How arthrosis is treated: from the experience of doctors

How arthrosis is treated: from the experience of doctors
How arthrosis is treated: from the experience of doctors

Gonarthrosis refers to chronic diseases in which damage to the cartilage tissue of the knee joint occurs with the simultaneous occurrence of inflammation and pain. Unfortunately, today there are no drugs that can completely get rid of arthrosis of the knee and other joints.

how is arthritis treated
how is arthritis treated

Which doctor treats arthrosis

According to many people, arthrosis is a specific orthopedic disease, and therefore it should be treated by an orthopedist. However, the orthopedist deals only with advanced forms of arthrosis. When the first signs appear, you should contact a rheumatologist. But in some severe cases, it can come to the indispensable intervention of a surgeon.

Treatment of gonarthrosis

The damage to the cartilaginous tissue of the knee joint is accompanied not only by pain, but also by inflammation of the joint with the formation of excess fluid. How to treat knee osteoarthritis? To do this, it is necessary to take drugs that reduce inflammation, namely corticosteroids (drugs "Hydrocortisone", "Kenalog"), which are injected into the knee joint. Carrying out such a procedure reduces inflammation in the knee joint and soothes pain. A fairly good effect can be obtained withuse of local treatment of arthrosis. These methods include intra-articular blockade of the joints and the use of analgesic and anti-inflammatory gels and ointments containing hormonal drugs and NSAIDs.

how to treat knee arthritis
how to treat knee arthritis

Treatment with chondoprotectors

How is arthrosis treated with chondoprotectors? These are drugs that promote the synthesis of new cartilage tissue. When such dosage forms enter the body, “building material” is delivered to the joints to create cartilage. Due to this, damage to the cartilage of the knee joint slows down, its condition improves, and pain decreases.

Non-drug treatment

How is arthrosis treated in non-drug ways?

• Physiotherapy is a fairly effective technique that allows in a fairly short time to improve the condition of the joint, reduce pain, it has a general strengthening effect, improves mood and reduces stress.

• Spa treatment includes mud treatments, therapeutic baths and other balneological methods.

• Manual therapy and exercise therapy. Moderate physical activity and therapeutic exercises reduce excessive stress on the knee joints and relieve muscle and ligament overstrain.

Surgical treatment

How is grade 3 arthrosis treated if medications don't help? In such cases, surgical treatment is used. During the operation, small pieces of damaged cartilage that cause pain are removed using an arthroscope.


To prevent thisdisease disease need:

• Reduce weight to reduce stress on the joint due to being overweight.

• Reduce high physical stress on the legs and knees in particular.

• Use orthotics.

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which doctor treats osteoarthritis

Folk treatments

How is arthrosis treated with traditional medicine? This is the use of various ointments, decoctions, infusions, rubbing and therapeutic compresses that can help reduce pain in the knee joint and provide a general strengthening effect on the entire body.
