Symptoms, possible causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans

Symptoms, possible causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans
Symptoms, possible causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor in humans

Pityriasis versicolor in humans is a chronic fungal infection that affects the stratum corneum of the skin. It is often called pityriasis or solar, in connection with the manifestation after prolonged exposure to the sun. The disease is not contagious and is not accompanied by an inflammatory process. The causative agent is a yeast-like fungus, has three forms of existence: oval, round and mycelial. Each of them can move from one to another. All of them are on human skin, but the disease occurs only under suitable conditions. The article will discuss the treatment and causes of tinea versicolor, as well as its symptoms.

Main causes of disease

The exact cause of the development of the disease has not been established. Specialists have identified only certain factors that provoke the development of the disease. Under their influence, the fungus becomes pathogenicform and begin to spread. These include:

  • oily type of dermis;
  • weakened immune system;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excessive sweating;
  • overweight;
  • extended sun exposure;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • overstrain of the nervous system, constant stress;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • endocrine problems;
  • diseases of the respiratory system.

The most basic cause of pityriasis dermatosis is a weakened immune system. In this regard, it often manifests itself in adolescents, pregnant women, oncology patients, HIV-infected women, and women during menopause. Elderly people and children under the age of seven are practically not affected by this disease. The identified causes and treatment of pityriasis versicolor are somewhat dependent on each other.

Symptoms of disease

The disease proceeds without pain, it can be detected only by external signs:

  • the appearance of small spots in a yellow-brown tone;
  • main affected areas are chest and back, then forearms, neck, shoulders, sides, abdomen, head;
  • flat spots, no swelling;
  • itching when sweating;
  • main symptom is persistent skin peeling.

In adolescence, the symptoms of multi-colored lichen, which is treated by a dermatologist, are pronounced. Therefore, noticing the initial symptoms, it is necessary to pay a visit to the doctor.immediately.

Clinical picture with versicolor

The incubation period can be at least two weeks and last up to several months. Yeast fungi are active only under favorable conditions for them. The disease begins with the appearance on the skin of small yellowish-brown spots that have clear boundaries and are arranged in random order. They are located mainly on the chest and back, less often on the surface of the shoulders, neck and abdomen. The color of the spots varies from milky-cream to grayish-brown, hence the name multi-colored lichen.

Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of the disease

As the disease progresses, they increase and merge with each other. At the same time, they do not cause any unpleasant sensations: they do not itch and do not become inflamed. The upper layer of the skin, loosened by the fungus, begins to peel off with small bran-like scales. The disease is accompanied by excessive sweating, which provokes slight itching. Pityriasis versicolor is a chronic disease that lasts for years with occasional relapses. After that, white pigment spots remain in the place that was affected by lichen. They stand out sharply against the background of the rest of the skin. As a result, young people, who are mainly susceptible to this disease, have psychological problems. If symptoms of pityriasis versicolor occur in a person, treatment should begin immediately.

Disease diagnosis

To diagnose pityriasis versicolor disease, the following activities are carried out:

  • Visualinspection. The doctor carefully examines the damaged areas of the skin and notes all its characteristic signs.
  • Wood's lamp. When light hits the areas of the dermis affected by the fungus, their color changes to yellow-orange.
  • Iodine test of Balzer. Age spots are smeared with an alcohol solution of iodine. They become intensely dark in color.
  • Besnier's symptom. From loose spots affected by the fungus, when scraping, the scales of the upper stratum corneum are separated.
  • Microscopic examination. A scraping is taken from the previously treated damaged skin surface with an alkali solution. When the diagnosis is confirmed, elements of the fungus are found in it.

After all the examinations, the final diagnosis is specified, the doctor prescribes measures to eliminate the causes of lichen multicolored and treatment, which is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Treatment of solar lichen with ointments

I should immediately warn you that you do not need to self-medicate, if signs of pathology appear, you need the help of a doctor.

Antifungal ointments
Antifungal ointments

Lichen is treated with antifungal agents. For external use more often use:

  • Medicines based on terbinafine. It has a detrimental effect on fungal cells, preventing them from multiplying. The use of drugs in the form of ointments for the treatment of multi-colored lichen leads to the elimination of the development of infection. Often use "Termikon", it is produced in the form of a cream or spray. The drug is applied twice a day. On the same basis are issued:"Exifin", "Mikoterbin", "Lamisil", "Binafin".
  • Means containing imidazole. It is able to quickly destroy the shell of fungal cells, leading to their death. These include the following ointments: Ketoconazole, Miconazole, Clotrimazole. In the treatment of pityriasis and multi-colored lichen, these drugs lubricate the damaged areas of the skin twice a day. If the dermis of the head is damaged, shampoos containing ketoconazole are used.
  • Preparations containing pyroxolamine. Fungi die without proper nutrition. The most popular ointments are Cyclopirox and Tolcyclat. Method of application - twice a day.

Other remedies for lichen

Especially it should be noted the effective cream "Triderm" for the treatment of a person with multi-colored lichen, containing the substances betamethasone, gentamicin and clotrimazole. It has not only an antifungal effect, but also has antibacterial properties.

The drug Fluconazole
The drug Fluconazole

Therapeutic effect when used in the morning and evening shows quickly. In addition to antimycotic drugs, the affected areas are treated with sulfuric salicylic ointment and iodine solution. In severe cases of the disease, the doctor prescribes drugs for oral administration. To do this, use "Fluconazole" and "Itraconazole" in tablet form. They have antifungal activity. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor individually for each patient, taking into account the characteristics of the organism. Treatment of multi-colored lichen is being carried out at home, hospitalization is not required.

Children's lichen

Pityriasis versicolor in children is rarely recorded. The reason for its appearance is weakened immunity against the background of systematic stressful conditions and excessive sweating. It is noted that the disease also appears from the frequent use of antibacterial agents when bathing.

Deprive a child
Deprive a child

Diseases are exposed to children from ten years. They have the same symptoms of the disease as adults, the latent period lasts about three weeks, and can last several months. Treatment of multi-colored lichen in children requires special care. Drugs are prescribed only by a doctor. Improper therapy leads to a protracted course of the disease.

Disease in pregnant women

Pregnant women due to hormonal changes and weakened immunity are also able to get pityriasis versicolor. A woman in labor undergoes a full examination, after which they restore and strengthen the immune system. It should be noted that the disease does not harm the he alth of the baby and mother. The doctor will prescribe a gentle treatment for multi-colored lichen, which will not do harm. In addition, a set of measures is being taken to strengthen the immune system.

Folk remedies for pityriasis versicolor

It is a good idea to supplement the basic treatment with potions prepared according to folk recipes using medicinal herbs. Before using them, you need to consult a doctor. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease use:

  • Apple cider vinegar. Any acidic environment leads to the death of yeast fungi. For the treatment of multi-colored lichen, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with apple cider vinegarup to four times a day during the week.
  • Lotions of onion and garlic. The juice is squeezed out of the crushed products, the affected areas of the skin are wiped with a swab dipped in it. The drug has an antiseptic effect.
  • Ointment from fragrant rue. Fresh finely ground grass leaves are mixed in a ratio of 1:3 with petroleum jelly. The skin is treated up to three times a day.
  • mint decoction
    mint decoction
  • Mint decoction. It is prepared from one tablespoon of mint leaves and a glass of water for a quarter of an hour in a steam bath. After straining, the treatment of multi-colored lichen is carried out with lotions.
  • Healing bath. Make a decoction of needles and tansy. A liter of decoction and sea s alt are added to the bath. Take it at bedtime for a quarter of an hour. Swimming is allowed after a week-long course of treatment using ointments and gels. The prepared decoction has an antiseptic effect.

Disease prevention

Spots on the neck
Spots on the neck

Preventive measures will help get rid of the disease and prevent relapses. To do this, follow these simple rules:

  • Keep the room clean, do wet cleaning and periodically wipe surfaces with antiseptic solutions.
  • Wash the patient's bedding and underwear separately with hot water and iron on both sides.
  • Each family member to have personal hygiene items, dishes and towels.
  • Wipe the skin with acidified water, adding lemon juice, apple cider vinegar or salicylic alcohol to ithot season.
  • Wear loose clothing made from natural fabrics in summer.
  • Constantly strengthen immunity, take periodic multivitamins, have good nutrition.
  • Use your doctor's prescribed antifungal medication once a month.

To prevent relapses, go outside more often, have daily moderate physical activity, control the intake of any medications. Pay attention to excessive sweating, start its treatment on time. Do not sunbathe on wild beaches, use sunscreen. After swimming and relaxing in nature, be sure to take a shower.
