The process of feeding a baby always raises a lot of questions. The most important moment comes when the mother puts her treasure to her breast for the first time. Breastfeeding will help keep your baby he althy. However, very often in the process of feeding, one difficulty arises that causes excitement in the mother. It consists in profuse regurgitation. If the child burped in a fountain once, it is not so scary. It is much worse if this happens regularly during feeding. But do not despair and worry, because the mother's state is transmitted to the baby.
Both poor and heavy regurgitation have the same underlying causes. In fact, there are many of them. A one-month-old baby spits up mainly due to weakness of peristalsis, immature digestive system, muscle weakness, and improper latch on of the nipple, leading to swallowing of air. Often the latter occurs during bottle feeding if the nipple is not completely filled with milk. If during feeding the child sucks with greed, then air also enters the stomach, which then seeks an exit. In addition, an incorrect posture during feeding can also lead to regurgitation, especially if the baby throws backhead.
If you've tried changing formula or switching your baby to a different diet, don't be surprised if your baby spit up formula. This happens in this case. However, there are more serious reasons caused by the pathology of the digestive organs of the newborn. Doctors believe that intrauterine growth retardation, prematurity, hypoxia also contribute to frequent regurgitation. If the child burped in a fountain suddenly, then most likely the baby had a pyloric spasm. With regular food eruptions, it is better to show the baby to the pediatrician.

What to do if a child spits up a fountain
Special attention should be paid to how you attach the baby to the breast. It is necessary to ensure that during feeding the baby is captured along with the nipple and part of the areola. Sit comfortably so that the baby's upper body is elevated. If the baby's breathing is difficult, it is necessary to clean his nose. Before feeding the child, it is recommended to spread on the tummy. And after that it would be nice to hold the baby in a "column", gently stroking and patting along the spine. It will be very useful to carry out a light massage of the tummy. It is recommended to apply to the breast at the first request of the child, avoiding long breaks between feedings. In this case, the baby will not greedily swallow milk, and with it air. So that during sleep the child does not choke on belching milk, place a folded diaper or towel under the mattress, and turn the baby's head on the side.

When you need some serious help
In most cases, spitting up eventually stops if you follow the rules described above, or become less frequent. But it also happens that the child burped in a fountain due to neurological or gastroenterological diseases. In this case, you need to consult a pediatrician. And the more often you spit up, the sooner you need to see a doctor.