Head in a fog: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Head in a fog: causes, symptoms and treatment features
Head in a fog: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Squeezing, heaviness, fog in the head, tapping in the temples, and clouding of consciousness are a signal that you need to see a doctor. Medical practice shows that such a condition can be caused by a variety of reasons. If your head is in a fog, then this may indicate the development of astheno-neurotic syndrome, circulatory disorders in the brain, as well as cervical osteochondrosis. We will discuss this unpleasant symptom in more detail in this article below.

Features of manifestation

Dizziness, cloudiness, heaviness, can accompany people constantly or appear periodically. If your head is in a fog, then this will not always indicate the development of some kind of disease. Quite often, a similar symptom is observed due to the influence of certain factors, for example, excessive physical exertion, changes in weather conditions, mental work, lack of sleep, and much more.other.

head in fog
head in fog

The main feature of the symptom, when the head is in a fog, is its unexpected appearance. For example, if a person felt very good a minute ago, then in almost an instant he begins to experience discomfort, dizziness, fogging, dullness of consciousness and blurred vision.

The whole problem with feeling like a head in a fog is that the symptom may appear while doing some important business or at the workplace. For this reason, the patient is deprived of the opportunity to carry out his usual activities. Haze and foggy head may be accompanied by other symptoms, for example:

  1. Low or high blood pressure.
  2. Weakness.
  3. Drowsy during the day and disturbed sleep at night.
  4. Headache.
  5. Strong heartbeat.
  6. Excessive sweating.

Quite often, such a picture is accompanied by unreasonable fear, a feeling of lack of air, as well as the formation of ringing in the head. There are many different causes of fog in the head. A list of them will be described below.

Causes of the symptom

As mentioned earlier, the causes of such a symptom will not always indicate a he alth problem. For example, in the event of a failure in the hormonal system, a person almost always has a fog in his head, a confused muddy consciousness. The period of pregnancy of women often accompanies a similar condition, and forgetfulness and irritability are also added. In addition, cloudy consciousness, fog inthe head of the fair sex appears during menopause.

fog in the head
fog in the head

Astheno-neurotic syndrome

If there is no clarity in the head, then this may indicate an astheno-neurotic syndrome. This pathology, in addition to constant fog in the head, is accompanied by other signs:

  1. Trouble falling asleep.
  2. Shallow sleep.
  3. Suspiciousness, irritability, short temper.
  4. Fatigue.
  5. Unreasonable anxiety.
  6. Daytime sleepiness.
  7. Decrease in working capacity.
  8. Feeling like a lump in the throat.
  9. Memory problems.
  10. Stiff movement.
  11. Dizziness.
  12. Compressing headaches.
  13. Tremor of limbs.

This syndrome in most cases affects people who strain mentally. In addition, this pathology often affects those who have an unstable psyche.

haze and head in a fog
haze and head in a fog

The main causes of astheno-neurotic syndrome are prolonged stress, prolonged nervous tension, anxiety, chronic lack of sleep, overwork. In addition, pathology can occur in people who have the following diseases and ailments:

  1. Various chronic diseases.
  2. Hypertension.
  3. Vegetovascular dystonia.
  4. Poisoning.
  5. Acute viral infection.
  6. Avitaminosis.
  7. Head injuries.
  8. Bad habits.

Syndromedevelops over time. At the initial stage of its development, a person feels weakness in the morning, anxiety and slight irritability. After that, in the absence of medical intervention, other signs join in the form of sleep disturbance, loss of strength, memory problems, heaviness in the head, a feeling of cottoniness, the appearance of fog in the eyes, as well as reduced ability to work.

After that, pain in the heart joins, excessive irritability is replaced by weakness, appetite disappears, mood and libido decrease, apathy appears, and the patient constantly thinks about his state of he alth. As a rule, such people have a fear of death. Ignoring such symptoms can lead to mental breakdown.

Vegetovascular dystonia

This disease is the most common reason why there is no clarity in the head, fog. However, attention should be paid to the fact that vascular dystonia is not a separate disease, but a combination of many symptoms that arise due to a violation in the work of the human autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the functioning of internal organs and systems. The disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Dust and head as if in a fog.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Anxiety.
  4. Headaches.
  5. Stomach pain, nausea.
  6. Unfounded fears.
  7. Lack of air.
  8. Tachycardia.
  9. Unsteadiness when walking.
  10. Tremor of limbs.
  11. Insomnia and shallow sleep.
  12. Irritable.
  13. Blood pressure fluctuations.
  14. Flies before the eyes.
  15. Severe ringing in the ears.
how to remove the fog in the head and gain clarity of thought
how to remove the fog in the head and gain clarity of thought

The list of symptoms of vascular dystonia can be endless. In addition to the fact that a person has a fog in his head, there is no clarity of thinking with this ailment, it should be noted that panic attacks appear. If the patient does not take any measures, does not strive for a change in lifestyle, does not seek help from a doctor, then this can provoke the emergence of various fears and phobias.

Lack of oxygen

If the human brain begins to experience a lack of oxygen, then this can provoke a feeling of foggy consciousness. For this reason, hypoxia develops due to the compression of the vessels through which the blood must carry oxygen, as well as all the necessary substances to nourish the organ. In addition to fogging, a person has other symptoms:

  1. Weakness.
  2. Dizziness.
  3. Decrease in working capacity.
  4. Heaviness in the head.
  5. Bad memory.
  6. Unclear consciousness.
  7. Slow reaction.
  8. Problems with perception of information.
  9. Fatigue, severe weakness.

If you do not start treating this pathology, then the brain cells that experience oxygen starvation will gradually lose their functionality, which will lead to serious complications.

Cervical osteochondrosis

Patients suffering from osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are faced withvarious manifestations of the disease. These are pains that radiate to the arm and the occipital region, and severe headaches. But perhaps one of the most traumatic symptoms is dizziness.

constant fog in the head
constant fog in the head

Medicine calls the usual dizziness in cervical osteochondrosis cochleovestibular symptoms. The main cause of dizziness is insufficient cerebral blood supply due to squeezing of the vertebral artery.

The vertebral artery supplies blood to the cerebellum, hypothalamus, inner ear and brain stem structures. It departs from the subclavian artery and lies in the canal, which is formed by the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.

Why does dizziness develop? Initially, due to dystrophic processes or injuries, the working structure of the segment of the spinal system in the cervical region is disrupted. Fractures, dislocations and subluxations of the joints in the cervical spine are possible, leading to displacement of the vertebrae and a change in the lumen of the canal formed by the openings of the processes of the vertebrae. And the vertebral artery passes through the canal, which, due to the described violations, experiences compression. Compression can also occur due to protrusion of the discs, the development of an intervertebral hernia and inflammation.

Compression of the artery leads to a decrease in blood flow and, as a result, to oxygen starvation of the tissues of the brain regions. All of the above leads to the manifestation of SPA symptoms (symptoms of the vertebral artery) - dizziness, severe throbbing headache (sharp, burning,especially intense in the back of the head and temples), visual disturbances (darkening in the eyes, a feeling of sand, flies before the eyes, sparks).

Vertigo is noted in varying degrees from a slight rocking, with a slight violation of cerebral circulation, to the so-called drop attacks, when a person falls with a sharp turn of the head, while consciousness is preserved. With severe brain disorders, there may be nausea, vomiting, tinnitus.

How to dispel the fog in my head?

If negative symptoms appeared due to lack of sleep, then you can just sleep and relax. Then the fog will go away. But with the regular manifestation of this symptom, measures must be taken to avoid possible complications.

But how to remove the fog in the head and gain clarity of thought? First of all, you should seek the help of a qualified doctor, who should find out the main reason for the appearance of such a symptom.

confused and muddy mind
confused and muddy mind

Treatment of astheno-neurotic syndrome

This disease can be cured with the help of psychotherapeutic methods. However, provoking factors should also be excluded at the initial stage of therapy: lack of sleep, stress, mental stress and excessive physical exertion. If you do not reduce the influence of these factors, then drug treatment and psychotherapy will not have the desired effect, and will not eliminate the unpleasant symptom.

Drugs are used in severe cases. The most effective are sleeping pills, restorative drugs, antipsychotics, antidepressants andtranquilizers.

Treatment of vegetovascular dystonia

So, we figured out that the head is in a fog - this may be a symptom of vegetative-vascular dystonia. To eliminate it, you need to seek help from a doctor. To relieve symptoms, various drugs are used: sleeping pills, sedatives, drugs for dizziness, as well as drugs to normalize pressure. In addition to drug treatment, experts also recommend adjusting your lifestyle: eat right, engage in light sports, walk more often, eliminate stressful situations, wake up and go to bed at the same time, and give up bad habits.

Also very effective in the fight against this disease are physical procedures, massage, acupuncture.

Treatment of poor circulation in the brain

With this disease, medications with nootropic and vasodilating effects are prescribed. It is possible to treat this pathology at the initial stage of development without drugs, with the help of manual therapy and massage.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

At the moment, the treatment of vertebral artery syndrome is a difficult task, as evidenced by the many different treatment methods from different clinics and the lack of a single generally recognized therapy regimen. Here are the main directions in the treatment of vertebral artery syndrome:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and decongestant treatment.
  2. The use of funds that normalize the blood circulation of the brain. The use of neuroprotectors andmetabolic therapy to protect the nerve cells of the brain in conditions of oxygen starvation.
  3. In case of severe cerebrovascular accident, surgical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is used to eliminate the causes of compression of the vertebral artery.
  4. Rehabilitation treatment including exercise therapy, massage, acupuncture.
guy dizzy
guy dizzy

Severe headaches with cervical osteochondrosis are somewhat relieved by painkillers, but you can finally get rid of this symptom only by eliminating osteochondrosis.


Dumbing in your head will no longer bother you if you follow preventive measures. First of all, this symptom manifests itself in people in case of an incorrect lifestyle. If you don't eat well, don't get enough outdoors, smoke, drink alcohol, don't exercise, take drugs, sleep poorly, or be constantly stressed, then you shouldn't even think about feeling good.

That is why, in order to improve the condition, experts recommend normalizing the rest and sleep regimen, while sleeping at least 8 hours every day. It will be very important to avoid frequent stressful situations. In addition, experts recommend increasing physical activity, exercising regularly. The best option would be swimming, cycling or jogging. In parallel with all this, you will have to adhere to the right diet and diet, as well as give up bad habits.

Now you know howcope with the fog in your head. If you completely change your life, you can not only get rid of brain fog, but also strengthen your immune system and improve your overall he alth.
