Causes and symptoms of derealization. How to get rid of the derealization syndrome?

Causes and symptoms of derealization. How to get rid of the derealization syndrome?
Causes and symptoms of derealization. How to get rid of the derealization syndrome?

Our psyche is so deep and multifaceted that there is no end to its study. Only scientists will deal with one riddle, she throws up new ones. So, relatively recently, derealization appeared in the list of problems that psychology deals with. This term was introduced at the end of the last century, and the first description of such a phenomenon was made in 1873 by the psychiatrist M. Crisgaber. During this time, the symptoms of derealization and the causes of its occurrence have been studied quite well and effective methods of treatment have been developed. However, derealization remains one of the most interesting phenomena in psychology, causing a lot of scientific disputes and discussions.

Derealization: what is it?

Understanding this term is easy if you remember that the prefix "de" in many words means opposition, cancellation, absence, exclusion. For example, encryption - decryption, mobilization - demobilization. That is, derealization means opposition, exclusion of reality.

derealization symptoms
derealization symptoms

In medicine, this term is explained as such a state of the human psyche, in which the perception of the surrounding reality is disturbed, and the ordinary world and the mostsimple everyday things begin to be seen from a completely different angle. Some experts associate derealization with depersonalization, calling it allopsychic depersonalization, while others do not see much difference between these two states. This point of view is confirmed by the fact that many symptoms of derealization and depersonalization are identical. As such, this condition is not considered a disease. Doctors are more inclined to believe that this is a unique protective mechanism of the human psyche, which helps maintain stable brain function in certain extreme situations that develop in life.


Few people in life have not had events that could "unsettle", plunge into despair, lead to mental disorders. But not everyone, under the weight of circumstances, began derealization. Or maybe we all have such a phenomenon, we just don’t know about it? To understand, you need to know the symptoms of derealization. In this state, there are changes in the perception of such things:

- colors;

- sounds;

- smells;

- time;

- space;

- touch;

- surrounding objects;

- daily activities;

- my self.

how to get rid of derealization
how to get rid of derealization

That is, a person sees, feels, understands all this, but not in the same way as always. The most interesting thing is that those suffering from derealization are absolutely adequate and are well aware that they are, as it were, lost in space and in reality. This further exacerbates them.mental disorder. Sometimes the symptoms of derealization can be "déjà vu" or its opposite - "never knew anything like this."

Distinguishing derealization from other mental illnesses

According to medical statistics, about 3% of the world's population suffers from derealization to one degree or another. In patients with schizophrenia, this is one of the main signs of the disease. Symptoms of derealization are noted in almost every drug addict who is "under the dose".

And yet, this state of mind is different from similar diseases. So, during derealization, there are no visions of non-existent objects or actions, as with hallucinations. Also, there are no illusions about what is seen and heard. Dereazization differs from schizophrenia in the absence of any manias, mental automatism of obsessions.


It is almost completely proven that residents of megacities are more prone to derealization than small towns and villages. Numerous studies of this problem have revealed that suspicious, impressionable, anxious and overly emotional people most often experience derealization.

derealization treatment
derealization treatment

The reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

- transferred stress;

- regular lack of sleep, work, as they say, to wear out;

- deprivation (suppression of desires big and small);

- impossibility to carry out the plan;

- depression, loneliness;

- taking psychotropic drugs;

- panic caused by extraordinary events;

- some diseases (vegetovascular dystonia, neuroses and others).

Derealization and cervical osteochondrosis

In some diseases, such a mental disorder as derealization can also be observed, with cervical osteochondrosis, for example. This disease is characterized by damage to the intervertebral discs in the cervical region. Often this leads to pinching of nerve endings and blood vessels, which, in turn, contributes to the appearance of symptoms of derealization. Cervical osteochondrosis is provoked by: incorrect position of the head on the pillow, neck injuries, stoop or scoliosis, regular forced holding of the neck and head in uncomfortable positions (for example, at work). If derealization is associated specifically with cervical osteochondrosis, the patient is prescribed appropriate treatment. The patient's psyche is restored.

derealization syndrome
derealization syndrome

Derealization in childhood and adolescence

Children, even completely he althy ones, often have symptoms of derealization, such as seeing the world differently, identifying themselves with some animal, representing their body (arms, legs, head, etc.) they are in reality. There is nothing dangerous here, it's just the way a child learns to cognize the surrounding reality.

More dangerous if derealization occurs in teenagers. It can be caused by the same reasons as in adults. These are also added to them:

- the process of becoming the personality of young people;

- high self-esteem criteria;

- study of the anatomy of your body and the appearance of suffering,if something is not like the others;

- instability of the not yet strong psyche.

If there are suspicions of derealization, a psychotherapist should examine the teenager, prescribe treatment and give recommendations, which may differ in each case.

Description of feelings during derealization

Based on many years of experience, psychotherapists note in patients such a feeling of derealization, which the patients themselves characterize as a veil, or a fog that obscures the world from them. Some patients feel as if they are under water, everything seems so vague and changeable to them. Almost always, people want to overcome unpleasant obstacles and return to the familiar world.

cause derealization
cause derealization

Another sensation during derealization is an unusual perception of people. So, there are patients who think that people around have become like mannequins or robots, that there is nothing alive in them.

The feeling of derealization often changes the perception of objects. It seems to patients that things themselves are constantly trying to catch the eye, becoming intrusive.

Altered perceptions of some or all sounds, even of one's own voice, and in some patients of one's own body, are also often recorded complaints of patients. Sometimes it seems to patients that his body has gone somewhere at all, and they ask those nearby to feel, touch, whether their arm or leg is in place.

In general, those suffering from derealization perceive the whole world differently. Thus, cases were recorded when patients compared reality withlunar landscapes. It seemed to them that everything froze, everything plunged into silence, stillness and a deadly icy void.


Establishing the syndrome of derealization is not as easy as it seems, because its symptoms have a rather subtle difference from some mental illnesses. Ideally, a diagnosis of derealization should include:

- anamnesis;

- examining the patient and clarifying all his feelings by the doctor;

- use of clinical scales (Nuller, Genkina);

- x-ray;

- Ultrasound;

- Sleep EEG;

- laboratory studies, since derealization disrupts the amount of serotonin, norepinephrine, and some acids).

The study of the disease in each specific case should be subjective (clarification from the patient whether there are similar cases in his family, whether he has experienced similar symptoms before) and objective (a survey of relatives and friends).

In addition, the doctor must check the patient's reflexes, skin condition and physiological characteristics. Almost always, those suffering from derealization are somewhat inhibited, slow to respond to questions asked, and often want to isolate themselves. People whose perception of sounds has changed constantly listen, and those who have sensations of veil and fog squint, peer into the surrounding space.

feeling of derealization
feeling of derealization

Nuller Scale

This is the most commonly used diagnostic method. With its help, the degree (score) of the severity of derealization is determined. The Nuller scale is a questionnairewhich lists all the known symptoms of the condition. Each symptom, in turn, includes several manifestations. The patient fills out a questionnaire, noting the sensations he has. After that, the doctor calculates the "scored". If there are up to 10 of them, then the degree of derealization is mild, if up to 15, then medium, up to 20 - moderate, up to 25 - is classified as severe derealization. How to get rid of this condition? Patients who "scored" from 18 points, doctors advise to go to the hospital. During attacks of derealization, Nuller, a famous psychiatrist and scientist, suggested administering a fixed dose of diazepam to the patient. This drug relieves an attack in about 20 minutes. In particularly difficult cases, the same drug is also used for diagnosis.


People often ask if "mild derealization" is diagnosed, how to get rid of it and can it be done at home? Doctors advise in this case to eliminate the causes of the problem (normalize sleep and all loads, improve nutrition). It is also recommended to change the situation - take a vacation, leave for at least a week somewhere in a new place, meet new people. At home, it is very useful to take a contrast shower, rub your body well with a towel, and even better - get a massage course, take regular walks in the fresh air, and go in for sports.

feeling of derealization
feeling of derealization

If severe or moderate derealization is diagnosed, treatment is carried out with medication and in a hospital. Patients are prescribed antidepressants and tranquilizers in combination with a complexmultivitamins, psychotherapeutic courses, special physiotherapy.

Often, derealization is not independent, but only a syndrome accompanying more serious diseases, so self-medication can only exacerbate the problem. With a correct diagnosis, derealization is treated simultaneously with the underlying disease. The prognosis in each case is individual.


Unfortunately, no one is immune from extraordinary events that can burst into life and plunge into a state of shock, cause severe stress. But everyone can daily strengthen their nervous system, psyche and body as a whole in order to be able to withstand troubles and to endure them more easily. Methods of strengthening are well known to everyone. This is:

- doing feasible sports;

- daily walks in the fresh air;

- balanced diet;

- the right daily routine.

In order to avoid the syndrome of derealization, it is very desirable to be able to live joyfully, regardless of one's status and financial situation. This means that you need to have some kind of hobby (hobby) that helps your soul relax from everyday life, not withdraw into yourself, communicate with friends, allow yourself to change the situation at least once a year. To do this, it is not necessary to travel abroad, you can travel around your native land.
