Abscess - what is it and why does it occur?

Abscess - what is it and why does it occur?
Abscess - what is it and why does it occur?

Suppuration of soft tissues is the result of the inflammatory process and the activity of pathogenic bacteria. And since this phenomenon is considered quite common, many people are interested in questions about why an abscess occurs, what it is and what are its first signs. Indeed, in the absence of timely treatment, the purulent process can give some unpleasant complications.

Abscess: what is it and what are its causes?

abscess what is it
abscess what is it

Abscess is a collection of pus in the tissues, which is limited from neighboring structures with the help of the so-called pyogenic membrane. As already mentioned, the most common cause of tissue suppuration is the activity of bacterial microorganisms, in particular, staphylococci.

Most often, pathogenic microorganisms penetrate soft tissues through wounds, scratches and other skin lesions. Often there is a post-injection abscess, which occurs as a result of skin punctures, improper administration of drugs and non-compliancehygiene standards at the time of injection.

In addition, the causes of an abscess include the presence of a cyst, suppuration of a hematoma (subcutaneous hemorrhage). In some cases, the infection spreads from another source of inflammation, such as a boil.

Abscess: what is it and what are the symptoms?

post-injection abscess
post-injection abscess

Immediately it is worth noting that an abscess can occur both on the skin and on any other tissues of the body. The main symptoms depend on the location of the purulent process. In any case, the abscess is accompanied by characteristic signs of intoxication. There is an increase in body temperature (sometimes even up to 41 degrees). Along with this, there is weakness, body aches, loss of appetite, drowsiness.

If the abscess is located in the skin tissues, then it is easy to notice. The skin swells, turns red and becomes hot to the touch. The affected tissue area becomes painful. In some cases, you can see the abscess itself.

Abscess: what is it and why is it dangerous?

Naturally, an abscess gives a person a lot of inconvenience. But if left untreated, the consequences can be dangerous. Occasionally, the purulent process fades on its own. But most often, the abscess breaks through sooner or later, releasing its purulent contents. Depending on the location of the abscess, purulent masses can stand out or spread to neighboring tissues, worsening the patient's condition.

In addition, the inflammatory process can become chronic, which is fraught with the formation of fistulas.

How to treat an abscess?

how to treat an abscess
how to treat an abscess

Naturally, at the first signs of suppuration, you should seek medical help. Therapy for such a pathology is reduced to opening the capsule of the abscess and cleansing the tissues from purulent masses. If the abscess is located on the internal organs, then the doctor may prescribe a puncture, followed by washing with antibiotics and antiseptic solutions.

In superficial abscesses, it is extremely important to keep the wound clean, which is ensured by regular washing and dressing changes. Antibiotics are prescribed only after laboratory testing of samples, determining the nature of the pathogen and its sensitivity to a particular drug. In the presence of fistulas, the doctor removes the purulent capsule and surrounding tissues.
