At present, there are more and more patients with diabetes. The vast majority of cases are type 2 diabetes. Taking into account the fact that the number of cases is growing more and more every year, it is necessary to know the causes of the pathology, blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetes, possible treatment and preventive measures.
What is type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disease in which there is a decrease in the susceptibility of body tissues to the pancreatic hormone insulin, while in type 1 diabetes, the sugar rate is increased due to the complete cessation of insulin production.
With the development of pathology, increased production of the hormone begins. The result of this will be a significant increase in insulin in the body against the background of increased sugar. Under the influence of these processes, the pancreas is depleted and the process of insulin production slows down. The body begins to receive insufficient amounts of glucose, which leads to the development of pathological conditions.
Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of the disease. In most cases, it occurs in obese people. The higher the blood sugar level in diabetes, the more severe the stage of the disease.
Today, experts distinguish several stages of the development of the disease:
- Easy. Restoration of glucose levels occurs with a special diet, moderate physical activity. Sometimes, short-term medications that lower blood sugar may be needed.
- Average. At this stage, changes occur in the peripheral vessels. To normalize the condition, sugar-lowering drugs are used in higher doses compared to the mild stage.
- Heavy. Serious complications begin to appear. In addition to sugar-lowering drugs, insulin injections are prescribed. In severely neglected cases, a complete transition to insulin is advisable. At this stage of diabetes, the blood sugar rate will be greatly increased.
Causes of pathology

The exact causes of the development of the disease have not yet been identified, however, experts have identified risk factors that can provoke pathology.
- Obesity. It is considered the main cause of diabetes.
- Hereditary factor.
- Pathologies of the liver.
- Stress.
- High blood pressure.
- Angina.
- Pregnancy.
- Pathology of the pancreas.
- Age and gender. It has been observed that women over 50 years of age are most susceptible to the development of the disease.
- Early atherosclerosis.
- Some medications.

Type 2 diabetes is different in that the signs of its development do not appear immediately. At first, a person may not even be aware of the presence of a pathology. It happens that pronounced symptoms appear after a few months, and with a latent form - after a few years.
Signs of the disease are the following conditions:
- Permanent hunger. The reason for this is elevated insulin values against the background of a decrease in glucose levels after a meal. The brain receives the wrong signal about hunger.
- Thirst. The body is trying to make up for the lack of fluid that is lost when sugar is excreted.
- Increased urination. Because type 2 diabetes has high blood sugar levels, the excess is excreted from the body in the urine. This requires more fluid, the excretion of which is manifested by more frequent urination.
- Dry mouth.
- Deterioration of vision.
- Itchy skin.
- Weakness. Due to the fact that glucose ceases to enter the cells in sufficient quantities, the body cannot replenish energy resources.
- Numbness of limbs. This symptom occurs in later stages,when high glucose levels in diabetes affect the nerve endings.
- Purulent skin lesions.

To detect type 2 diabetes, it is not enough to know only the signs of its onset. Accurate diagnosis is made only through the analysis of urine and blood for sugar levels.
Diagnostic measures are the following laboratory tests:
- Blood test for glucose levels. Capillary blood sampling is taken on an empty stomach.
- Glucose tolerance test. This analysis consists of several stages. First, blood is taken on an empty stomach. After that, sweet syrup is drunk. After about 2 hours, blood is given again. An indicator of diabetes will be values above 11 mmol / l.
- Analysis for glycosylated hemoglobin. An increase in its values is a sign of diabetes.
- Urine test focusing on the presence of ketone bodies and glucose.
- At home, the presence of glucose in the blood will help to identify a special device - a glucometer.
In order for the analysis result to be as accurate as possible, certain rules must be followed:
- Refuse food 12 hours before blood sampling.
- Chewing gum and toothpaste can skew results, as can smoking and drinking alcohol.
- Before the analysis, it is not recommended to engage in physical activity. If you feel unwell, the results may be distorted.
- In a few daysno ultrasound or x-ray should be performed before blood sampling.
With type 2 diabetes, the blood sugar rate will not differ by gender or age. The exception is children, whose normal values are somewhat different. An indicator of type 2 diabetes will be elevated glucose levels. If the result was an increase in glucose levels up to 6 mmol / l, it is worth retaking the analysis after a while.
Age | Minimum indicators, mmol/l | Maximum values, mmol/l |
Adults and children over 5 years old | 3, 33 | 5, 55 |
Children from 1 to 5 years old | 3, 33 | 5 |
Newborns and up to 1 year old | 2, 8 | 4, 44 |
It is worth noting that in type 2 diabetes, the rate of blood sugar will depend on the way it is taken. In this regard, it is recommended to retake the analysis in the same laboratory. Blood glucose readings taken from a vein will differ slightly from capillary blood glucose.
Treatment of type 2 diabetes will be complex and include not only medication, but also diet therapy. Normalization of weight and proper lifestyle are key therapeutic methods. Physical activity is also of great importance in the treatment.
If all the doctor's recommendations are followed, the quality of life of a person with type 2 diabetes does not decrease.
Let's take a closer look at the options for treating pathology.
Medicated treatment
If diet and exercise do not bring results, the doctor decides on the appointment of drugs that can lower blood sugar levels. In their composition, they do not have insulin, but activate its production by the pancreas. Drug therapy is carried out with constant monitoring of blood glucose levels. The drug, dosage, and sometimes the method of combining several medications should be selected by the attending physician, depending on the results of the tests.
The most common drugs used to treat type 2 diabetes include:
- Metformin is a hypoglycemic drug.
- "Novonorm" - activates the production of insulin.
- "Troglitazone" - reduces sugar levels and normalizes the lipid profile.
- "Siofor" - increases tissue sensitivity to insulin.
- "Miglitol" - reduce the absorption of glucose in the digestive tract.
- Insulin therapy. More recently, insulin-containing drugs in the treatment of type 2 diabetes were prescribed if other therapeutic methods did not bring the desired effect. But a new generation of drugs has now been developed that can be used in the main treatment.
From the very beginning of treatment, one specific drug is prescribed. But after a while, it is possible to take several drugs at the same time.
Diet therapy

Diet is the key treatment for type 2 diabetes. Without proper nutrition, drug therapy will not bring effective results or their effect will be short-lived.
There are no specific foods recommended for people with diabetes. But there are some rules and guidelines that we will consider below.
- Limit foods containing saturated fats.
- Meals should be fractional and in small portions.
- Reduce s alt intake.
Products must contain a minimum amount of fat.
Foods that are not recommended include:
- Sweets, pastries.
- Mayonnaise, butter, cooking oils.
- Spicy, smoked, fatty foods.
- High fat dairy products.
- Pasta, semolina and rice cereals.
- Fatty varieties of meat and fish, sausages, sausages.
The diet should be rich in fiber from vegetables, grains, berries and fruits.
Meals should be balanced and not exceed 1800 kcal/day.
Traditional medicine
The use of traditional medicine can be used in parallel with the main course of treatment, but only after consultation with the attending physician and in the absence of allergies.
An infusion of aspen bark is an effective treatment for early type 2 diabetes.
Cinnamon tea can be used to reduce blood sugar and insulin sensitivity.

Type 2 diabetes is dangerous because in the vast majority of cases, the diagnosis of the disease is possible in the later stages of its development.
High blood sugar can lead to the development of serious diseases. Myocardial infarction, damage to bones, joints and various organs may develop. Type 2 diabetes provokes diabetic nephropathy, osteoporosis and osteochondrosis. Diabetes is one of the main causes of brain pathologies and stroke.
With untimely treatment, the risk of developing gangrene is high. This occurs when the vessels of the lower extremities are affected.
One of the most dangerous consequences is the development of coma and death. Therefore, it is very important to keep your blood sugar under control.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes is making a huge difference. You can prevent the occurrence of the disease by following some rules:
- You should lead a he althy lifestyle, giving up bad habits.
- Moderate exercise helps keep weight under control.
- But the main preventive measure is to control your diet. Avoid overeating and eating fatty foods.
From the foregoing, it follows that the main way to avoid the development of this disease is to control your weight and avoid alcohol.
Knowing whichThe level of sugar in type 2 diabetes can lead to dangerous consequences, it is necessary to monitor its indicators in the blood. This will allow you to start treatment in the early stages of the disease, which will reduce the risk of developing serious consequences. It should be remembered that the appointment of therapy should be carried out by the attending physician under careful monitoring of blood glucose levels.