What is a bone osteoma?

What is a bone osteoma?
What is a bone osteoma?

Osteoma of bone is a benign neoplasm of the skeleton. It is usually diagnosed in children, sometimes accidentally detected during an X-ray examination.

What causes bone osteoma?

Most often, cases of multiple exostoses are a hereditary manifestation. The probability of getting a similar disease by inheritance is about 50%. It is also customary to consider traumas, all kinds of thinness, often osteoma of the parietal bone provoked by syphilis, and rheumatism and gout can also accompany the disease.

bone osteoma
bone osteoma

What is osteoma of the bone?

There are three types of illness:

  1. Hard osteoma. It consists of a dense substance located in parallel and concentric plates on the surface. More common on the bones of the pelvis, face, skull.
  2. Spongy.
  3. Cerebral, having cavities filled with bone marrow.

There is another division according to Vikhrov. Bone osteoma according to this technique is divided into hyperplastic (developing from the bone system) and heteroplastic formations (arising from the connective tissues of various organs).

Osteoma of the bone: symptoms

This disease is rare, it usually develops in men and in adolescence. The process of formation itself is very slow and often painless. Can an osteoma turn into cancer? Science does not know such cases. Neoplasms are usually located on the outer surface of the bones. Favorite place of localization - flat cranial bones, walls of maxillary and frontal sinuses, humerus and femur.

osteoma bone treatment
osteoma bone treatment

On the outer plate of the skull bones, the osteoma looks like a dense, immovable, painless neoplasm with a smooth surface. With this arrangement, it can provoke headaches, epileptic seizures, memory disorders, and increase intracranial pressure.

Hormonal disorders osteoma can provoke if located in the area of the Turkish saddle.

Localization in the nose area, can cause various eye diseases: visual acuity deterioration, exophthalmos, anisocoria, ptosis, diplopia. And if it reaches a large size and is located next to the nerve root, penetrates the arch or process of the vertebra, symptoms of a compressed spinal cord and deformation of the spine itself may occur.

Diagnosis of disease

parietal osteoma
parietal osteoma

The diagnosis is made after clinical and radiological studies. The course of the disease and the X-ray picture make it possible to determine the chronic form of the disease or osteogenic sarcoma.

Osteoma of the bone: treatment

This is being treateddisease only with the surgeon's scalpel. An operation is prescribed either according to indications, or to eliminate a cosmetic defect. Together with the removal of the tumor, a resection of the presenting plate of the unaffected bone is performed.

If there are no obvious symptoms, the patient does not complain, only dynamic observation is carried out. The prognosis for the diagnosis of osteoma in children is positive.
