Abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children: possible diseases, first aid, treatment methods

Abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children: possible diseases, first aid, treatment methods
Abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children: possible diseases, first aid, treatment methods

Parents are concerned about the he alth of their children. Many ailments are waiting for babies. Quite often there are conditions accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children. Possible diseases that can provoke such a condition will be described in this article. We will also discuss therapies that will help restore the he alth of babies.

timely treatment
timely treatment

Common causes of illness

Abdominal pain, fever and vomiting in children - what are the causes of this condition?

  1. Acute intestinal infection. Another name for the disease is food poisoning. When contaminated food enters the child's body, symptoms begin to appear. The development of the disease is acute. The first symptoms are abdominal pain and vomiting. Every day the baby's condition worsens.
  2. Viral infections of ENT organs. The first symptoms are cough and runny nose. As the temperature rises, the childcomplain of abdominal pain and nausea. After a while, vomiting may develop.
viral infection cause disease
viral infection cause disease

Other reasons

We continue to discuss the causes of abdominal pain, fever and vomiting in children.

  1. Appendicitis. There is inflammation of the process. The development of the disease is acute, especially for children. Signs of pathology - severe pain in the abdomen, when walking, pain appears in the right side. The stool frequency is disturbed, the temperature rises, the pain goes to the lumbar region.
  2. Cholecystitis. There is an inflammatory process in the gastric bladder. It provokes the appearance of the disease staphylococcus aureus. The onset of the disease is acute. Most often occurs at night. Signs - a sharp pain in the lower back and shoulder blade. After a while, abdominal pains appear, vomiting occurs.
  3. Gastritis. The mucous area of the stomach is inflamed. The disease most often manifests itself with a weakened immune system. Children are often exposed to stress. Baby's first complaint is stomach pain.
  4. Ulcer. Chronic illness. Develops quickly and gives complications. Symptoms - abdominal pain, problems with stools, fever. Vomiting may occur.
  5. Intestinal obstruction. This pathology can be congenital or acquired. The symptoms are constipation, abdominal pain and enlargement. In the feces, impurities of blood and mucus are visible. There is vomiting. After an attack, the baby's condition does not improve.

These are the reasons that can cause pathology. Dysentery is also possible. in Moscow, asand in other cities of the Russian Federation, occurs in the hot period.

Not peritoneal disease?

drink a lot of water
drink a lot of water

As noted above, abdominal pain, fever, nausea can occur with bacterial and viral infections. These include tonsillitis, whooping cough, SARS, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, scarlet fever and others. This inflames the peritoneal lymph nodes.

Stressful situations can also cause abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children. Most often, babies are emotional and impressionable. Additional symptoms are headache, confusion, hallucinations, malaise and lethargy.

If the child's stomach does not stop hurting, the temperature rises, nausea and vomiting appear, you must act quickly. Even the slightest delay can cause irreparable consequences.

First Aid

After the appearance of severe abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children, first aid should be provided immediately. Immediately call an ambulance or at least call a doctor. Tell the specialist everything about the child's condition. He will give you advice on how to behave and what to do. Before the ambulance arrives:

  1. Give baby some water.
  2. An antipyretic drug (Ibuprofen, Paracetamol) will help with fever and vomiting.
  3. Lay your child on the bed, put a high pillow under your head. If suddenly vomiting starts, the child will not choke.
  4. With severe abdominal pain that the baby cannot tolerate,give him No-Shpu.

What not to do?

  1. Self-lavage the stomach.
  2. Feed after vomiting (it is better not to give food for 6 hours).
  3. It is forbidden to put a heating pad or ice on the stomach to relieve pain.

Following these recommendations, you will help your child. However, this does not mean that you can treat your baby without a doctor's recommendation.

Acetonemic syndrome

This is a condition caused by a metabolic disorder and the formation of ketone bodies in the baby's blood. That is, the baby's body does not have enough carbohydrates or excess fatty acids, which cause intoxication.

Only mom can help
Only mom can help

Factors causing this condition should also include:

  • insufficient amount of liver enzymes involved in oxidation processes;
  • decrease in ketolysis;
  • impaired water-electrolyte balance and acid-base balance;
  • stress and pain;
  • infections;
  • starvation, overeating;
  • eating a lot of protein and fatty foods.

What are the symptoms of acetonemic syndrome in children?

  • hyperexcitability and fearfulness;
  • restless sleep and nervousness;
  • specific smell from the mouth.

Frequent acetonemic crises can develop suddenly. Sometimes they are accompanied by harbingers: lethargy, lack of appetite, nausea, headache.

The crisis is accompanied byincessant vomiting, signs of intoxication, muscle hypotension, pale skin with a painful blush on the cheeks. There is drowsiness, weakness, convulsions and meningeal symptoms, fever, abdominal pain, smell of acetone from the mouth, diarrhea or constipation.

A disease appears most often in children of two to three years. By the age of seven, seizures become more frequent, and by the age of thirteen (puberty) they disappear.

Treatment of acetone syndrome

What are the treatments for abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children?

bad symptom
bad symptom

With this illness, hospitalization of the child is mandatory. Power adjustments are being made. The amount of fat is limited, easily digestible carbohydrates are introduced into the diet. The patient should drink frequently, but in small quantities.

Cleansing enema (sodium bicarbonate solution) is given. There is a neutralization of ketone bodies located in the intestines.

Oral rehydration for this disease is carried out using alkaline mineral water and combined solutions.

In case of pronounced dehydration, infusion therapy is prescribed. Intravenous administration of glucose 5% and saline solutions.

With timely and proper treatment, the crisis disappears on the fifth day.

Determining the diagnosis

One of the ways to diagnose the disease is a biochemical blood test. The norm and interpretation of the results will help determine the cause of the disease. A procedure is prescribed if accurate and extended information about the child's he alth is required. Analysisnecessary not only for a thorough examination, but also for monitoring the treatment process.

The procedure is carried out on a special device - the analyzer.

So, here is a blood test table with a breakdown and norms for children of different ages.

Indicator Normal in newborns Norm in children from 2 to 12 months Norm in children older than a year
Total protein (g/l) 45 to 70 51 to 73

under 2 years – 56-75

over 2 years old – 62-82

Albumin (g/l) 30 to 45 35 to 50 37-55
Globulins (g/l) 25 to 35 25 to 35 25 to 35
Bilirubin total µmol/L 17-68 8, 5-21, 4 8, 5-21, 4
Glucose µmol/L 1, 7-4, 7 3, 3-6, 1 3, 3-6, 1
Creatinine µmol/L 35 to 110 35 to 110 35 to 110
Urea µmol/L 2.5 to 4.5 3, 3 to 5, 8 4, 3 to 7, 3

These are the main indicators of a biochemical blood test. Deciphering and norms of indicators will help to determine deviations even without a medical education. This procedure may be repeated if the doctor is in doubt.

Data decryption

Indicator Above normal Below normal
Total protein Autoimmune diseases, extensive burns, infections, tumors Inflammatory processes, diseases of the liver and intestines, intoxication, exhaustion, kidney disease
Albumins Major burns, dehydration Malabsorption syndrome, gastrointestinal diseases, starvation
Globulins Inflammatory processes, infections Diseases of the liver, kidneys, hemolytic anemia
Glucose Diabetes mellitus, liver disease Improper diet, insulinoma, starvation
Creatinine Use of certain drugs, kidney disease
Urea Intestinal obstruction, malnutrition, gastrointestinal bleeding Lack of protein in food, liver damage

One biochemical analysis cannot tell about the he alth of the baby. Additional procedures are prescribed: ultrasound,computed tomography, urinalysis, etc.


Pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting in children - what should parents do in this case?

It must be remembered that dehydration occurs during illness. It can cause great harm to the baby. That is why the child needs to be given water often, but in small portions.

There should always be "Rehydron" in the first aid kit. A tool designed just for such cases. The powder is diluted in warm water, given to the child once every fifteen minutes. Thanks to this drug, the s alt balance is restored.

In case of an infectious cause of the problem, activated charcoal or "Smekta" will help. "Enterosgel" or "Polysorb" is able to eliminate intoxication.

After vomiting, it is urgent to restore the microflora of the stomach. What drugs to use, the pediatrician will tell you. He will prescribe medicines that will help get rid of pathogenic bacteria.

The opinion of some experts is this: for pain in the abdomen, fever, vomiting in children, painkillers should not be given.

Getting rid of illness at home

Of course, if symptoms of a pathology are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. But you can try the treatment at home:

  • child should get more rest and drink;
  • do not give your baby solid food;
  • with pain in the abdomen and vomiting, watch the child; if his condition worsens, call an ambulance;
  • do not forget about the diet; do not give your baby soda and sweets;
  • boiled water and milk are prohibited for babies - they provoke an imbalance in the s alt balance.
should drink a lot
should drink a lot

Potato juice and honey relieve gastritis and ulcers if they caused these symptoms. Pour water, grate potatoes there. You are filtering everything. Add some honey to the juice. The drink is put in the refrigerator for several hours. Let's drink to the baby on an empty stomach before going to bed.

Chamomile and plantain will relieve severe pain. The leaves of chamomile and plantain are mixed. Filled with water and put on fire. The mixture is brought to a boil and boiled for thirty minutes over low heat. Four hours insisted. The child drinks the solution six times a day.

a decoction is prepared from plantain
a decoction is prepared from plantain


Children are prone to various diseases, including such dangerous ones as dysentery. In Moscow, she continues to meet during the hot period. If you experience these symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.
