their patients. The choice of treatment method will depend on the stage of the disease, as well as on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Conservative methods include the use of antibiotics, antiseptics, immunomodulators, as well as the use of various physiotherapy procedures. But the method of surgical intervention will involve opening the carbuncle, as well as its removal and drainage.
Features of conservative treatment
Carbuncle ICD-10 code has LO2. With this code you can find this disease in the International Classification of Diseases.
You can treat carbuncle at home using conservative methods. However, this can only be done if you have contacted a dermatologist, and he allowed you to do this. It is possible to treat carbuncles at home if the inflammation is not very large and is also not on the face. If the focus of inflammation is large enough, and even accompanied by fever and other adverse symptoms, then this suggests that the patient shouldbe admitted to a hospital as a matter of urgency.
So, conservative methods of treatment include the use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs. They are usually applied orally, and if necessary, locally, in the form of chipping inflamed areas. Typically, a course of antibiotic therapy lasts about two weeks. If a person suffers from pain, then the doctor will prescribe analgesics for him. If the drugs were chosen correctly, then the person will feel much better within three days.
Surgical method
Unfortunately, most often patients go to the hospital just when the disease has already acquired an advanced stage. That is, a pustule has already formed (in other words, a purulent head).
We have already learned what code the carbuncle has according to ICD-10. Now let's look at how the process of treatment with the surgical method goes. If the doctor prescribes this method for you, do not be afraid, as the operation will be performed under local anesthesia, so you will not feel anything. Carbuncle removal is carried out in several stages. Consider them in more detail:
- first, the affected area is treated with an anesthetic, and an anesthetic is also injected - "Novocain";
- then an incision is made in the skin directly over the focus itself down to normal, intact tissues;
- then, the entire purulent-necrotic mass is excised;
- after that, the wound is washed with a special antibacterial solution.

If the affected area was very large, perhaps the doctor will prescribe you to undergo a second examination to exclude all kinds of risks. Depending on how the carbuncle looks after surgery, your doctor will tell you how long you need to go for dressings, and also prescribe additional treatment if necessary.
If you have purulent inflammation of the skin, then this indicates that your immune system is disrupted. Looking at the photo, what the carbuncle looks like, you can understand that this disease is caused by strong infectious processes. And they, in turn, appeared in the body for a reason.
As you know, carbuncles occur when the human body cannot resist infections due to a weak immune system. In this case, doctors recommend that their patients, along with antibacterial medicines, take drugs that stimulate the body's defenses. This includes such medicines as "Timogen", "Derinat" and many others. If the case is very severe, the doctor may order the patient to undergo a blood plasma transfusion using anti-staphylococcal antibodies.
In order for the skin to heal as quickly as possible, it is recommended to take vitamins A, C, and B6.
Features of physiotherapy
Carbuncles and abscesses can also be treated with physiotherapy. The use of ultraviolet radiation with antibacterial properties has an excellent healing effect.
KPhysiological methods can also include the use of a laser already during the healing of the carbuncle. Modern techniques are able to minimize the scar. This is especially important in cases where the patient has boils and carbuncles on his face.
Preventive measures
We have already said that the main causes of this disease are considered to be a weak immune system, as well as infection with staphylococcal infection. It is very important to follow preventive measures in order to minimize the risk of carbuncles. Consider which ones:
- Practice regular personal hygiene, as well as wash vegetables and fruits and cook meat and fish thoroughly.
- Watch your diet. Eat only fresh, high-quality foods rich in nutrients. Minimize your sugar intake.
- Keep a close eye on your immune system. Temper, take vitamin complexes, and also go in for sports.
- If you suffer from caries, tonsillitis, pharyngitis or other chronic diseases that can be foci of infections, get rid of them urgently.

Reviews of doctors and patients
According to doctors, many patients go to the hospital with advanced stages of the disease, for the treatment of which surgery is required. However, purulent formation can be eliminated with the help of conservative treatment. The main thing is to go to the hospital as soon as possible.
According topatients, carbuncles bring a lot of suffering. Their occurrence is accompanied by severe pain, as well as increased body temperature and debilitation of the body. Therefore, the hospital should be contacted as soon as possible, otherwise there is a risk of serious consequences for the body.
The presence of a carbuncle is considered a very dangerous condition. It is extremely important to find out what exactly led to its occurrence, and only then begin treatment. Doctors strongly recommend fighting not only the disease itself, but also supporting the activity of the immune system. Only then can you reduce the risk of relapse. Take care of yourself and stay he althy!