In this article we will consider the methods of treatment of varicocele. What is this pathology?
Among the diseases that are unique to men at any age, varicocele is considered especially common, or in another way this pathology is called testicular vein varicose veins. This disease is formed under the influence of various factors, whether it is congenital, caused by a genetic predisposition, or acquired forms resulting from excessive physical exertion. But patients are not so much interested in the underlying causes of this disease as the question of whether it is possible to treat varicocele without surgery?

Causes of varicocele
The main cause of the disease is heredity due to congenital weakness of the vascular walls. Up to a certain point, a man may not be aware of the course of this disease in him until he encountersprovoking factors. These are usually:
- Making the wrong diet.
- Having an addiction to various bad habits. In this case, the most common cause is the abuse of alcohol and alcoholic beverages.
- Having a weak or, conversely, too active sex life.
- Being sedentary and sedentary.
How varicocele manifests itself
This disease is usually characterized by malnutrition of the testis, which can subsequently lead to testicular atrophy. The venous vessels that are around the testicle can increase in size and interfere with normal blood outflow. In the absence of therapy at an early stage of the formation of this disease, undesirable consequences are possible, among which infertility is often found along with impotence. Therefore, in the presence of the first signs of varicocele, a man must necessarily undergo a thorough examination with treatment. This disease has several following stages of development. Moreover, each of them can manifest itself in its own way:
- At first, no symptoms bother the patient, even ordinary palpation cannot reveal signs of the disease.
- Further, in the later stages, there are usually dull, and at the same time, pulling pains in the scrotum, along with a feeling of discomfort and heaviness in it. At the same time, all pain sensations are characterized by a changeable and transient nature, which delays the timely visit to a specialist and the start of treatment for varicocele.

Non-surgical techniques or how to deal with varicocele
The main goal of therapy is the maximum restoration of the normal venous state in a man. Any stage of varicocele should be subject to mandatory medical intervention. The sooner the patient turns to the doctor and undergoes treatment, the easier it will be to deal with the main factors of this pathology. Treatment directly depends on the results of the examination, in this regard, only one complaint of a man is not enough to make a diagnosis. Examination of the patient includes not only palpation, but also a procedure for performing ultraviolet radiation of the scrotum along with Doppler ultrasound, carried out in two stages: in the supine position and then standing.
Treatment of varicocele without surgery is one of the ways to combat this pathology. It should be noted that many experts believe that the first stage of this disease does not require any treatment at all. And in order to eliminate the symptoms, the patient is advised to follow only some preventive recommendations, which are to normalize bowel function and avoid excessive physical activity, which can put pressure on the veins. Talking about non-surgical methods of treating varicocele in men, usually experts mean the following techniques:
- Sclerotherapy.
- Performing embolization.
This procedure is characterized by the injection of a component such as a sclerosant into the testicular vein, whichcauses occlusion of the vessel lumen. Against the background of such manipulation, doctors observe the cessation of reverse venous blood flow to the testicle along with a gradual subsidence of the manifestations of the disease. The sclerotherapy technique is performed under local anesthesia, due to which the patient absolutely does not feel any pain. The advantage of this procedure is that the patient does not need hospitalization, and can return home after sclerotherapy on the same day.
What else does varicocele treatment involve?
Performing embolization as part of therapy
Embolization involves inserting a small thin catheter into the testicular vein, through which an embolization coil is inserted into it, which blocks the blood flow. This procedure consists in the fact that the puncture of the right femoral vein is first performed. Then a flexible metal conductor is inserted into this vein, through which a special catheter is passed. This catheter first passes through the femoral vein, and then enters the inferior vena cava, and later into the left renal vein. With the help of a radiopaque substance, doctors carry out the embolization procedure. The benefits of the varicocele embolization procedure are as follows:
- This operation is performed under local anesthesia.
- The operation is performed without any incisions in the skin.
- There are no cosmetic defects after embolization.
- After embolization, there is a lower frequency of recurrence of varicocele.
- Directly during the procedure, there is no pain.
- Procedureinvolves a three-day hospital stay.
Which of the current non-surgical methods of treating varicocele in men is suitable for a particular patient, is determined only by the attending physician, who is based on the results of the examination and the clinical picture of this disease.
Excellent effect in the treatment has massage, which is used as an aid. During the massage, patients are placed in a position against which the pelvis should be in an elevated state. This is necessary to improve blood flow. The massage technique primarily involves performing movements in such a way that they do not provoke or cause pain.
Treatment of varicocele in adolescents suggests this too. You will need to reconsider your daily routine, eat right, exercise in moderation, wear special slimming underwear.

Surgical therapy
Despite the wide prevalence, and at the same time the effectiveness of the above non-surgical methods of treating varicocele, surgery is still required at the last stage of this disease. Thus, the operation is prescribed in the presence of the following factors:
- Development of male infertility.
- Presence of progressive pathological changes in spermogram parameters.
- Appearance of pain in the scrotum area, which increases with physical exertion.
- The appearance of changesin the consistency of a testicle.
- A noticeable reduction in testicle size.
The operation is performed by various methods. For example, traditional surgery is used, as well as endoscopic and X-ray endovascular techniques. It is important to note that absolutely all surgical options are aimed at removing the affected veins.
Varicocele is also treated with folk remedies.
Use of folk remedies
Treatment with folk methods traditionally comes down to the use of various medicinal herbs. And a disease such as varicocele is no exception. Against the background of this pathology, patients are recommended, first of all, those means that improve the condition of the vessels. Alternative treatment of varicocele can be very effective.
Herbs can be used both internally and externally, for example, in the form of compresses and baths. Most often, in the framework of traditional medicine, remedies such as oak bark along with lemon, hazel leaves, lemon balm, rosemary and chamomile are used to treat this disease. In addition to these plants, in the treatment of varicocele, the fruits of horse chestnut, bitter wormwood, and in addition, yarrow, along with string, white acacia flowers, thyme and mumiyo, have proven themselves well.
Treatment of varicocele in men treatment without surgery should be under the supervision of a specialist.
Use of aromatherapy for varicocele
As part of the aromatherapy of this disease, essential oils of cypress, lime, lemon and lemon balm are widely used. Also suitable oils are myrtle, juniper, rosemary,sandalwood, yarrow, arborvitae and tea tree. For aromatic lamps, they usually take from three to seven drops of essential oil per 15 square meters of the room. Approximately the same number of drops are used for baths. The number of drops also directly depends on the oil itself and the person's perception of smell. It should be noted that some flavors may be pleasant, but some may not. In this case, you should listen to your feelings and sensations, as the body knows best of all what it needs.

Regardless of the method of treating varicocele without surgery, it is best that the therapy is complex. In addition to the main medical treatment, it is best to use everything: herbs, oils, and gymnastics. In addition, it is very important not to dwell on the problem. Also, one should not expect quick results, since the recovery of the body after non-surgical treatment of this disease can be long.
Next, consider additional non-surgical methods for treating the symptoms of varicocele in the form of exercise and massage.
Exercise and massage for varicocele

In the event that it is possible to cure the ailment in question without surgical intervention, special physical exercises along with testicular massage for varicocele will be a good technique. Such exercises are primarily aimed at stimulating venous cleansing. This gymnastics will contribute to blood outflow from the venousplexus. Thanks to the right physical activity, varicocele, which is in an undeveloped state, can disappear. So, these exercises involve doing the following:
- While standing, you need to stretch on your toes just two centimeters from the floor, and then you need to abruptly return to the starting position. After ten to fifteen repetitions, the patient needs to rest for about ten seconds, and then repeat this complex again. This exercise should be done calmly and slowly. In total, only three sessions in a row are required. It will take no more than sixty times to do this exercise per day.
- Massage of the testicles against the background of varicocele is a fairly effective method of treatment, especially in the first and second stages of this disease. The man should lie on his back, slightly raising the pelvis so that there is a natural outflow of blood from the spermatic cord. Massage movements should not be performed very strongly. It is very important not to cause pain with discomfort while touching the testicles. Excessive pressure can lead to additional problems. I must say that in this case it is best to use the service of a professional clinical massage of the testicles.

Using homeopathy
Treatment of varicocele without surgical intervention with folk remedies is carried out, among other things, with the help of homeopathic preparations. Despite the fact that they are not classified as traditional medicine today, most of these drugs havepronounced therapeutic properties. This allows them to be useful for patients suffering from first or second degree varicocele. Thanks to these drugs, men can avoid unpleasant invasive interventions.
The composition of a significant amount of homeopathic remedies contains, as a rule, the roots of plants, or their flowers and leaves, and in addition, products of animal origin. Such drugs are of good service in the framework of postoperative care for patients, as they usually have a beneficial effect on the state of human immunity. True, homeopathic remedies are strongly recommended not to be used in situations where the varicocele does not yet cause any pain.
We looked at the symptoms and treatment of varicocele in men. Next, let's talk about the prevention of this disease.

Prevention of varicocele
In general, in order not to puzzle in the future about how to treat varicocele - in the clinic or at home, you should generally avoid the appearance of this disease. Of course, in some situations this will not work, especially if there is a genetic predisposition or a congenital anomaly of the vessels. But still, it is extremely important to take care of your he alth by visiting a doctor regularly.
Urologist visits for men should be the rule, not the exception. The best prevention of this disease is an active lifestyle along with sports, a balanced diet and an orderly sexual life. Besidesmen should not wear tight or tight underwear.