Children often have stomach problems. Dysbacteriosis often appears. The tummy can disturb premature, weak children, as well as babies on artificial feeding. How dysbacteriosis in infants is treated is described in the article.
Usually, the disease appears due to malnutrition of the child. This is often associated with overfeeding. Sometimes mothers decide to feed the baby on demand. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the natural needs of the child. The baby can get hungry only a few hours after eating. You don't need to feed him more. If you follow this rule, you will avoid digestive problems.

The appearance of such a state is affected by the immaturity of enzymes, their small number. If there is no complete breakdown of nutrients and microelements, fermentation processes start, which leads to increased gas formation, colic.
The cause of the disease may be underfeeding. If the baby consumes only milk, where there is a lot of lactose, but little fat, thenlikely digestive problems. There is bloating, loose stools. It is necessary to promote the use of milk saturated with fats and lactose. Do not offer another breast until the previous one is completely empty.
The reason for dysbacteriosis is also the transition to another mixture. If artificial feeding, problems appear when trying to replace the mixture. The body produces enzymes needed to digest a mixture with a specific composition.
Digestive problems occur with lactase deficiency. If the amount of this substance is low, then the gastrointestinal tract is not able to cope with the breakdown of the necessary trace elements. To solve this problem, low-lactose mixtures are needed. It is not necessary to frequently change the composition of the mixture that the child consumes every day. The transition to another diet is carried out gradually. Replacement is carried out within a week.
The condition also develops due to the early introduction of complementary foods. If you give your child juices, vegetables, fruits, meat food up to 6 months, then dysfunction of the digestive tract is likely. If characteristic symptoms are identified, it is necessary to start treating dysbacteriosis, adjust the child's menu. Complementary foods should be introduced gradually, you need to choose products according to age. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the body.
Dysbacteriosis can be eliminated by adjusting the diet. If the disease appears with intestinal infections, complex therapeutic treatment is needed. It is necessary not only to apply medicines, but also to strengthen the child's immunity, restore the body to start self-regulation.
Is the disease dangerous?
appearswhether dysbacteriosis in the first year of life? This phenomenon is considered common. Many doctors attribute it to a special condition that needs correction. Dysbacteriosis manifests itself in the form of constipation, diarrhea, allergic rash. These symptoms cause discomfort to the child. As you know, the state of the intestine affects the digestion and well-being of the child, as well as immunity. If the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed, the body's defenses are undermined, it becomes vulnerable to viral infections.

Symptoms and stages
Signs of dysbacteriosis are different for all children. Their severity is determined based on the characteristics of the organism and the displacement of opportunistic bacteria. There are 3 degrees of dysbacteriosis:
- Compensated (first). It reduces the level of bifidobacteria and E. coli. With this disease, the stool changes - mucus impurities, lumps of undigested food appear, it has an unpleasant odor. There is also a decrease in appetite and a slowdown in weight gain. Gas formation also increases.
- Subcompensated (second). At this degree, the level of bifido- and lactobacilli decreases, one of the strains of opportunistic organisms increases. There is a violation of the defecation schedule - constipation or diarrhea, colic appears, the amount of impurities in the feces increases. Babies have profuse regurgitation.
- Medium (third). This stage is characterized by an increase in several strains of opportunistic organisms. Children are usually naughty, do not sleep well. Morethere is nausea, weakness, diarrhea. Anemia appears, dryness of the skin, and weight gain stops.
- Heavy (fourth). With it there are pathogenic bacteria (salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, dysentery, Pseudomonas aeruginosa). Symptoms include loose stools 10-12 times a day, abdominal pain, fever, weight loss.
The degree of the disease is determined by clinical signs and fecal analysis. With any of them, you need to know how to treat dysbacteriosis in infants. Komarovsky believes that at grade 4 it is better to determine a specific infection - salmonellosis, dysentery, etc. Therapy for these ailments is performed in a hospital. How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants in a hospital, the doctor should choose based on the general condition of the patient.
To confirm the presence of an ailment, as well as prescribe treatment, the doctor prescribes research:
- Coprogram. With it, the level of digestion of specific nutrients is established. This study allows you to identify inflammation, confirm their absence.
- Stool culture with the establishment of opportunistic microflora in the laboratory. This study reveals the percentage of obligate bacteria. Their number is set without taking into account the amount of normal microflora.
- Stool culture for dysbacteriosis. This analysis allows you to identify the ratio of pathogenic microflora to normal. The effect of antibiotics on pathological bacteria is revealed.

Tests should be collected whensubject to important rules. During the collection of feces, it must be placed in a clean jar. To obtain accurate data, feces are collected in an amount of 5 g or more, they are handed over on the same day. Samples should not be stored at room temperature. If the baby is prescribed probiotics, then a break in taking these medications is needed before the analysis.
General Therapy
What is the treatment of dysbacteriosis in infants? Treatment involves 2 important steps: reducing opportunistic pathogens and increasing beneficial bacteria. The first goal can be achieved by taking intestinal antiseptics and bacteriophages, and the second - by pro- and prebiotics. In addition, to restore the microflora, you need to adjust the diet.
How to treat dysbacteriosis in a baby to relieve him of unpleasant symptoms? For this, various means are used - Simethicone, Lactulose syrup, rehydration solutions, sorbents. Any remedy should be used after consultation with a specialist, according to Komarovsky. How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants, parents also need to find out from their doctor. Following the recommendations allows you to quickly improve the condition of the child.

How dysbacteriosis in infants is treated depends on the degree of pathology. At the first stage, you need to follow a diet, take prebiotics and sorbents. If grade 2 is detected, the same means are used, as well as probiotics.
How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants with stage 3? Intestinal antiseptics and bacteriophages are used,as well as the above resources. Dysbacteriosis of the 4th degree is a serious ailment. Its treatment is determined by which bacterium led to the pathology. How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants after taking antibiotics, the doctor should decide based on the condition of the child.
Probiotics and prebiotics
What is the treatment of dysbacteriosis in infants? According to doctors, probiotics and prebiotics are effective. Prebiotics are called components that activate the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. In their natural form, they are found in breast milk, cereals, vegetables, fruits. These substances are not broken down in the gastrointestinal tract and are not absorbed into the blood, but are "food" for bacteria. The following drugs are used:
- "Lactulose", "Lactitol".
- Hilak Forte.
Treatment is done with prebiotics in the form of syrups. These are components that include live bacteria. These funds are:
- Multicomponent. Their formula contains strains of Escherichia coli, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Of the effective drugs, Bifikol, Bifiform, Linex are distinguished.
- Single component. Includes microorganisms of the same species. These are Bifidumbacterin, Lactobacterin, Colibacterin.
- Combined. They consist of bacterial strains and immunoglobulin complexes. In the treatment they use "Rioflora immuno", "Bifikol", "Lineks".
- Recombinant. They include live bacteria and genes that regulate the synthesis of interferon, for example, the drug Bifiliz.
- Symbiotic. Presented as a combination of pre- and probiotics. The best representatives are "Bifidobak",Laminolact.
Treatment with probiotics and prebiotics takes 2-4 weeks. Funds are prescribed by the doctor based on the results of the tests.
Use of bacteriophages and antiseptics
This is another answer to the question of how to treat intestinal dysbacteriosis in infants. Bacteriophages are called immunological drugs that have the ability to destroy specific strains of opportunistic bacteria. They are not able to influence the beneficial microflora, and microbes are not able to develop resistance to them.

Bacteriophages are streptococcal, coliproteic, staphylococcal, polyvalent. Medicines are chosen by the doctor based on the results of the tests. These funds are available in the form of solutions. They are taken orally, but for newborns, the rectal route (enema) is used. Treatment lasts 7-10 days.
Intestinal antiseptics are components with antimicrobial activity that act only locally. Helps "Enterofuril". These funds have few side effects, but they should not be used on their own at a young age.
Symptomatic therapy
How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants when different symptoms appear? The method of therapy depends on the symptoms. Symptoms may relate to indigestion and poor absorption of beneficial components. Bacteriophages, pro- and prebiotics affect the cause of the disease, but it takes time to act. To quickly improve well-being, the following drugs are used:
- Medications with simethicone are prescribed for flatulence. This is "Espumizan L", "Sub Simplex". This organic component destroys gas bubbles that stretch the walls of the intestines, and also leads to the removal of excess air.
- From constipation. Effective use of lactulose syrup ("Duphalac"), rectal suppositories with glycerin. These funds improve intestinal motility.
- About dehydration with diarrhea. We need solutions for oral rehydration (Regidron, Citroglucosolan). With them, the water balance is restored.
- From peeling, rash, dry skin. It helps to take multivitamin complexes that compensate for the lack of useful components, as well as ointments, emulsions that can moisturize and disinfect the skin.
How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants at home quickly? An integrated approach is required. Usually, doctors prescribe sorbents - "White Coal", "Smecta", "Enterosgel". They remove toxins and waste products of bacteria.
Treatment with folk remedies
How to treat dysbacteriosis in infants 2 months and older so that the treatment is safe? For this, folk remedies are used, but this must be agreed with the doctor. It will not be possible to remove the causes of the imbalance with phytorecepts, but the symptoms can be eliminated. The following recipes are in demand:
- Cinquefoil. Requires 1 g of dry raw materials and water (10 g per 1 kg of child). The grass is poured into boiling water, and after 3 minutes it is turned off. Infusion is performed for 20–30 minutes, after which filtration is required. The child should be given 1 tsp. 3 timesper day.
- Chamomile. Need 1 tsp. herbs per liter of water. Flowers should be added to boiling water and boiled for 2-3 minutes. Infusion is performed for 1 hour, after which it must be filtered. Give the baby 1 tsp. 5-6 times a day.

Folk methods serve as a supplement to the main therapy. But it will not be possible to completely eliminate dysbacteriosis with them.
How to treat dysbacteriosis in a four-month-old baby? In addition to taking medication, you need to restore nutrition. Dr. Komarovsky insists that the diet be balanced. In case of illness, do not stop lactation. Milk contains the necessary components that support beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract. According to a well-known doctor, at an early stage of dysbacteriosis, breastfeeding is a sufficient measure to restore the condition. At the same time, it is necessary that the mother observe reasonable food rules.
A young mother should not eat a lot of sweet, fatty, spicy, starchy and sour foods. With them, the intestinal mucosa is damaged and fermentation intensifies. From the diet it is necessary to exclude dishes that provoke flatulence - legumes, chocolate, grapes, raw cabbage. The menu should consist of fermented milk products without synthetic additives - natural yogurt, fresh kefir, acidolact.
How to treat dysbacteriosis in an artificial baby? With such feeding, you need to take fermented milk mixtures. Requires a diet rich in live bacteria and prebiotics. Supplementation required as feeding progressesfermented milk dishes with bifidus and lactobacilli. You need to cook them yourself with starter cultures or buy them in a children's dairy kitchen. According to Komarovsky, digestive problems are exacerbated by overfeeding the child and insufficient fluid intake.
If there is no normal bacterial flora, it will be difficult for the digestive system to absorb vitamins, iron, calcium, which are in foods. Therefore, the child will not be able to receive a complex of valuable components from milk during feeding, which are required for full development. With dysbacteriosis, the intestines become irritated by the remnants of incompletely digested food.

Irritation leads to bloating and inflammation of the intestines. Then this condition turns into such an ailment as colitis. With dysbacteriosis, more than one large intestine suffers. Often, the pathogenic flora spreads higher and populates the small intestine. It develops inflammation. This is a complex form of the disease, in which the digestion of food and its absorption are disturbed.
On the forums you can find many answers from mothers to the question of how they treated dysbacteriosis in infants. Reviews on this matter may be different. But you need to use only those methods of treatment that the doctor has prescribed. And in order to prevent this disease, preventive measures are needed:
- It is necessary to adjust the microflora of the genital organs during pregnancy.
- The nutrition of the expectant mother should be balanced.
- Breastfeeding shouldbe carried out from the first minutes and continue up to 3–6 months, and preferably up to 1–2 years.
- Use adapted milk formulas, not goat's or cow's milk.
- Intestinal infections need to be properly treated.
- Required timely introduction of complementary foods.
- Probiotics should be taken during the course of antibiotic therapy for the child and mother.
Dysbacteriosis in infants is a common occurrence that needs to be treated carefully. With a mild degree of illness, drug therapy is not required - you just need to restore the proper nutrition of the child. And with advanced dysbacteriosis, they take pro-, prebiotics, bacteriophages, symptomatic medications. And breastfeeding acts as a prevention of digestive problems.