What to do if the esophagus hurts in the chest? The esophagus is the part of the digestive tract that is located between the pharynx and the stomach. If you experience severe pain in the esophagus, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough medical examination of the patient, the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and identify the factor that provoked the development of the disease. To prevent the development of serious he alth problems, it is important to carry out therapy in a timely manner. Self-medication is not recommended, it will only aggravate the course of the disease.
Main reasons
Why does the esophagus hurt in the chest? There are several reasons why soreness may occur:
- When esophagitis occurs, a strong inflammatory process occurs in the alimentary canal due to exposure to gastric juice. In the process of developing such an ailment, a person experiences discomfort in the chest area while swallowing food. In addition, there is severe heartburn, appearsburning sensation.
- Injury to the esophagus often provokes the appearance of pain in the affected area. Damage may be internal or external.
- Due to a functional disorder of the esophagus, the motor function of this organ is disturbed, without a visible change, a burning sensation occurs, the esophagus hurts in the chest. The treatment of such an ailment is carried out by a psychotherapist and a gastroenterologist. With this diagnosis, a person has severe spasms and pain in the esophagus. This disorder appears due to the influence of a mental factor - systematic nervous experiences, a depressive state. You can temporarily improve your well-being with the help of No-Shpa. The doctor may prescribe a sedative medication.
- Severe burn. As a result of a burn, a lump in the throat often appears, the esophagus hurts in the chest, it hurts to swallow food. Unpleasant symptoms occur if various chemical compounds or acids have entered the body. Under such conditions, the mucosa of the esophagus can be severely damaged. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance. It is not recommended to self-medicate, as the consequences can be unpredictable, up to disability.
Sometimes the esophagus in the chest part hurts a lot due to the introduction of a foreign body into it - small grains, a denture, a button, a nail, a paper clip, fish bones. Unpleasant sensations may appear due to the use of a tracheostomy tube. Any person can accidentally swallow such foreign objects.reason:
- careless cooking;
- eating on the run;
- poor-quality chewing of food - under such conditions, the patient will not feel foreign objects in the mouth.
It is not recommended to keep a toothpick and other small items in the mouth while cooking. You should know that a foreign body that has entered the esophagus can cut it. If a person finds any object in this area, it is necessary to call an ambulance or visit a doctor, this will help prevent the development of serious he alth problems.
Perforation of the wall of the esophagus
This pathological condition often develops as a result of cancer, chemical burns and ulcers. With such a diagnosis, the esophagus in the chest is very sore - this is the main symptom of the disease, which has a paroxysmal, increasing character. Under such conditions, a fatal outcome of the patient is possible, since the human esophagus can simply rupture. As a result, there is a terrible pain, a strong cough and the work of the respiratory system is disturbed. In addition, the patient may begin severe vomiting. In this case, it is important to call an ambulance and not self-medicate.
Cancerous diseases of the esophagus most often appear in those people who lead an unhe althy lifestyle - smoke a lot and abuse alcohol, regularly inhale harmful chemical vapors. To reduce the risk of developing pathology, it is important to lead a he althy lifestyle. Do not abuse spicy or hot foods. Warm food -the best option. If a person develops an oncological pathology, then the following symptoms occur:
- weakness;
- aches in the esophagus in the chest, painful to swallow;
- increased salivation;
- quick fatigue.
If one of the symptoms appears, it is necessary to visit a doctor. At the initial stage of the development of the disease, therapy is carried out much faster and more efficiently. In case of untimely access to medical personnel, therapy will be carried out using a surgical method in a hospital.
Common pathologies

In the process of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a burning sensation occurs, the esophagus hurts in the chest - the treatment of such a pathological condition is carried out by a gastroenterologist. Only after a thorough medical diagnosis, the doctor will be able to identify the main cause of the deterioration in the general condition of the patient:
- Hernia of the esophagus is a chronic pathological process in which the esophagus can move.
- Esophagitis provokes the development of an inflammatory process in the esophagus. When a hernia occurs, pain in the chest occurs, which intensifies after active movement, coughing, or while eating.
- When the diverticulum of the esophagus protrudes the walls of this organ. Several diverticula may be present in the esophagus. Most often, the disease appears in the person who has the compliance of the walls of the esophagus to pressure. Among the main symptoms of such a pathological condition -sensation of foreign bodies in the larynx and frequent regurgitation.
- With achalasia of the esophagus, this organ expands. The disease develops due to the use of cold foods and an acute lack of vitamins (B1), systematic stress. In the process of developing achalasia, the patient is worried about dull pain in the chest area, which radiates to the back. Delivers discomfort and systematic nausea.
- As a result of a disturbance in the functioning of the nervous system, pain may occur in the esophagus, since cranial nerves are responsible for the functioning of this organ, which can cause it to relax. With a strong emotional experience, this balance can be disturbed, which provokes the development of spasms and pain in the esophagus.
- With ulcers, pancreatitis, heart attack, hypertension, tachycardia, arrhythmias, pain in the esophagus often develops. Under such conditions, it is important to immediately visit a doctor and begin complex treatment. Any medications should be taken strictly according to the recommendations of the treating specialist.
Main symptoms

If spasms of the esophagus occur, the patient has the following symptoms:
- burning sensation when swallowing food;
- pain develops, which radiates to the back and neck;
- there is pain in the chest, which increases with active movement.
If one of the symptoms appears, you should visit a doctor. Based on the results of the diagnosis of the patient, the specialist will prescribeeffective therapy.
Patient actions
If the esophagus hurts in the chest, what should I do? What pills can you take if you have severe pain in the esophagus? Pain in the esophagus can occur unexpectedly. Under such conditions, there is no need to sound the alarm, it will not help solve the problem. It is better to follow the following recommendations of experts:
- If discomfort occurs after eating, then you need to drink warm water - one glass without gas.
- Slowly inhale and exhale, hold your breath for a few seconds.
- Take a sedative. Thanks to "Persen" you can improve your well-being.
- Camomile tea can relieve spasms and calm you down.
- Mint candies will help to normalize the functioning of the respiratory system and improve well-being.
If you experience systematic pain in the esophagus, you should seek help from a qualified medical professional: this may indicate that serious pathologies are developing.
How to get treatment?

When the esophagus in the chest hurts a lot, what to do and what drug will help eliminate the pain syndrome? Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor will diagnose the patient and prescribe drug therapy, which includes taking the following drugs:
- With the help of "Papaverine", "No-Shpy", "Atropine", spasms can be eliminated. The dosage will be determined by the doctor. Tablets should be taken before meals.
- SWith the help of "Trazodone" and "Novo-Passit" you can get rid of feelings of anxiety, neurosis and depression. It is recommended to visit a psychologist and psychotherapist, this will help speed up the patient's recovery process.
- If the patient has severe pain that interferes with a full and familiar life, then you need to take an anesthetic. Thanks to Novocaine and Anestezin, you can temporarily improve your well-being if the esophagus hurts in the chest when swallowing. You should know that painkillers do not affect the development of the disease, so it is not recommended to use them systematically. The dosage of "Novocaine" will be determined by the doctor. Such a drug must not be used other than as prescribed by a doctor.
- An enveloping medicine should be drunk if the esophagus hurts in the chest. Burning and discomfort can be eliminated with the help of Phosphalugel. To reduce pain, it is necessary to carry out treatment with coating drugs that will help protect the lining of the esophagus. "Almagel" is the most effective and safe drug.
- If acid is thrown from the stomach, then the doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic treatment for the patient - chloride electrophoresis on the zone of the cervical nerve nodes.
You should know that during therapy it is important to eat right and balanced. It is not recommended to abuse spicy and fatty foods, this will only delay the patient's recovery process. A detailed menu can be checked with your doctor.

Thanks to proper nutrition, you can not only improve your overall he alth, but also speed up the process of recovery of a patient with diseases of the esophagus. In the process of treating the pathology of this organ, it is recommended to include in the diet:
- vegetable soup;
- lean meat;
- boiled fish;
- dried fruit compote;
- mint and chamomile tea;
- porridge;
- vegetable stew;
- milk jelly.
If the esophagus hurts in the chest when swallowing, you must follow a diet. Do not consume:
- smoked food;
- spicy food;
- fatty food;
- semi-finished products;
- tomatoes;
- sausage;
- baking;
- smoked s alted fish;
- alcohol;
- fatty meat;
- fast food;
- sweets;
- fruit;
- drinks that contain caffeine;
- chips.
In addition, the following recommendations of experts must be followed:
- Eat slowly: it is important to chew each bite thoroughly.
- Eat fractionally - up to 6 times a day. Portions should be small.
- Eat a fermented milk product regularly.
- Food should be warm, not hot or cold.
- Don't drink water while eating.
- Food must be boiled or baked.
- It is better to grind hard-to-digest foods with a blender, this will reduce the risk of injury to the esophagus.
- It is recommended to consume food at oneand the same time.
Through these simple recommendations, you can improve your overall he alth and the functioning of the digestive tract.
Common diseases of the esophagus: treatment

If the esophagus hurts in the chest and heartburn causes a lot of inconvenience, you need to undergo a medical examination, as this is a sign of the development of the disease. Erosion of the stomach is one of the most common diseases of the digestive system. To cure the pathology, it is necessary to eat right and take the medicines prescribed by the doctor. You can restore the mucosa of the esophagus with the help of the following drugs:
- "Almagel";
- "Motilium";
- "Drotaverine".
How to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of this pathology? With the help of alginates, you can temporarily improve the patient's well-being. The active substances of the drugs interact with the gastric juice and suppress its acidic environment. Under such conditions, a protective film is formed on the surface of the esophagus. Thanks to this, the unpleasant symptoms of the disease are eliminated - heartburn, burning sensation, soreness. With the help of prokinetics, it is possible to eliminate gag reflexes, stimulate gastric motility. If the esophagus hurts in the chest and a lump in the throat appeared due to erosion of the esophagus, then you need to drink Motilium tablets. With the help of such a medication, erosion of the esophagus, flatulence, bloating, heartburn is treated. The duration of therapy should be determined by the doctor, depending on the severity of the pathology and the strength of the manifestation.unpleasant symptoms.
How to take painkillers correctly?

Many patients have increased soreness in the stomach area after taking pain medication. The whole problem is that many people do not study the instructions for the use of drugs and do not consult with their doctor. To avoid this problem, you need to remember the following recommendations of experts:
- Drug "Gastal" take 3 tablets a day, which must be divided into several doses - 2 or 4. Take the medicine 20 minutes before meals or at bedtime.
- If there is severe pain in the esophagus, then you need to take "Maalox" - two tablets after a meal. The pills should be completely sucked.
- "Controllock" is suitable for long-term treatment. The duration of the course of therapy is 1-3 weeks. Depending on the severity of the disease and the specific clinical picture of the patient, the doctor will determine the dosage. The recommended dose is 1-2 pills per day.
- "No-Shpa" is an effective antispasmodic that eliminates pain in the stomach. Take tablets should be 1-2 pieces (three times a day). If, after using the drug, the general state of he alth has not improved, then it is necessary to call an ambulance or consult a doctor: this may indicate that a serious illness is developing.
It hurts the esophagus in the chest and a lump in the throat, what should I do? Pain in the stomach is a symptom of the development of a dangerous pathology. Gastritis, ulcer, refluxesophagitis is a common cause of pain. You don't need to take painkillers regularly. This only masks the underlying disease, but does not affect its development. You should definitely visit a doctor.
Note to patients

"If the esophagus hurts in the chest and a lump in the throat, which doctor should I contact?" many patients ask. If pain in the esophagus systematically occurs, then most likely this is a sign of the development of a dangerous pathology. Under such conditions, it is important to seek help from a gastroenterologist and undergo a thorough physical examination. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the attending physician will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. During therapy, it is necessary to follow a diet, since many products irritate the mucous membranes, which causes complications.
If there is a lump in the throat and the esophagus hurts in the chest after alcohol, then this may be a sign of the development of pancreatitis. You should lead a he althy lifestyle - do not smoke and do not abuse alcoholic beverages. Doctors do not recommend systematically taking painkillers, this only masks the disease and aggravates its course. The duration of drug treatment and dosage should be determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body. If the patient has other serious illnesses, then the doctor approaches the choice of the method of therapy with particular care. Alternative methods of treatment should be used only after consulting a medicalworker. You shouldn't risk your he alth. If a lump appears in the throat and the esophagus hurts in the chest during pregnancy, then you should drink "No-Shpu" and consult your doctor. Self-medication can harm the baby and the expectant mother.