Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Symptoms and signs of intracranial pressure

Symptoms and signs of intracranial pressure

Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is considered a dangerous condition for human he alth. A very large number of people face this phenomenon. Neither adults nor children are immune from it. In women, this pathology occurs much more often than in men

How to treat migraine: an overview of effective ways and means

How to treat migraine: an overview of effective ways and means

Migraine is a specific type of headache, which is quite often an independent pathological condition and is not a consequence of the development of certain diseases. The main factor leading to the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms is the individual predisposition of a person to such a phenomenon. According to researchers, migraine is usually congenital, hereditary. However, the prerequisites for the emergence of the problem are not fully understood

Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment

Hypocalcemia: symptoms, causes, treatment

Hypocalcemia is a disorder in which there is an abnormally low level of serum calcium. Pathology is usually accompanied by violations of electrophysiological processes. It can be acute or chronic

Beer alcoholism: symptoms, treatment. Consequences of beer alcoholism

Beer alcoholism: symptoms, treatment. Consequences of beer alcoholism

The problem of beer alcoholism has become more and more acute lately. It affects both young people and middle-aged, elderly people, and is equally acute for all sexes. Many people think that beer is he althy, especially in the heat. Of course, there is less alcohol in it than in strong alcohol, but a carefree perception turns beer into almost a more dangerous drink

Why does snot flow when teething?

Why does snot flow when teething?

Many parents wonder: "Why does snot flow when teething in their babies?" Are these points related? The article reveals not only the symptoms of malaise, but also tells in detail when this is considered the norm, and when it is worth consulting a doctor

Dizziness in sleep: causes, symptoms and treatment

Dizziness in sleep: causes, symptoms and treatment

If a person is constantly under stress, has a heavy workload at work, lacks sleep, then the body begins to deplete. Due to the diseases that manifest against the background of such problems, people often experience dizziness in their sleep

Distal rupture of the biceps: types, features, treatment

Distal rupture of the biceps: types, features, treatment

The biceps brachii is a large muscle located on the ventral surface of the shoulder bone. Most often it is called the biceps. The main function of the biceps is flexion at the elbow joint. Sometimes there is a rupture of the biceps, which leads to a loss of flexion function

What is a lipoma? Description, symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment features

What is a lipoma? Description, symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment features

Despite the fact that modern medicine knows the causes of thousands of diseases, doctors cannot yet say anything specific about what provokes lipoma. This is one of the understudied pathologies. At the same time, almost every one of us understands what a lipoma is. People call her a wen. In fact, this is the definition of pathology

Insomnia: causes, treatment of sleep disorders

Insomnia: causes, treatment of sleep disorders

Insomnia is medically defined as difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, although there are many possibilities for this. The mentioned problem usually leads to a violation of the state of human he alth. We will discuss the causes, treatment of different types of this condition in today's article

How to cure a leg? Possible causes of the disease, symptoms and treatments

How to cure a leg? Possible causes of the disease, symptoms and treatments

Pain in the legs is felt for very different reasons. It can be a symptom of very serious diseases: trophic ulcers, nervous system, spine, varicose veins, muscles, tendons, bones, joints, lymph nodes and blood vessels. It also occurs due to a bruise, dislocation, abrasion, the appearance of a fungal disease and many other reasons

Atheroma. What is it and how dangerous is it?

Atheroma. What is it and how dangerous is it?

A specific neoplasm of a benign nature that occurs under the skin and looks like a capsule, is known in medicine as atheroma. What it is? This is a cyst that appears when the ducts of the sebaceous gland are blocked

Chronic pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, stages and features of treatment

Chronic pyelonephritis: causes, symptoms, stages and features of treatment

Inflammation that is caused by infection and affects the pelvis, calyx and tubules of the kidneys is called chronic pyelonephritis. This is the most common disease that occurs in 65% of cases of kidney pathology

How to treat SARS in adults and children?

How to treat SARS in adults and children?

The abbreviation ARVI denotes a whole group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract that have developed as a result of a viral infection entering the body. These include influenza, parainfluenza, rhinovirus infections. There are many methods on how to treat ARVI in modern medicine, but before using any of them, you need to consult a therapist

Colpitis: how to treat at home?

Colpitis: how to treat at home?

There are many ways to treat colpitis. The main thing is to get advice from a specialist before conducting therapy. He will prescribe the desired dosage and combination of pharmacological agents

Adenoma of the adrenal gland: symptoms and treatment

Adenoma of the adrenal gland: symptoms and treatment

Adenoma of the adrenal gland occurs in people of different sex and age. But according to statistics, women of childbearing age are more exposed to it

Staphylococcus in newborns: causes and treatment

Staphylococcus in newborns: causes and treatment

Staphylococcus aureus in newborns is difficult to prevent, especially while in a maternity hospital. The mother's strength should be directed to protecting the baby from the virus

How to recognize the symptom of rotavirus infection?

How to recognize the symptom of rotavirus infection?

The ability to recognize a serious illness in time will help start treatment as soon as possible and prevent negative consequences

Inguinal dermatophytosis: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

Inguinal dermatophytosis: symptoms, causes and features of treatment

What are the causes of inguinal dermatophytosis? Who is at risk? How can you protect yourself from disease? Common methods of treatment, prevention and method of combating resistance of microorganisms

Pimples on the body itch: possible causes and treatment

Pimples on the body itch: possible causes and treatment

The occurrence of acne is an unpleasant phenomenon. In addition to a cosmetic defect, acne can be a symptom of some serious diseases. What are rashes and how to get rid of them?

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies: the most effective ways, reviews

Treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies: the most effective ways, reviews

An inflammatory process that affects the mucous membrane and lymphoid tissues of the pharynx is called pharyngitis. The disease is accompanied by discomfort, pain and discomfort. Most often, complex treatment of pharyngitis with folk remedies and drugs is carried out

Microstroke is Definition, symptoms, first signs, treatment, consequences, prevention

Microstroke is Definition, symptoms, first signs, treatment, consequences, prevention

Specialists explain that a microstroke is a common name for insufficient oxygen supply in a separate part of the brain. The lack of oxygen is temporary, the problem is eliminated in less than a day. Due to this, the cells do not die, as in a stroke. The real medical name for this condition is transient ischemic attack

Cyst of the meniscus of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, the need for removal, prognosis

Cyst of the meniscus of the knee: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, the need for removal, prognosis

What is a cyst of the internal and external meniscus of the knee joint, treatment options for this disease, the reasons why it develops, existing modern methods of diagnosis and treatment - you can read about all this in our article

Causes, symptoms and treatment of interstitial nephritis

Causes, symptoms and treatment of interstitial nephritis

Cases of interstitial nephritis are considered very common in modern medical practice. A similar disease is accompanied by inflammation of the intermediate tissues of the kidney

Headache at one point: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Headache at one point: causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Some symptoms of a headache should alert the patient and cause him to visit a neurologist. Diagnosis is necessary to exclude the appearance of neoplasms. Point pain in the head in one place is a serious symptom that should not be ignored

Toenails hurt: causes and treatments. Ingrown toenail

Toenails hurt: causes and treatments. Ingrown toenail

Nails are horny protective formations on human fingers. Their main function is to protect the terminal phalanges and nerve endings. Sometimes, due to mechanical damage, fungal infection or inflammation, toenails hurt. What to do and how to eliminate the disease, we will talk in more detail in the article

Voice of hoarseness: how to treat and what are the causes of the disease?

Voice of hoarseness: how to treat and what are the causes of the disease?

The problem of losing voice must have worried everyone at least once. This is a very unfortunate occurrence. Most often, it is detected in the morning, when a person wakes up and realizes that his voice is hoarse. What to treat? The question appears by itself, as the inability to speak leads to great discomfort

Arthritis in children: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Arthritis in children: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Diseases included in the group of arthritis are rare in children. Basically, these are complex rheumatic pathologies that occur with inflammatory damage to cartilage and joints. The disease is manifested by changes in a separate, precisely localized area. Hyperemia, swelling and pain in the affected areas, limited joint mobility are the characteristic symptoms of arthritis in children, the causes and treatment of which may differ in each case

Kinking of the internal carotid artery: definition, features and treatment

Kinking of the internal carotid artery: definition, features and treatment

The carotid artery is a pair: the left part begins in the region of the brachial trunk, the right part in the region of the aortic arch. In this case, both arteries end in the thoracic part. The internal carotid artery contributes to the blood supply and nutrition of all organs of the head, so any pathology can provoke serious consequences for the whole body

Pain on the left side of the head: causes, possible diseases, treatment, reviews

Pain on the left side of the head: causes, possible diseases, treatment, reviews

Pain in the back of the head on the left can be caused by a number of different reasons. It is worth noting that headache itself is one of the most common symptoms in various diseases, which is one of the ten most popular reasons for issuing a sick leave. Although this symptom seems quite common and standard to many, it is a very unpleasant pain that can vary in intensity and strength, causes

Myxedema: causes and symptoms, treatment methods. Thyroid diseases

Myxedema: causes and symptoms, treatment methods. Thyroid diseases

The thyroid gland is an important endocrine organ. Its main function is the production of specific hormones (triiodothyronine, thyroxine), which control the metabolism in the human body and affect all body systems. In this article, we will consider such a disease as myxedema. Causes and symptoms will also be described

Sweating in a dream: causes in men and women

Sweating in a dream: causes in men and women

The human skin glands constantly produce sweat. This process is necessary to maintain a constant body temperature. Often, patients complain of excessive sweating during sleep. In medicine, this condition is called nocturnal hyperhidrosis. It can be triggered by both external factors and various pathologies. What diseases cause increased sweating at night? And how to get rid of hyperhidrosis? We will answer these questions in the article

Violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism: signs, causes, treatment

Violation of phosphorus-calcium metabolism: signs, causes, treatment

Phosphorus-calcium metabolism is one of the most important metabolic processes in the body, violations of which lead to serious consequences. It can be in both children and adults. The most common disease associated with impaired phosphorus-calcium metabolism is rickets

The first signs of high blood sugar in women

The first signs of high blood sugar in women

Diabetes is one of the problems of modern society. It starts insidiously, showing only slight signs of elevated blood sugar. In women, the onset of the disease occurs almost without symptoms, so it is important to know about the threats and methods of preventing the disease

How to remove bile from the gallbladder? Choleretic drugs for stagnation of bile

How to remove bile from the gallbladder? Choleretic drugs for stagnation of bile

How to remove bile from the gallbladder? Changing the diet, improving lifestyle, taking medications and conducting therapeutic measures. Popular choleretic agents to eliminate accumulated bile

Intestine not working - what to do? Preparations that restore the intestinal microflora

Intestine not working - what to do? Preparations that restore the intestinal microflora

The intestine is an important organ that helps to get rid of food debris. In a he althy person, this happens every day and several times. But sometimes there are failures, and the activity of the intestine begins to decrease, constipation periodically occurs, which can become chronic. In medicine, there is even a special term - "lazy bowel syndrome"

Diffuse euthyroid goiter: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diffuse euthyroid goiter: causes, symptoms, treatment

Diffuse euthyroid goiter is not a specific disease, but includes a number of several pathologies affecting the thyroid gland. The disease is often the result of a lack of iodine, is visible to the naked eye and is easily palpable on palpation

Different causes of pain in the back of the head and ways to eliminate them

Different causes of pain in the back of the head and ways to eliminate them

Everyone at least once faced with an unpleasant headache in the back of the head. How does it occur and how can it be treated?

Hypoxia - what is it?

Hypoxia - what is it?

Hypoxia is oxygen starvation. Such a diagnosis is heard by a fairly large number of expectant mothers. What is it, what are the causes and consequences of this condition? Answers - in the article

Acute and chronic pharyngitis. Treatment in a child

Acute and chronic pharyngitis. Treatment in a child

When an adult is sick, it's hard. What to do if a child is sick. After all, children are much more difficult to tolerate all diseases. Today we will talk about what chronic pharyngitis is, the symptoms and treatment of which every adult needs to know

Itchy scar: causes, removal of severe itching and redness at home

Itchy scar: causes, removal of severe itching and redness at home

If the scars are very itchy, you need to seek help from a doctor. Not in all cases, the appearance of such an unpleasant symptom indicates that a serious illness is developing. There are effective drugs that will quickly help eliminate discomfort and improve the patient's overall well-being