Hiccups are an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs in adults and children. It appears suddenly and can last for a long time. Therefore, it is important to know how to stop hiccups. There are proven methods that will quickly improve a person's condition. They will be discussed in the article.
Specialists identify 3 types of hiccups:
- Benin hiccups are common. Its duration ranges from a few seconds to minutes. May occur several times a day.
- Resistant. The duration can be 48 hours, often more. The phenomenon may repeat.
- Long. Continues for months, and often years.

Why appears
This phenomenon is characterized by involuntary rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. With muscle spasms, the gap between the vocal cords closes, which is why a characteristic sound is formed.
You need to know more than just how to stop hiccups in adults. Reasons to consider too:
- Often this comes from overeating. Muscle contractions occur due to a very full and distended stomach.
- Another factor is irritation of the vagus nerve. Prolonged hiccups for no apparent reason occur due to the fact that the phrenic nerve sends excitement to the muscles. This reason is not fully understood.
- Hiccups appear when frightened, when the phrenic nerve is clamped with a sharp breath.
- An unpleasant ailment occurs when you stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time, when the torso is squeezed and pinched.
- Rare causes include hypothermia, alcohol intoxication, rapid swallowing of poorly chewed food, severe coughing and laughter.
- Causes are related to internal pathologies or damage. Often this occurs with diseases of the nervous or digestive system, metabolic disorders.

These are the main causes of hiccups in adults. How to stop? Treatment can be done in a variety of ways. There are also precautions to prevent the onset of hiccups. In rare cases, the problem is corrected with surgery.
Quick ways
If the causes of this phenomenon are not dangerous to he alth, then you can solve the problem yourself. How to stop hiccups fast? The most effective methods include the following:
- You need to drink water. This method is associated with irritation of the diaphragm. It is necessary to drink water chilled, in small sips and without haste. Swallowingmovements with temperature differences work great.
- You should hold your breath. This is a way of influencing the contraction of the diaphragm by pressure. It is necessary to fill the chest with air, hold your breath for as long as possible. It is advisable to inhale not with the chest, but with the stomach.
- You need to breathe into the bag. In this method, you should breathe into a paper bag. First, the bag is inflated, and then the air must be drawn in.
- Sugar (1 tsp) should be placed under the tongue and sucked. This action leads to strong salivation, which affects the functioning of the esophagus, diaphragm sensitivity and swallowing. Butter (piece) can be used instead of sugar.
- The usual fright eliminates hiccups. It may be a sharp pop or a sudden sound. A sharp contraction of the diaphragm increases the chances of eliminating hiccups.
- Fixing the problem will allow pressing the knees to the chest. It is necessary to bend over, squeezing the diaphragm in this way.
If hiccups last no more than 10 minutes, then it is not dangerous to he alth. To avoid it, a balanced diet is required. You can’t overeat, you should lead a he althy lifestyle, keep your nervous system normal.
Gymnastics from hiccups
How to stop hiccups in adults? Special exercises for the muscles of the larynx help with this:
- You should open your mouth wide and lift the tongue of the larynx with the reverse tip of a teaspoon or a special stick. This may lead to a gag reflex, but this will stop the hiccups. As a result, nerve endings are stimulated and contraction is prevented.diaphragm muscles.
- A little exercise, when the muscular system of the press and the diaphragm is trained, leads to the elimination of this unpleasant symptom.
- Breathing exercises or yoga asanas help. If such exercises are not known, you can simply stretch up, standing on your toes and doing inclinations. At this time, even and deep breathing through the nose is required.
- Stop the spasm in the respiratory organs will help and other simple actions. Take a deep breath, covering your ears and nose at the same time. In this state, you need to hold out for 5-10 seconds.
- Announcers and professional singers use a proven method - gargling. Take some liquid in your mouth. Tilt your head back and exhale air through your throat. Liquid should not be swallowed.
- Many use "empty swallows". It helps with hiccups, which appeared with laryngeal spasms. Some saliva is swallowed. In this case, you need to hold your breath a little. This method eliminates short-term and long-term hiccups.
- With mild hiccups, a slight pressure on the indentation located at the bottom of the neck helps.
- A gentle massage of the chest helps to eliminate the problem.

These methods help with a short-term phenomenon. If it is long, then you need to contact a specialist. He will tell you how to stop hiccups by other effective means. Only a doctor can prescribe the use of medicines.
When intoxicated
How to stop hiccups after alcohol? AtAn episodic phenomenon that appeared when drinking small doses of alcoholic beverages is helped by methods such as:
- drinking water;
- breath-holding;
- exercise.

To quickly remove alcohol from the body, enterosorbents, vitamin B, gastric lavage are needed. In case of alcohol poisoning, the help of a doctor is required. Detoxification therapy is performed in the hospital. Antipsychotics ("Aminazin") and other psychotic drugs are used to relieve alcohol withdrawal and stop persistent hiccups.
Prolonged phenomenon
Hiccups don't last long and disappear after a few minutes. But there are times when the phenomenon does not stop and begins to torment a person. In this case, more decisive action is needed. Then how to stop hiccups? It is necessary to consult a doctor, he will prescribe medications that will eliminate this unpleasant problem. Muscle relaxants are often prescribed - drugs that relax muscles, as well as means to regulate digestion. Carminative and anti-acid drugs are effective.

Eliminate persistent hiccups will allow saturation of the blood with carbon dioxide. To do this, breathe through your mouth into a paper bag. How to stop hiccups if it occurs due to stress? In this case, the following tips will help:
- In stress, you need to control your breathing - it should be calm, even, you should not hold it.
- Before important eventsit is advisable to take sedatives and be distracted by other issues.
- An elastic band or bracelet is put on the wrist. If it is felt that an attack may begin, the rubber band must be pulled back and released. This technique shifts attention and fixes the problem.
Hiccups that last over an hour and are accompanied by dangerous symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness, and breathing difficulties are considered a reason to see a doctor. A specialist will prescribe effective remedies based on the state of he alth.
In children
How to stop hiccups in babies? The following methods will help with this:
- Attacks usually appear after eating. The cause of this condition is considered to be a large amount of air entering the stomach. For help, you need to take the baby in your arms after feeding and vilify him vertically. Body heat works effectively, for this the child is pressed to himself. Such measures will help remove excess air and hiccups disappear.
- If this phenomenon continues for a long time, then you need to give the baby some water. If there was no feeding yet, and the hiccups appeared on their own, then the mother should breastfeed.
- Hiccups appear when freezing. Therefore, the child just needs to be warm.
- To stop this phenomenon, you need to talk to the child in a quiet voice, turn off loud equipment and turn off bright lights.
- Effective infusion of chamomile. This requires a few sips of weakly brewed means. Plain warm water will also work.
Other ways for kids
How to stop hiccups at homein other ways? The following methods are used for this:
- Hiccups can appear with the arrival of strangers, with fear. In this situation, visits to relatives or friends should be limited. Preferably the first weeks does not show the baby to strangers at all. This will protect against the occurrence of seizures.
- The baby's room should have light lighting to make it gloomy.
- Lemon juice is used to eliminate seizures. It should be dropped into the mouth about 2-3 drops. After that, the attack stops. This method is used if you are not allergic to citrus fruits.
- Chamomile infusion helps, it should be made strong. It is dripped under the tongue.
- With frequent attacks, you should not feed the baby heavily. If this rule is violated, the phenomenon can become chronic. Usually, after 1 year of life, this condition ceases to bother.
- You should take the child by the ring fingers, grab it and squeeze it tightly in your hand.
- A heating pad or a bottle filled with cold water is applied to the stomach.
- The mustard plaster helps. It is placed at the top of the abdomen, but only wrapped with paper or a towel. Keep should be no more than 5 minutes.

These methods help alleviate the condition of children. In addition, they are absolutely harmless.
Complications and prevention
Hiccuping does not lead to consequences and complications. But doctors recommend timely elimination of pathologies that can lead to this phenomenon.

If you have episodic hiccups, you need to exclude alcohol. It is necessary to eat only he althy food, excluding hypothermia. If during therapy there is a deterioration in the condition, then this should be reported to the doctor.