We will talk about the reasons for the strange feeling in the head in the article. It is impossible to say exactly what each patient who voices such a complaint to the attending doctor means. This can manifest itself as dizziness, increased or decreased pressure, along with dull painful sensations that cause fog before the eyes and drowsiness. Such a state prevents one from doing ordinary things, does not allow one to concentrate, and, in addition, to perform one's work duties. Sometimes a strange sensation in the head can go away on its own if a person is distracted from work, takes a walk in the fresh air or sleeps. But it also happens that it becomes the first symptoms of serious ailments of the vessels or the brain.

When this condition occurs, people may experience a feeling of heavy head along with the presence of weakness. In this case, a visit to the doctor is considered mandatory. The most common symptomatology is associated with problems of the cervicaldepartment. In this case, people may seem to be lost for a few seconds or feel a tingling on the skin.
Strange sensations in the head with cervical osteochondrosis may occur. It should be noted that the exacerbation of this pathology is provoked by an increase in intracranial pressure. The degenerative change in the vertebral discs in people increases greatly with age, as part of the movement, the nerve roots can be pinched. To prevent pain, they try to keep the neck in a special state.
Static worsens blood flow, instability of metabolic processes provokes oxygen starvation in the brain, in connection with this, there are complaints that an incomprehensible sensation constantly arises in the head, it becomes cotton, making it difficult to concentrate. "Fog in the head" - this is how people express themselves when they have impaired coordination of movements.
Other reasons
In addition to osteochondrosis, there are other causes of a strange sensation in the head:
- The constant work of a person at a computer along with stressful situations and infectious diseases.
- Influence of intoxication and allergic reactions.
- Presence of a skull injury.
The tendency to dizziness appears with the development of Meniere's disease, which is a lesion of the ear labyrinth. The same is true for brain tumors. Even minor bruises can cause heaviness in the head, but whiplash injuries are considered the most dangerous. Often they occur in moving vehicles, mainly in cars. You don't have to be in an accident to get this kind of damage.

Dislocations and subluxations
At the doctor's appointment, complaints are not uncommon: "I have a strange feeling in my head, as if I am lost." Sharp jerks that cause unexpected cervical movement injure muscles and can lead to dislocations or subluxations of the spine in the neck area. In the future, the blood flow is clamped and there is heaviness, a strange sensation and concomitant weakness. All this forces to limit the amplitude of head movement. Soreness can be in absolutely any area of \u200b\u200bthe brain at different times of the day. Symptoms are aggravated by bending and turning the neck.
Strange feeling in head like dizziness
Separately, it is necessary to consider why people feel dizzy? The following factors cause this phenomenon:
- Osteochondrosis of the spine along with vestibular neuronitis.
- Ménière's disease, and, in addition, injuries to the temporal centers.
- Eardrum destruction of various etiologies.
- The effect of respiratory failure, which can be caused by the common cold.
- Strokes and migraines.
Many nervous diseases with infectious processes are accompanied by weakness, nausea, dizziness, especially as part of the deterioration and the occurrence of high temperature. As you can see, just such a symptom - a strange sensation in the head - is simply impossible to make a diagnosis.
Treatment and safest drugs
In order not to bypass the strange sensation in the head, first of all it is necessarythink about pressure. After the measurement is made, drugs are used that normalize it. A slight deviation from the usual indicators can be corrected. For example, if it is low, then they use ginseng tincture, a cup of coffee or a piece of chocolate, and if it is high, a glass of green tea with chokeberry jam is suitable, and, in addition, hawthorn tincture. When it differs significantly from the usual, then the use of medicines is required.

Drugs "from pressure" and "for such" have an individual effect on the body, and it takes a certain time to select "your medicine". When, finally, it is possible to find such a drug, a strange sensation in the head will definitely not disturb.
If unpleasant symptoms are disturbing periodically, and the pressure at the same time the person is stable, then antispasmodics will help eliminate discomfort. Massage helps to relieve dizziness, which you can quite learn to do on your own. Such an impact should be started from the neck, gradually rising up the back of the head directly to the crown of the head.
What else can you do? It is necessary to be in the fresh air as much as possible, doing special gymnastics for the neck, as well as swimming in the pool. All these measures are aimed at improving blood flow in the cervical region of the spine.

Cervical osteochondrosis
It is worth saying that this is a world-class pathology, because it affects all over the earthSharu (from forty to ninety percent of the population). This disease in most cases is found in people in adulthood, after thirty years. Back pain in everyday life is often attributed to this disease.
In medicine, this disease is referred to as a tissue lesion of the spine, which is degenerative and dystrophic. Osteochondrosis is accompanied by lesions of the intervertebral discs, articular surface, ligaments and vertebral bodies. As a rule, if it is present, the ligamentous apparatus and bones are first affected.

The causes of the development of such a disease are many factors, and they are numerous and not always easy to determine. People are approaching the development of osteochondrosis with a sedentary lifestyle, which is now very common.
Besides this, excess weight with bad habits (especially smoking), malnutrition, flat feet, heavy physical exertion and poor posture have an impact. A spinal injury may well contribute to the occurrence of osteochondrosis, and the disease can also develop through the presence of a genetic predisposition in a person.
On the scalp
Patients often complain of strange sensations in the scalp. This feeling manifests itself in the form of a tingling sensation on the skin surface and crawling along it. In this case, the sensitivity of the cover decreases. Such a sign is unpleasant and causes some discomfort to the person.
This may cause swelling along with a burning sensation,inability to control facial expressions and control facial muscles. In addition, a person may even lose taste sensations for a while. This condition is usually temporary. In severe situations, the occurrence of numbness can cause facial paralysis. So why do people get a strange sensation on their scalp (hypesthesia) and what are the causes?

Causes of hypoesthesia
The main factors include nerve compression along with cranial and brain injuries, brain tumor, Bell's palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, transient ischemia, severe migraines, cervical osteochondrosis and side effects from all kinds of medications.
Nuances of treatment
How is a strange sensation in the head and neurosis treated? After establishing the cause, patients often calm down and do not take any measures that would help improve their own condition. They take pills when dizziness occurs with weakness, fog before the eyes. Cervical osteochondrosis (when there is no vertebral hernia) can be easily stopped by increasing motor activity, normalizing the work regime and rational nutrition.

With strange sensations inside the head for a couple of seconds, you should not neglect massage and physiotherapy at all. All these measures well normalize the blood supply. Each drug provokes addiction, after its use there are side effects that affect others.body systems. Thus, if the problem can be solved without the use of medicines, then this opportunity should be taken.