Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a common occurrence that occurs in 40% of ENT pathologies. Often dizziness is diagnosed with sinusitis. In addition, patients complain of headaches, runny nose, weakness, shortness of breath. With sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs. Their main function is to equalize pressure between atmospheric and intracranial.

Why sinusitis occurs
There are many causes of sinusitis. The main ones include:
- infections: they can enter the nasal cavity through the blood, while breathing;
- pathology can be caused by deviated septum, allergies, adenoids;
- impaired immune system;
- mucosal injury;
- runny nose;
- fungal infection of the nasal mucosa;
- violation of oral hygiene.
There are other reasons that lead toinflammation of the maxillary sinuses.
Clinical picture
Pathology begins with fever, fever, weakness, runny nose, pain in the face. The pain can radiate to the teeth, forehead, bridge of the nose. When exposed to the axillary zones, the pain intensifies, increases and can radiate to the infraorbital region. The first symptoms are characterized by redness, swelling of the eyelids.
The most striking symptom is pain. It is localized in the nasal region, but can spread to nearby areas. The intensity of the pain increases in the evening, in the morning the unpleasant symptom practically does not bother.
It is noted with sinus weakness, dizziness, headache. Moreover, pain is observed only on the side of the lesion, but on the he althy side, there are no sensations. The nose can be completely blocked or blocked alternately on one side, then on the other. In advanced cases, dizziness, nausea can be observed with sinusitis.

Inflammation of the sinuses in children
The first sign of sinusitis in children is nasal congestion, fatigue, yellow-green discharge from the nose, moodiness. If treatment is not started on time, adenoid vegetation may occur.
In children, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses provokes pain in the area of the teeth, headaches. Often occurs with sinusitis (sinusitis) dizziness, chills, swelling of the cheeks. The child becomes capricious, irritable, the timbre of the voice changes.

Features of selections
When sinusitis there is always a discharge. Their color, consistency depends on the phase of the pathology.
Sinusitis is characterized by white, yellow-green, green discharge from the nose. The white shade of mucus indicates the initial stage of the development of pathology or the stage of recovery. The consistency of the discharge can be liquid, thick.
The yellow-green hue of mucus indicates the acute stage of the disease: yellow indicates the presence of pus. A green tint is a sign of inflammation of the maxillary sinuses. In severe forms of the disease, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses may be accompanied by the release of blood clots.

Causes of dizziness
Dizziness with sinusitis occurs for a number of reasons:
- spread of microorganisms to neighboring organs, which creates pressure;
- inner ear damage;
- with excessive accumulation of secretions and their stagnation, nasal breathing is disturbed, which leads to hypoxia, the brain suffers, dizziness occurs;
- when the contents are displaced in the cavity.
A pathological symptom manifests itself when changing body position, sudden movements, for example, during a strong cough, sneezing, after waking up. During the examination, the doctor notes swelling of the face, inflammation of the mucous membranes. Patients may complain of hearing loss, a feeling of pressure in the eyes.
If you feel dizzy with sinusitis, you should immediately consult a doctor. He will diagnose and determine which departments are affected, prescribe all the necessary procedures,drugs to eliminate the source of infection.
Treatment of dizziness
Treatment of dizziness with sinusitis in an adult is carried out separately from the treatment of the underlying disease. However, this approach only eliminates the symptom, not the cause. Therefore, dizziness and inflammation should be treated in parallel.
To prescribe treatment, the doctor must conduct a thorough diagnosis. Often, antimicrobials and other drugs are used in therapy to eliminate a symptom such as dizziness. For this purpose, the following types of medicines can be prescribed:
- Drugs that affect the vestibular apparatus. Such medicines improve blood circulation, help relieve swelling of the mucous membrane of the inner ear, which helps get rid of dizziness.
- Painkillers. Analgesics help not only to eliminate headaches, but also to relieve dizziness.
- Topical decongestants (nasal sprays, drops).
One of the causes of dizziness is intoxication, and treatment should begin with the removal of toxins from the body. In severe cases, detoxification therapy is carried out in a hospital setting. At home, it is recommended to drink as much liquid as possible.

Dizziness after treatment
In some cases, dizziness with sinusitis does not go away even after treatment. This is due to the following reasons:
- not all purulent contents came out of the nasalsinuses and additional flushing is needed;
- the body reacts negatively to drugs;
- polyps and other formations appeared in the sinuses;
- pathology has become chronic.
In any case, if a headache or dizziness persists, you should see a doctor.
Treatment of sinusitis
To get rid of dizziness with sinusitis, the doctor prescribes a puncture. Its purpose is to remove purulent contents from the sinuses of the nose. During the procedure, the sinus is washed out, and after completion, an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drugs are injected into it.
When sinusitis sinus lavage is carried out with an isotonic solution of sodium chloride or furacilin.
The sinus is pierced with local anesthesia. Judging by the reviews, in most cases, one pus removal procedure is not enough, and the doctor prescribes a course of several sessions. For the convenience of re-introduction of the solution, the specialist installs a catheter, which avoids repeated punctures of the sinuses.

Prevention of inflammation of the sinuses
To prevent dizziness from sinusitis (sinusitis), it is necessary to start treatment of the disease in a timely manner, to treat rhinitis to the end, to strengthen the immune system.
As noted by patients in the reviews, a good prevention of pathology is the implementation of breathing exercises that help normalize breathing through the nose. With this approach, the incoming oxygen will prevent hypoxia, which means it will decreasethe likelihood of unpleasant consequences.
Asking the question, can there be dizziness with sinusitis, the answer will be unambiguous - it can. The ideal is not to prevent the symptom, but to protect yourself from the disease. For this, walks in the fresh air, sports are recommended. Patients note that taking vitamins and minerals has a positive effect.
At the first manifestations of sinusitis, it is recommended to immediately consult a doctor, to wash the nasal passages. Often in reviews, patients write that massage helps prevent the development of the disease.
Sinusitis, often caused by a deviated septum, requires surgery to straighten the septum.