How to treat herpes? This is a common question. Let's take a closer look at it.
The disease begins with a slight tingling on the lips, but then develops into itching, after which a rash of small bubbles appears. Most people who notice such symptoms in themselves will accurately guess the manifestation of the herpes virus. This means that you need to start treating herpes at home.

Approximately 90% of the population of our planet are infected with herpes. Entering our body once, herpes is prescribed there forever. He may not even show himself, but still cause anxiety.
Herpes is such a virus that when it infects the human body, it literally "embeds" in its genetic apparatus.
It is possible to become infected with this virus by airborne droplets, sexual contact, it can be transmitted during childbirth and even by contact (handshake, kiss).
How to treat herpes quickly, many want to know.
Usually such a diseasewill not manifest itself until the carrier of the virus has weakened immunity. Hypothermia, infectious diseases, overheating, stress, pregnancy, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to this.
Experts believe that if characteristic rashes occur no more than five times a year and exclusively on the lips, then there is nothing to worry about. But if such exacerbations occur more than five times a year, and rashes not only on the lips, but also on other parts of the body, especially if the formations are extensive, then you should immediately undergo an immunological examination.
Herpes simplex viruses are carried by almost every person, only a few suffer from them. This question is now even for scientists is a mystery. About 60% of those who carry the herpes simplex virus do not even suspect that they are sick, but such people can transmit this dangerous virus to their partners through sexual contact.
How to treat herpes on the lips, we will tell in this article.
Now experts have found out not only the viral nature of this disease, but also eight different types of this dangerous disease. The most common are the first three types of herpes:
- I kind of can contribute to the appearance of the virus on the lips;
- II type has a damaging effect on the genitals;
- III species is the cause of chickenpox, shingles and smallpox.

The most important signs of a virus are when rashes occur, similar to vesicles, which usuallyappear on the body, lips, genitals, mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Before a similar appearance of characteristic bubbles at the site of a future rash, precursors are shown: a tingling sensation, burning, itching. Therapeutic treatment is best started at the initial stage.
But herpes can also manifest itself in an uncharacteristic way, in the absence of classic rashes, but discharge, cracks in the perineum, itching, burning, inflammation of the mucous membranes, swelling may appear. A similar form of herpes can have such a symptom - pain, twisting or pulling the lower abdomen, some patients complain of attacks of "sciatica".
How to treat herpes on the lips, consider below. In the meantime, let's look at the causes of the disease.
Causes of herpes
As we already know, the herpes virus is present in almost every person, but not everyone has exacerbations. There are factors that provoke its occurrence:
- Weak immunity of the patient. After the virus has entered the human body, characteristic signs appear, but then, after their treatment, the virus may appear again, since this one remains in the body forever.
- Such an “awakening” of the virus can appear with overwork and frequent lack of sleep. When the body is weakened, it easily submits to the emergence of various diseases.
- For most women, the herpes virus comes out before menstruation. The reason is that the hormonal background begins to change.
- Long exposure to the sun or cold, as well as climate change, moving to another city.
- Inciting factors mayturn out to be some foods - very sweet or s alty, fatty, smoked and alcohol. All of them together or individually have a clear negative effect on the immune system.
- The body lacks essential vitamins and minerals.
- Violations of the rules of personal hygiene. It has already been said that the main method of transmission of infection is contact-household. So do not use other people's personal items, such as dishes or towels.

Treating herpes on the lips at home can be quite difficult, so it's best to see a doctor.
Many people attribute the symptoms of this disease to the type of virus that appears on the face. But what about genital herpes? The reasons for the origin of this species are as follows:
- Chaotic sexual experiences and unprotected intercourse. Even if this case has occurred, it is necessary to treat the genitals with special antiviral agents immediately after sexual intercourse.
- Also violations of the rules of personal hygiene. Clean the toilet, wash your hands often, and don't forget to change your underwear.
From all this it is clear that most of the factors are provoked by the person himself, but if you take at least basic precautions, you can protect yourself from the invasion of the herpes virus into the body. Not everyone knows how to treat genital herpes.
Clinical picture
After the awakening of the infection, the virus begins to express itself on the lips, mucous membranes and other organs. Then,once infection has occurred, there will be an incubation period that will last 21 days. In general, the virus goes through four phases of development:
- The first phase. The patient's condition worsens markedly. The body temperature rises, chills and weakness occur. In the focus of the future lesion, the skin begins to itch.
- Second phase. Small blisters appear on the skin, in which there is a cloudy liquid inside. As the infection begins to form, the blisters will get bigger and bigger.
- Third phase. The bubbles will begin to burst from the accumulated liquid in them. After that, the carrier of the virus will begin to pose a real danger to others.
- Fourth phase. Erosion of superficial areas, the area becomes covered with a crust, then it gradually dries up and heals. For faster recovery, special treatment is needed.

Herpes simplex often comes with complications. And the most serious and dangerous complication is inflammation of the meninges.
How to treat herpes quickly at home? Such therapy can give good results and help strengthen weakened immunity. So, if all the symptoms of a developing infection are noticeable, treatment should be started immediately. Many of the remedies described below are likely to be found in the first aid kit of almost every person.
Fir oil
Considered one of the most effective home remedies for herpes infection. There is no special application here, everything is very simple. It is necessary to lubricate the bubbles that appear every three hours. Before going to bed, moisten a cotton swab with oil and hold for some time on the virus-affected area for about half an hour. With this treatment, the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe skin may burn a little. This method gives excellent results after three days.
It is best to lubricate the affected area with fir oil immediately after the appearance of an unpleasant sensation on the skin of the lips. If there is a slight burning sensation, then it can already be assumed that the therapy is successful. The procedure must be repeated once every two hours.
Another way to treat herpes in adults?
Therapy is possible even when there are no drugs or essential oils and medicinal plants nearby. Of course, not the most aesthetic way, but quite effective. It is necessary to get a little sulfur from your ear and apply it to the diseased area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. A wonderful antiviral agent that is synthesized by one's own body.

Treat herpes on the lips at home is good with garlic. To do this, we need to cut it into small slices, which then, with a repetition every two hours, must be applied to the rashes. And before going to bed, you should put a clove of garlic on the affected area for ten minutes. After this procedure, you need to lubricate this area with honey. It takes about three days to be treated in this way.
How to treat herpes in a child?
Toothpaste as a remedy forherpes
This, of course, is not a completely natural remedy, but it may also be suitable for home treatment. It can very effectively dry up infectious rashes. It is necessary to use it four times a day, and the healing process will not take long and will noticeably accelerate.
And this treatment is perfect in the fight against herpes at home. It is necessary to moisten the resulting bubbles with this remedy three times a day. It is recommended to be treated in this way for two days.
Other recommendations
For genital herpes, to increase immunity, you can drink a tonic tea, which must be prepared from the leaves of bird cherry, juniper and lemon balm.
Also, propolis tincture with chamomile can help in the treatment of herpes. You can prepare the tincture yourself, for this you need to take dry chamomile flowers, pour boiling water over them and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then strain and add a spoonful of propolis to the finished tincture. It is necessary to moisten a cotton swab and wash the affected area with it.
After cauterization, lubricate the sore spot with chamomile cream or calendula ointment. You can also make your own by combining calendula juice with a moderate amount of petroleum jelly.
If the bubbles have appeared recently, it is necessary to treat them with hydrogen peroxide. And you can get rid of itching by applying lotions from Corvalol.
How to treat herpes, it is better to ask a doctor.

How to remove persistent lesionsdefeat?
At home, you can cure viral herpes with celandine juice. To prepare it, you need to take a small part of a flowering plant, then pass it all through a meat grinder. From the prepared mass, you need to thoroughly squeeze the juice, then pour it into a separate container and close the lid. Open the lid several times a day to release the air and gas that has accumulated inside. The juice should be allowed to brew for one week in a cool place. When affected by herpes, you need to lubricate sore spots every hour.
In ancient times, our predecessors used soda compresses. To prepare, a spoonful of soda must be dissolved in a glass of boiling water.
It is also important to follow a diet during the acute stage of the disease. It is necessary to exclude sugar, everything sweet and sour, alcohol from the diet. Showing to consumption vegetables.
When a relapse occurs, the therapeutic course should be carried out for about four months, then take a break for two weeks, repeat this course again, but changing medications or herbal collection.
As you know, although herpes cannot be completely cured, its symptoms can be removed even at home. The most important thing is the timely use of drugs or the use of folk remedies.
How to treat herpes with medication?
In order for the virus not to pass into the second phase, it is necessary to take treatment as soon as possible. To do this, you should have anti-herpes drugs with you. They can be purchasedin every pharmacy, and dispense them without a prescription.
Most drugs are based on acyclovir. Under the influence of acyclovir, the herpes virus begins to be blocked, so even if it has already begun its development, in this case, recovery will still come quickly. Actually, Acyclovir itself is a drug that does not cause side effects.
There is another well-known drug that fights well against herpes - Zovirax. This ointment additionally contains petroleum jelly, which mainly helps to get rid of herpes on the lips. Another way to quickly treat herpes on the lip?

"Famvir" is an analogue of "Acyclovir". Its main advantage is that it can resist even a strain of herpes.
To quickly get rid of herpes, it is possible to use other means that cost much less than those listed above:
- Gerperax;
- Doctor Mom;
- Gold Star;
- Panavir gel.
Ointments should be applied to the lips and other affected areas of the skin immediately after the first symptoms of the virus are detected.
How to treat herpes at home quickly?
There are times when you need to quickly put yourself in order (date, shooting, etc.), and there is a remedy that can cure herpes on the lip in a short time. It will require: two teaspoons of honey, one teaspoon of coffee, half a teaspoon of flour and two pre-chopped cloves of garlic. All these ingredients must be mixed inuniform weight. Then, every two hours in a row, it is recommended to perform the following actions: a thick layer of freshly prepared medicine is applied to the affected area, and then left there until it dries completely. A crust forms, which then falls off on its own. Another layer of this medicine should be applied. And once again wait for the final drying of the composition. Thus, do this process for several hours. After such a frantic attack on unwanted bubbles, they will become completely invisible. And they can be hidden under makeup, and the people around them will not guess anything.
But we must not forget that after all, the best remedy for herpes is its prevention. In order not to once again lead to a fierce fight against herpes at home, you need to monitor your own lifestyle very well. A strong, he althy immune system is the main enemy of all viruses. Eating right, exercising, tempering and taking the necessary vitamins is all that is needed to maintain your he alth. Personal hygiene also has a big impact on all this. Using this simple knowledge, you can easily cope with any problem. Don't give the virus a chance.
Now we know how to treat herpes.