Few people can immediately answer how the bladder hurts. Symptoms in women can vary greatly. But it is worth replacing this concept with a more familiar one - cystitis, and immediately everything becomes clear. This is an acute or chronic disease in which patients experience severe pain. Most often, this pathology develops in the fair sex.

Varieties of cystitis
Let's touch on this issue a bit in order to understand how this form differs from all the others. To date, allocate:
- Infectious cystitis caused by a bacterial lesion. Most often, E. coli enters the bladder.
- Viral cystitis. The most common cause is a general weakening of the immune system. In this case, the virus infects the urinary system.
- Fungus form. In this case, the organ is damaged by a fungusCandida.
But besides this, there are non-infectious types of cystitis. Each of them can also cause a woman's bladder to hurt. Symptoms may vary, so here is another classification.
- Medicated cystitis. This usually happens if inappropriate drugs are prescribed. That is, the problem is not caused by a bacterial lesion.
- Allergic cystitis. This is the result of exposure to antigens, which can be products, detergents, drugs.
- Interstitial pathology. In this case, the classic inflammation of the bladder is absent. In women, the bladder hurts with any of these types of the disease, so the task of the doctor is to find out the true causes.

Signs of cystitis
To ask for help in time, you need to be aware that the situation is really serious, and not wait for everything to go away on its own. This is especially true of delicate and fragile women. How do you know if you have cystitis? You just need to listen to your body and use less painkillers. In most cases, the symptoms are:
- The constant urge to go to the toilet. At the same time, the volume of released liquid is minimal.
- Burning in the urethra when urinating.
- Pain in the pelvis, pubis. Someone describes it as a heaviness in the lower abdomen. For others, the pain is burning and sharp.
- Severe weakness.
The first symptoms of cystitis in girls shouldalert. But within a few days it is permissible to try to remove them with decoctions of chamomile and lingonberries, warm foot baths.
Complications of the course of the disease
At the same time, you need to observe the process of urination. Signs of cystitis in women (a photo of the results of laboratory diagnostics is presented below) may be visible to the patient himself. In particular, it is quite easy to evaluate such physical indicators as color. With cystitis, the urine darkens, turbidity is clearly visible in it. For primary diagnosis, it is enough to collect urine in a transparent jar and place it against the background of a sheet of white paper. Impurity, turbidity, blood and pus will be visible to the naked eye.
Sometimes the kidneys start to suffer. In this case, pain from the lower abdomen spreads or passes to the lumbar region. Symptoms of inflammation of the kidneys are manifested not only by pain in the lower back, but also by high fever, vomiting and nausea.

Acute cystitis
Sometimes the signs of a disease accompany a person for years, but are not too pronounced. It is difficult to say whether this is good or bad, because the disease in this case is not given enough attention. Let's start with how the bladder hurts in acute cystitis. Signs in women can appear rapidly and rapidly intensify. It is soreness, cramps during urination. This alone is enough to see a doctor, because going to the toilet is very painful, and the desire to return there appears within a few minutes afterexit.
The general condition in acute cystitis is unsatisfactory. Symptoms of intoxication are observed against the background of headache and nausea, muscle aches and weakness. In some cases, blotches of blood in the urine are visually determined. The shade can be from light pink to burgundy or brown. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed, as well as painkillers and antispasmodics. Additionally, it is recommended to take decoctions of medicinal herbs, such as cranberries and chamomile. Such a scheme is able to alleviate the patient's condition within two to three days. But stop taking the drugs until the moment when the tests confirm the cure of the patient.

Chronic cystitis
Usually it is a consequence of the fact that mistakes were made in the treatment of the acute form. Most likely, the patient removed the symptoms and abandoned therapy. As a result, bacteria not only continue their activity, but also cease to be susceptible to drugs. There is another sad fact: if the treatment is not completed, the lining of the bladder is not restored.
Such negligence leads to the development of chronicles. The disease is now difficult to correct, and the most insignificant provoking factors lead to an increase in symptoms. Usually, in the chronic form, a person in remission does not realize that the inflammatory process persists in the bladder. And only in moments of exacerbations (several times a year) does he wonder where he managed to catch a cold again. During these periods one can observeall symptoms of acute cystitis. Wet feet, returned home in a cold bus, stood longer than expected at the bus stop - you can take pills. The prospect is unenviable, but there is no choice.
The main method is drug therapy. A study of numerous reviews has shown that traditional medicine is good as a concomitant or auxiliary treatment, for prevention or in the most mild cases. Only a doctor can assess the degree of damage and select adequate therapy.
The type of drugs selected will depend on the nature of the disease. That is why diagnosis is so important. If the problem is caused by the vital activity of bacteria, then antibiotics should be used. Fungi cause concern - fungicides will help. Today there is a drug based on natural, herbal ingredients, which has shown high efficiency in chronic cystitis. This is "Canephron" - a drug that has received thousands of positive reviews. Soft yet very effective.

Support activities
Doctors emphasize the importance of not only medication, but also lifestyle changes. Judging by the reviews of patients, only with an integrated approach can a complete cure be achieved. Which means:
- Full course of drugs prescribed by a doctor.
- Mandatory diet. Limit foods that irritate the bladder. These are spicy, s alty and smoked foods.
- Requiredplentiful drink. It is best if it is not just water, but decoctions of herbs.
Difficulties in diagnosis
Unfortunately, cystitis is only one of the possible causes. Therefore, if the bladder hurts in women, the symptoms should be studied very carefully, be sure to supplement them with laboratory tests. In fact, confusing cystitis with other diseases is quite difficult. It is characterized by the appearance of pain and pain during urination.
Treatment in this case consists primarily in the search for pathogens. For this, a bacteriological examination of urine is performed. After that, the most appropriate drugs are selected. For example, Fosfomycin, as well as uroseptics like Furagin. Antispasmodics complement the therapy, for example "No-shpa".

Gynecological diseases
Visit a gynecologist, too, will not be superfluous. This allows you to conduct an accurate examination and identify the real causes of pain in the bladder in a woman. Symptoms in this case are usually supplemented by vaginal discharge, pain during intercourse, burning in the vagina. The intensity can be different, it all depends on the pathogen and the reasons.
If the bladder hurts because of problems in gynecology, then treatment should be directed to the treatment of the pathology that caused it. If the gynecologist did not find any problems, then you need to be examined by a nephrologist. If the pain was caused by the presence of an inflammatory process in the urogenital area, are prescribedanti-inflammatory agents. To date, the most effective can be considered "Monural", "Cyston", "Nolitsin". Do not forget that the effectiveness of self-treatment is doubtful. It is far better to seek professional help.

The importance of timely diagnosis
Not always and not all problems can be solved with the help of pills. That is why you need to get together in the clinic and try to describe the disturbing symptoms to the doctor. Where the bladder hurts in women, it seems clear - in the lower abdomen. But the pain can also be given to the lower back, go to the right or left. Therefore, during palpation, a specialist has to draw conclusions, build hypotheses and prescribe further examination.
If a disease such as apoplexy becomes the cause of pain, surgery becomes the main method of treatment. In general, I would like to emphasize once again that if a woman has a bladder pain, the symptoms can be both bright and blurry. Often, the only thing you can feel for sure is frequent or painful urination. Before making a diagnosis and proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to conduct an examination. To do this, the patient takes tests, on the basis of which the specialist makes a conclusion and selects drugs.
Instead of a conclusion
Diseases of the urogenital area can be included in the number of the most common. At the initial stages, they are cured easily and simply, but it is worth tightening, as they turn into a chronic form. Therefore, you should not save onyour he alth. The time you spend on a visit to the doctor will more than pay off, as you will return to normal life very soon.