How to quickly cure a runny nose: drugs and folk remedies

How to quickly cure a runny nose: drugs and folk remedies
How to quickly cure a runny nose: drugs and folk remedies

The occurrence of a runny nose is the main sign of the development of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This pathological condition often manifests itself in response to contact with all kinds of infectious agents and allergens. In our publication, I would like to talk about how to cure a runny nose with folk remedies and medications.


In clinical practice, a runny nose is called rhinitis. A number of reasons can provoke the occurrence of a pathological condition. Based on this, there are such varieties of the common cold:

  1. Vasomotor - due to inflammation and expansion of tissues in the sinuses. This is observed as a result of dysfunction of the mucous membranes of local tissues, as well as changes in vascular tone.
  2. Infectious - a common type of rhinitis that can be triggered by the developmentin the body of bacterial and viral infections. Pathogenic pathogens accumulate in the nasopharynx, causing violations of protective mechanisms and irritating tissues.
  3. Neurovegetative - a runny nose, the development of which is caused by failures of the nervous mechanisms that are responsible for the normal physiological state of the nasopharynx.
  4. Allergic - the cause of such rhinitis is often specific reactions to contact with a dust suspension in the air. Other allergens, such as animal hair, plant pollen, poplar fluff, are also capable of provoking a runny nose of this type.


how to cure a runny nose at home
how to cure a runny nose at home

A runny nose can be the result of a whole group of diseases. However, in each case, the same clinical manifestations are characteristic of the pathological condition:

  • Coarse sinus discharge.
  • Swelling of the tissues of the mucous membranes, which is accompanied by congestion of the upper respiratory tract.
  • Feeling of overthrowing and tickling in the nose.
  • Frequent urge to sneeze.


How to cure a runny nose in an adult and a child? An excellent tool for people of different ages is the drug "Vibrocil". The drug has a pronounced vasoconstrictive effect, which helps to unblock the stuffy nose. Moreover, the use of the drug allows you to resist rhinitis, which is allergic in nature.

"Vibrocil" is available in the form of a spray, drops and gel. Choosing one or the otherdepends on personal preference. The medicine is used every time when symptoms characteristic of a runny nose are observed. However, it is not recommended to use the composition for more than a week in a row. Since such actions can provoke the development of the body's dependence on the active ingredients of the drug.


how to cure a runny nose at home for an adult
how to cure a runny nose at home for an adult

Means "Milistan" will help cure a runny nose. The components of the drug produce a local anti-inflammatory, irritating, antiseptic and mucolytic effect on the tissues of the mucous membranes. The main active ingredients in the composition of the medicine are the essential oils of menthol, camphor, eucalyptus and nutmeg. These ingredients dilate blood vessels, stimulate the sensitivity of nerve endings, and relieve puffiness that does not allow free breathing through the nose.

How to quickly cure a runny nose in 1 day using "Milistan"? The gel is applied externally. For adults and children over the age of 2 years, the composition is applied to the skin in the chest area, neck, sinus wings. In order to achieve a more intense effect, the treated tissues are covered with a gauze compress. The procedure is repeated several times a day. As practice shows, a noticeable relief of well-being with such therapy is observed already on the second day. Complete elimination of rhinitis symptoms occurs within a week.


The drug belongs to the category of effective glucocorticosteroids. The tool produces a powerfulanti-inflammatory effect and allows you to cure a runny nose, provoked by all kinds of allergens. The drug reduces the accumulation of mucous masses in the focus of puffiness, which helps to unblock the airways.

How to cure a runny nose in 1 day thanks to the use of the drug? In order to eliminate the manifestations of seasonal allergic rhinitis, Nasonex is prescribed for injection into the nostrils several times a day. If a stable positive effect is noted, gradually reduce the dosage and frequency of use of the composition.


how to quickly cure a runny nose in 1 day
how to quickly cure a runny nose in 1 day

To cure a runny nose, you should use the drug "Pinosol". The tool has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. The drug partially produces a vasoconstrictor effect. All this contributes to a noticeable relief of nasal breathing.

The drug is excellent in cases where a runny nose becomes protracted with the formation of so-called "crusts" in the sinuses. It is safe to use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. At the same time, "Pinosol" is contraindicated if rhinitis is allergic. As far as dosages are concerned, the drug is used whenever nasal obstruction is noted.


"Tizin" is an effective drug for the common cold based on the active substance tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride. The specified component produces a powerful vasoconstrictor effect. As a result of this effect on tissuethere is a removal of puffiness of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, the release of the respiratory tract from the abundance of mucous secretions and easier breathing. Positive results from the use of the product are already noted after a few minutes. The action of the pharmacological composition is observed within 5-6 hours.

How to quickly cure a runny nose at home with the help of "Tizina"? The drug in the form of drops is introduced alternately into each nasal sinus. During application, the head is slightly tilted back. This solution allows drops to penetrate deep into the nasopharynx, removing puffiness from inflamed tissues. The dosage and duration of the course of treatment is determined individually in consultation with the doctor.


how to cure a runny nose in an adult
how to cure a runny nose in an adult

How to cure a runny nose at home? A good option is a point effect on physiologically active points in the nasal sinuses. First, work out the areas above the eyebrows. Then they move closer to the bridge of the nose. Then they rub the wings of the nose.

In order to achieve the best effect, aromatic oils or Vietnamese balm are used during the procedure. Each point is recommended to be massaged for 30 seconds. At first, it is worth making light movements, and then moving on to more intense pressure on the tissues.


Rhinitis can be cured by heating the nose with paraffin. The therapy is carried out according to the following scheme. Paraffin is heated to an elastic state in a water bath. Take a piece of gauze, whichstacked in several layers. A heated raw material is applied to the surface of the material. The resulting compress is wrapped in polyethylene.

The tool is applied to the bridge of the nose. As soon as the paraffin cools down, the substance is reheated and the procedure is repeated. These actions are carried out sequentially several times, shortly before going to bed. If you warm your nose well at night, you will notice a noticeable improvement in breathing in the morning.

Onion juice

cure a runny nose in 1 day at home
cure a runny nose in 1 day at home

Cure a runny nose in 1 day at home potentially makes it possible to use drops prepared on the basis of onion juice. What is the therapy? A small onion cut into small cubes. Raw materials are placed on a dry frying pan and slightly heated. The solution makes the juice not so hot, which avoids burning the mucous membranes. The resulting base of the medicine is transferred to a clean bowl. Add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil to this. The mixture is placed in a jar and infused for a day.

The finished product is thoroughly mixed, after which a few drops are instilled into each nostril. The procedure is performed 2-3 times a day. During such actions, there may be some discomfort in the form of a slight burning sensation or tingling. However, discomfort must be endured. After all, the result will be the disinfection of local tissues and the unblocking of nasal breathing.

Honey, ginger and lemon

Quickly cure a runny nose for a child at home will allow the use of a remedy preparedusing honey, ginger root and lemon. Such a composition saturates tissues with biologically active substances, phytoncides, which act as analogues of antibiotics. The use of the composition helps to strengthen the immune system, because such products contain a whole mass of vitamins and useful trace elements.

Prepare the remedy as follows. Take ginger root in an amount of about 300 grams. Such raw materials are thoroughly washed and peeled, after which they are ground on a grater. A large lemon is passed through a meat grinder. The resulting mass is combined with ginger. About 150 grams of liquid honey is added here. Everything is well mixed. The prepared composition is placed in a glass jar and covered with a lid. The tool is sent to infuse in the refrigerator for a day. The finished medicine is consumed several times a day by a teaspoon or added to tea.

Rinse the nose with s alt water

quickly cure a child with a runny nose at home
quickly cure a child with a runny nose at home

If chronic rhinitis is observed, in this case it is useful to go to the sea at least once a year so that the sinuses are washed with s alt water. However, how to cure a runny nose at home when there is no such possibility? In such cases, you can independently prepare an analogue of sea water. To do this, several tablespoons of iodized s alt are dissolved in a liter of liquid. The resulting composition is poured into a teapot, the spout of which is placed in one of the nostrils. The container is then tilted slightly to allow the s alt water to pass through the sinus. The operation is performed from the second nostril.

The above therapy is continued induring the week. As a rule, this time is enough to remove the effect of permanent nasal congestion. Do not stop treatment with s alt water lavages until you feel that the breath is completely free and therapy is no longer required.

Decoction of marshmallow and eucalyptus

How to cure a child with a runny nose at home? An extremely effective remedy that allows you to eliminate the effect of nasal congestion is a decoction based on marshmallow and eucalyptus leaves. Such vegetable raw materials have a pronounced disinfecting, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect.

To prepare a healing decoction, take a teaspoon of crushed marshmallow and eucalyptus leaves. A mixture of herbs is poured into a glass of boiled water. The product is put on a slow fire and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the composition is filtered through gauze. The resulting liquid is used to wash the nose. The procedure is performed 5-6 times a day.

Kalanchoe juice

how to quickly cure a runny nose at home
how to quickly cure a runny nose at home

Still how to cure a runny nose at home for an adult and a child? One of the most popular solutions that is used to eliminate trouble is the instillation of Kalanchoe juice into the nose. The method allows you to free the airways from accumulated mucus and relieve swelling. This effect is achieved due to active sneezing, which manifests itself when the agent is instilled into the sinuses.

In order to prepare medicine, take a couple of leaves of the plant. The latter are placed in the refrigerator. After a few hours the raw materi althey are taken out, after which they are twisted into a meat grinder or carefully crushed in any other way. The pulp is placed in a piece of gauze and the juice is squeezed out. A small amount of liquid is instilled alternately into each nostril, after diluting the composition with water in equal proportions.

Mustard foot baths

A good solution to combat the manifestations of the common cold is the implementation of mustard baths. The therapy is performed as follows. Pour a few tablespoons of mustard powder into a basin of hot water. The composition is mixed, and then the legs are lowered into the liquid. The limbs are held here until the water cools.

Next take socks made of natural material. Mustard powder is also poured here. Socks are put on the feet and laid in bed under a warm blanket. Such procedures are resorted to shortly before going to bed. Usually, with the onset of the morning, a runny nose passes, which makes it possible to breathe freely through the nose.

In conclusion

Runny nose in rare cases acts as an independent pathology. As a rule, the problem makes itself felt against the background of other respiratory diseases. To get rid of the manifestations of the disease, it is worth using the medication and folk remedies noted in our publication. However, it is also important to determine the underlying disease that provokes the development of rhinitis and causes the effect of congestion in the upper respiratory tract.

To avoid the serious consequences that can occur when a runny nose goes into a chronic stage, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will tell you whatmost rationally used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms in a particular case.
