How to fix scoliosis? Treatment Methods

How to fix scoliosis? Treatment Methods
How to fix scoliosis? Treatment Methods

The costal hump, formed as a result of the curvature of the spinal column, is called scoliosis. It is lumbar, thoracic and cervical. Sometimes there are mixed types of scoliosis. The causes of this disease have not been fully identified, but they are usually considered to be weakness and insufficient development of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus.

Types of curvature of the spine

  1. Cervical scoliosis: leads to modifications of the facial bone and chest.
  2. Thoracic type: the thoracic spine changes.
  3. Lumbar scoliosis: does not appear outwardly, but is accompanied by persistent pain.
how to fix scoliosis
how to fix scoliosis

Treatment methods

Specialists distinguish between acquired and congenital scoliosis. Proper treatment is possible only with a well-diagnosed. Today, the means for diagnosing scoliosis are quite diverse. The course of treatment mainly depends on the degree of damage to the vertebrae, the type of illness and the patient's intention to recover.

Modern medicine in the treatment of scoliosis distinguishes two methods:

  • Method of conservativetreatment (sessions of physiotherapy exercises, massage, visiting the pool). At the same time, it is recommended to wear special corsets and electrical stimulators.
  • The surgical method is indicated in the absence of a result from conservative treatment or in an acutely neglected form.

Conservative method

For quite a long history of studying this disease, no effective way has been found to correct scoliosis, or at least measures that would ensure stable remission.

s-shaped scoliosis
s-shaped scoliosis

Specialists use a conservative method of treating curvature of the spinal column only in the initial stage of the disease. A progressive disease or a neglected form of it is no longer amenable to such treatment.

For each patient, the treatment course is signed individually, depending on the stage of development of scoliosis. The doctor determines the direction of the treatment process, suggests taking a course of special physical education, which will strengthen the muscles of the back, thereby unloading the spinal column.

For those who are wondering how to fix scoliosis at an early stage, it is recommended to sign up for a pool. Swimming is great for strengthening your back muscles, especially your upper back, and helps keep your spine in a natural position.

Patients must be prescribed massage and other types of manual therapy, which make it possible to strengthen the muscles, relieve spasm from them, and normalize the blood supply to the spinal column. To complete all procedures, the patient will be advised to wear a corset, scarf or bandage that fixesdamaged sections of the spinal column; use electrostimulators.

scoliosis photo
scoliosis photo

A course of medications is mandatory, most of which are anti-inflammatory and vitamin-mineral complexes.

Surgical method

How to fix advanced scoliosis? Such a curvature of the skeleton, as well as acutely progressive, severe forms (most often in adults) can only be cured by surgery. This decision is very serious, as complications are possible, and experts will definitely warn about this.

When is surgery performed?

Submitted for surgery if:

  • continuous pain (even after procedures and courses of medication);
  • ongoing destruction of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, which has reached the fourth degree and has become a threat to the normal functioning of the lungs and heart;
  • various cosmetic defects leading to disability.

Different "ages" of scoliosis

Experts believe that curvature of the spine is the easiest to cure in childhood. Physiologically, it is arranged in such a way that in the process of growth and development, the children's skeleton is able to return to its natural shape with some help from corrective techniques. Such, for example, is a plastic-based corset attached to the body. Such orthopedic devices change according to the growth of the body. Two-year-old children, for example, are replaced with corrective corsets at leastevery three months (mandatory under anesthesia).

Sometimes special children's bandages are used. They are worn constantly, it is allowed to take them off only while taking a shower. Together with them, mandatory sessions of physiotherapy exercises with elements of a power load are prescribed. Such procedures are necessary to strengthen the muscles of the back. Only in this case there is hope for a full recovery. If such conservative treatment does not bring results, surgical treatment is prescribed. In its process, each deformed vertebra is straightened with metal brackets.

Teenage scoliosis

At this age, curvature of the spine is the most common in the world. Puberty weakens the body, especially predisposed to this disease.

lumbar scoliosis
lumbar scoliosis

Like any disease, s-shaped scoliosis has a better chance of recovery with early treatment. Conservative treatment, started as early as possible, will stop the deformation of the spinal column. The doctor recommends the use of sessions of therapeutic exercises. It strengthens the muscles of the back, has a positive effect on posture and restores the function of external respiration. Also, the course of mandatory treatment includes sessions of manual therapy and swimming, at least an hour a day.

Severe and neglected cases require prompt intervention. It consists in installing endocorrectors on the deformed sections of the spinal column, which correct the work of the spine at rest and in motion, which contributes to the cessation of developmentdiseases. A huge plus of endoprotectors is that they do not interfere with the formation and normal growth of the skeleton.

A necessary condition for positive dynamics in scoliosis in adolescence is a proper nutrition system. The diet must be balanced and enriched with vitamins and minerals. It is necessary to make a daily routine so that the teenager has time for walks and sports training, during which adults will observe the condition of the spine and posture.

Previously, it was believed that if a teenager "outgrown", then the disease can be forgotten, it has stopped in development. Today, scientists have proven that this is not the case. If scoliosis is not de alt with regularly and seriously, the disease will destroy the spinal column for life. Any minor injury will greatly increase the rate of spinal destruction.

Scoliosis (photo) in adults

In mature people, curvature of the spine is often treated only operatively, less often - with the help of manual therapy. Today there are many correctors for the vertebrae. But they are not all good enough. Most of them are easily deformed and require long-term rehabilitation.

how to fix scoliosis
how to fix scoliosis

The result usually "freezes" at the postoperative stage. Physical activity is very limited, sometimes to the point of disability. Chiropractic may bring relief, but will not help stop the disease. Pain relief is assigned to painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

scoliosis doctor
scoliosis doctor

Correction of scoliosis and its prevention from the first days of life

You need to start preventive measures literally from the first weeks of life. In order not to wonder later how to correct scoliosis, you need to remember that an asymmetric load is contraindicated for the spine. You can not force the baby to sit down before he decides to sit down himself: due to the unpreparedness of the skeleton for vertical loads, an s-shaped scoliosis can develop.

scoliosis correction
scoliosis correction

It is strictly forbidden to cover a seated child with pillows. When the baby grows up and begins to walk, you need to drive him alternately by the right handle, then by the left. A schoolchild needs to pick up furniture that will grow with him. The ratio of the height of the chair and the table must be constantly adjusted. Adults are required to monitor the posture of the child and be an example of a straight back. How to prevent children's scoliosis (photo shows some methods)? This is a question parents should never ignore.

scoliosis of the thoracic spine
scoliosis of the thoracic spine

Parents should teach their child that "movement is life": you need to sit as little as possible, and move as much as possible. Due to poor posture, scoliosis of the thoracic spine can develop. The bed of a small child, a teenager, and an adult should be hard, and the pillow should be small.

Throughout all life it is necessary to do morning exercises. Even a small load will help the body start to work actively and correctly. In addition, be sure to engage in somesports section: athletics, swimming or fitness.

An equally important aspect of maintaining a he althy spinal column is proper nutrition. Be sure to eat fish (preferably sea fish), fruits, vegetables, dairy products several times a week.
