Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Callus on the foot: causes and methods of removal

Callus on the foot: causes and methods of removal

Corn on the foot is a problem that almost every person faces from time to time. This kind of education comes about for many reasons. Corn can significantly complicate a person's life, as it often causes pain, burning and discomfort when walking

Bowen's disease: photo, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Bowen's disease: photo, symptoms, treatment, prognosis

Pathology is a squamous cell carcinoma that is in one place and tends to grow to the periphery. The foci of the disease can reach several centimeters in size. Carcinomas are painless and may develop plaques or scaly surfaces

What is arthritis and how does it differ from arthrosis

What is arthritis and how does it differ from arthrosis

What kind of disease is arthritis? Any patient who has been diagnosed with such a disease is interested in knowing what it is, what are its causes, how it differs from arthrosis. After all, the latter pathology is not uncommon in modern society, and doctors often make such a diagnosis

Medio-patellar fold syndrome (PMSS)

Medio-patellar fold syndrome (PMSS)

Mediopatellar fold syndrome of the knee joint is an inflammatory process, which is characterized by the development of pain in the affected area. A feature of the pathology is that both knee joints are affected at once. Lack of treatment can lead to disability, so early diagnosis is important here

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve: symptoms and treatment at home

Is it possible to treat it at home with obvious symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic nerve? Even with good knowledge in home medicine, a person is not able to cope with all diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that if you have any diseases or their signs, seek medical help

Treatment of folk remedies for the adrenal glands: proven methods

Treatment of folk remedies for the adrenal glands: proven methods

For the endocrine system, the adrenal glands are an important and necessary element. In our body, they are represented by small paired glands. Each of them has its own form. They are located above the kidneys

Hydrocephalus: symptoms. Hydrocephalus of the brain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

Hydrocephalus: symptoms. Hydrocephalus of the brain: causes, diagnosis and treatment

High intracranial pressure is a diagnosis that many people are familiar with. It is quite common. At the same time, it is often put unreasonably, without conducting appropriate research. But the pathology is based on serious diseases. One of them is hydrocephalus

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, its prevention and treatment

Symptoms of chronic tonsillitis, its prevention and treatment

Chronic tonsillitis often occurs due to improper treatment of the acute form of the disease. For example, refusal to use antibiotics or premature termination of a course of therapy can become dangerous

Scoliosis of the spine in children: causes and effective treatments

Scoliosis of the spine in children: causes and effective treatments

Often, after passing a medical commission, doctors diagnose a future first-grader with scoliosis. Unfortunately, today this problem is quite large-scale and is observed in almost every second child

Why did the lump appear on the leg (under the skin)? What to do?

Why did the lump appear on the leg (under the skin)? What to do?

The bumps that appear on the legs have a variety of causes - a violation of fat metabolism, swollen lymph nodes, skin cancer, cyst, lipoma, fibroma, moles, warts and much more. Treatment methods directly depend on the causes of the disease, and only the doctor knows about them

Extrasystole with VVD: features of treatment, causes, symptoms

Extrasystole with VVD: features of treatment, causes, symptoms

The most common and very frightening symptom that accompanies vascular dystonia is a rhythm disturbance (arrhythmia) of heart contractions in the form of extrasystoles. The latter may be singular. This condition is considered normal and does not pose any danger if the number of extrasystoles does not exceed 200 per day. An attack may also occur when extrasystoles go one after another, which is no longer the norm and requires certain treatment

AIDS in Russia: statistics. AIDS Center

AIDS in Russia: statistics. AIDS Center

The word "AIDS" is known to every person on earth and implies a terrible disease, against which there is an uncontrolled drop in the level of lymphocytes in human blood. The state of the disease is the final phase of the development of HIV infection in the body, leading to a lethal end

Complications after appendicitis: possible problems and consequences

Complications after appendicitis: possible problems and consequences

Despite the ongoing development of modern surgery, there are still a large number of complications associated with appendicitis. This is due both to the low awareness of the population and the unwillingness to seek medical help, and to the insufficient qualifications of some doctors. Therefore, let's see how this disease manifests itself and what complications after appendicitis can occur

Which doctor treats herpes? Herpes: types, symptoms, treatment

Which doctor treats herpes? Herpes: types, symptoms, treatment

Almost every person on the planet is a carrier of the herpes virus. Half of the people may never know about the presence of it in their body, since it will not manifest itself. But the rest know exactly what kind of pathology it is and how it can be expressed. The virus in the active stage can cause a disease, which is characterized by the manifestation of various formations on the skin and mucous membranes

Is it possible to bring down the temperature 37: possible causes, symptoms, necessary actions

Is it possible to bring down the temperature 37: possible causes, symptoms, necessary actions

Body temperature is one of the most important physiological factors that characterize the state of the human body. Every person is well aware from childhood that the normal temperature is 36.6 degrees Celsius, and an increase above 37˚ indicates some kind of illness

How staphylococcus is treated with folk methods

How staphylococcus is treated with folk methods

Staphylococcus is a spherical bacterium that is part of the microflora of the human body. By itself, staphylococcus does not bring harm, however, through its fault, he alth problems can appear in both adults and children

Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy: causes, signs and treatment

Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy: causes, signs and treatment

Concentric left ventricular hypertrophy is mainly due to arterial hypertension. In addition, doctors identify several other provoking factors. When the first signs of a violation occur, a comprehensive examination should be carried out so that the doctor can prescribe the correct treatment

Treatment of hematoma on the lip

Treatment of hematoma on the lip

You always want to look great, and everyone strives for this. But such a "nuisance" as a hematoma on the lip can ruin all the beauty. A person experiences discomfort, not to mention pain at the site of the bruise

Vulgar psoriasis: photo, treatment

Vulgar psoriasis: photo, treatment

Psoriasis is a chronic disease characterized by periods of remission and exacerbation. The most common form of the disease is vulgaris. Its development is associated with malfunctions in the body's immune system

Why does the upper lip twitch: the main reasons for what to do

Why does the upper lip twitch: the main reasons for what to do

Facial tics are quite common. It can be observed both in the elderly and in adolescents, and even in children. Most often, the eyelids are subject to facial ticking, but if there is an individual tendency, the lips can also twitch. Why does the upper lip twitch? As a rule, this is the most common facial tic, however, in some cases, the causes may be different

Dysuric syndrome: causes, signs, methods of treatment, how it manifests itself

Dysuric syndrome: causes, signs, methods of treatment, how it manifests itself

Difficulties with the outflow of urine can be of a different nature. It depends on the cause. Most often it cuts in the urethra, heaviness is felt in the lower abdomen, after emptying - discomfort, it seems as if the organ is full all the time

Rehabilitation after knee surgery: exercise therapy, recovery rules

Rehabilitation after knee surgery: exercise therapy, recovery rules

After knee surgery, you must follow all the recommendations of the attending physician, otherwise serious complications may occur. Thanks to therapeutic massage and gymnastic exercises, you can restore the full functioning of the joint. If you experience pain, you should visit a doctor. Under such conditions, the doctor will adjust the treatment regimen

Worms in the human liver: symptoms, signs, treatment, how to recognize and withdraw

Worms in the human liver: symptoms, signs, treatment, how to recognize and withdraw

Unfortunately, liver cells and the contents of the bile ducts are a breeding ground for parasites. Therefore, during migration through the bloodstream, they are often fixed in the liver. This pathology has many symptoms. Worms in the human liver pose a serious danger: if left untreated, chronic diseases develop, which in the long term pose a threat to life

Why diarrhea after anal sex: causes and what to do?

Why diarrhea after anal sex: causes and what to do?

Human he alth is a complex concept that includes many components. When one organ or system fails, others suffer. In some cases, sexual intercourse can cause discomfort, including in the digestive tract, especially if the sexual intercourse was anal. Why diarrhea appears after anal sex, not many people know. But many will be interested to know about this, as well as what complications it can turn into

Causes and signs of stomach ulcers

Causes and signs of stomach ulcers

Stomach ulcers are a fairly common problem. Such diseases bring a lot of trouble to a person's life. And the question of what the first signs of a stomach ulcer look like is becoming more and more relevant. After all, the sooner therapy is started, the less likely it is to develop complications

Acute balanoposthitis in boys: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Acute balanoposthitis in boys: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

According to Dr. Komarovsky, acute balanoposthitis in boys requires special attention from parents. This disease is treated, in most cases it can be treated quite well. If the pathology is prone to relapse, circumcision may be recommended. What is balanoposthitis? Let's consider in more detail

Inflammation of the nasal sinuses: symptoms and treatment at home

Inflammation of the nasal sinuses: symptoms and treatment at home

Quite often the nasal mucosa can become inflamed in case of exposure to various viruses, bacteria, fungi, allergies. Doctors distinguish several types of inflammation. Common signs include pain, fever, breathing problems, and nasal discharge

Foster-Kennedy syndrome: etiology, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

Foster-Kennedy syndrome: etiology, diagnosis and treatment of pathology

In 1911, neurologist Robert Foster-Kennedy identified a previously undescribed syndrome by analyzing medical records. Its essence consisted in the progressive degradation of the nerve and the fall in visual acuity of the first eyeball with the parallel development of disk nerve stagnation in the second

Vertical labret: features, photos, reviews and consequences

Vertical labret: features, photos, reviews and consequences

How is a vertical labret made and for whom is it contraindicated? Everything you need to know about this type of piercing: features, rules of care, stages of the procedure, the right choice of jewelry, probable consequences

Common osteochondrosis of the spine: description of symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Common osteochondrosis of the spine: description of symptoms, causes, methods of diagnosis and treatment

Common osteochondrosis of the spine refers to a complex type of the course of the disease. It is characterized by the fact that the pathological process extends to several sections of the spinal column at once. It is very important to carry out timely diagnosis and complex treatment

It hurts the lower abdomen and back: possible causes, treatment

It hurts the lower abdomen and back: possible causes, treatment

The lower abdomen can hurt for a variety of reasons. They can be both natural and signs of pathology. A doctor should be in charge of diagnosing and prescribing treatment. Self-medication can be hazardous to he alth. However, for a general acquaintance, it is worth considering why the lower abdomen and back hurt. This will be discussed further

What kind of cough with bronchitis: symptoms, treatment methods, features of the course of the disease

What kind of cough with bronchitis: symptoms, treatment methods, features of the course of the disease

Bronchitis is one of the most common respiratory diseases. It is also insidious in that, in the absence of proper treatment, it can turn into a chronic form. According to modern statistics, it occurs in people of any age, but it is most severe in children. Therefore, parents need to know which cough with bronchitis is characteristic. This will allow you to take timely action and prevent complications. In most cases, bronchitis is caused by infectious causes

A vein on the leg has inflamed: what to do? How to treat at home?

A vein on the leg has inflamed: what to do? How to treat at home?

Inflammation of the veins (or phlebitis) is a pathological process characterized by damage to the vascular wall. The disease significantly worsens the quality of human life, and therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor when the first signs of the disease occur. Before visiting a specialist, you can stop the pain with the help of folk remedies

Hernia of the spine: symptoms in women, causes, treatment

Hernia of the spine: symptoms in women, causes, treatment

Hernia of the spine is a rather dangerous pathology, in the absence of treatment of which the development of complete or partial paralysis is possible. The sooner treatment begins, the more likely it is to achieve a long-term remission and lead a normal life. Symptoms of spinal hernia in women are quite obvious, and ignoring them can lead to partial immobility. You should completely reconsider your diet and lifestyle after making such a diagnosis

Cough with sputum in a child: how to treat, causes, review of drugs, advice from pulmonologists

Cough with sputum in a child: how to treat, causes, review of drugs, advice from pulmonologists

Wet cough is the body's response to an infectious-inflammatory process or irritation of the respiratory tract by allergens. In this case, sputum is formed in the bronchi, which comes out when coughing. In children, the process of mucus discharge can be difficult. How to treat a cough with sputum in a child? And what drugs facilitate the release of bronchial mucus? We will answer these questions in the article

Long cough without fever in a child: causes and methods of treatment

Long cough without fever in a child: causes and methods of treatment

As Dr. Komarovsky has repeatedly said, a long cough without fever in a child can signal a serious illness, although in some cases this is only a consequence of an untreated illness. There are many reasons for an unproductive cough. The appropriate treatment option is determined by first identifying why the disease appeared

Suffocating cough in an adult: causes, treatments, drugs

Suffocating cough in an adult: causes, treatments, drugs

What causes a choking cough in an adult and how to get rid of it? Everything you need to know about the problem: possible causes, accompanying symptoms, first aid, treatment features and recommendations

From what you constantly want to sleep: causes, symptoms, treatment

From what you constantly want to sleep: causes, symptoms, treatment

It's quite difficult to cope with daily activities when you are haunted by excessive sleepiness. People suffering from a chronic lack of energy are familiar with situations when such a state comprehends spontaneously, interferes with work, assimilation of information and negatively affects he alth. It doesn't matter where the person is. He can fall asleep both standing in transport and attending a presentation in his company. Why do you always want to sleep?

Transient ischemic attack: symptoms, treatment, consequences

Transient ischemic attack: symptoms, treatment, consequences

The main danger of TIA is that, if left untreated, it can progress to a full stroke. Therefore, the transient attack itself is called a microstroke. It is not life-threatening, but requires mandatory treatment, otherwise, after a few years, a careless patient will be overtaken by unpleasant complications

Measles in adults: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Measles in adults: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

Measles symptoms in adults are usually much more pronounced than in children. The older the person, the more severe the infection process. If a child suffers this disease relatively easily and without consequences, then an adult often develops complications. In childhood, measles treatment is carried out mainly at home. Adult patients often have to be hospitalized in a hospital. Infection is especially dangerous for pregnant women and the elderly