Dyshidrosis of the skin is a disease characterized by the appearance of painful blisters filled with liquid on the epidermis. Most often, the problem occurs between the fingers, on the palms or feet. This pathology does not belong to the category of life-threatening and extremely dangerous, however, if the need for its treatment is ignored, there is a risk of dyshidrosis becoming chronic.
Why does a skin disease occur
Dyshidrotic eczema is another no less popular name for the disease in question. Most often, it develops against the background of psycho-emotional disorders, stress, long-term experiences. An ideal background for the development of skin dyshidrosis is a weakening of the immune system, which is often caused by pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and fungal infections. To achieve a positive result in the treatment of this disease, the use of drugs alone will not be enough. The patient will have to make cardinal changes in the way of life - then it will be possible to achieve success intreatment.
How pathology manifests itself at the very beginning
The main manifestations of skin dyshidrosis are dense bubbles, inside of which an exudative translucent liquid is visible. Blisters may occur on the arms or legs. At first, dyshidrosis does not particularly bother the patient, but as the disease progresses, the clinical picture becomes more pronounced. Bubbles on the skin increase in volume, sometimes reaching the size of a pea.

Dyshidrosis of hands and feet occurs in people of all ages. The greatest discomfort that this disease brings is associated with severe itching. Bubble rashes cause burning, swelling, inflammation. Over time, the areas of skin that develop blisters begin to roughen, become tougher and thicker.
Other symptoms
The cycle of this disease averages 10-14 days. After this period, the bubbles begin to connect, merging together, which provokes the formation of more extensive lesions. Against the background of the growth of the inflammatory process, painful ulcers appear on the skin. As soon as the ulcers begin to burst, the patient will feel severe pain. It is extremely important to prevent injury to the bubbles, otherwise this place will heal for a very long time, accompanied by the appearance of painful cracks. If the diseased area is damaged, for example, with intensive combing, edema is formed, an inflammatory process is observed. If the contents of the vial change color, most likely there has been a secondary infection.
Lamellar dyshidrosis
Wounds that have arisen at the site of burst bubbles dry out quickly. In place of the blisters, dry, flaky crusts appear. But sometimes the disease develops asymptomatically. In addition, watery bubbles on the palms may be completely absent. Instead, flat ring-shaped peelings are found on the epidermis. This form is called lamellar and, unlike the "classic" dyshidrosis, the symptoms of which occur in damp cold weather, manifests itself in the warm and dry season. Feet, as a rule, are not affected by pathology, rashes occur on the hands.

Often the disease proceeds in a chronic form, alternating with periods of exacerbations and remissions. If the patient has strong immunity, the disease may not manifest itself for a long time. Remission will last until the immune system fails, for example, when the body is infected. Other factors are also capable of provoking a recurrence of dyshidrosis.
What increases the risk of disease
To date, the exact causes of the pathology are unknown. Why do some people who have, for example, a hereditary predisposition, develop dyshidrosis, while others do not? No doctor can answer this question. And yet doctors have found certain risk factors.
Speaking of the most likely causes of dyshidrosis, it is necessary to divide them into two categories. The first group includes factors contributing to the development of pathology, the second group includes external stimuli that play the role of a direct trigger.mechanism in starting the pathological process. The causes of the disease do not depend on each other, but their presence increases the risk of its occurrence. Favorable conditions for dyshidrosis can serve:
- depressive state, prolonged apathy;
- malfunctions of the endocrine system;
- skin diseases of non-infectious nature in the anamnesis of relatives;
- work activity involving frequent contact with chemical and toxic substances;
- chronic gastrointestinal diseases.

Main reasons
Most often, dyshidrosis is considered as a violation of a polyetiological nature. First of all, the development of pathology is caused by an allergic reaction to household chemicals, cosmetics, food and drugs. In some patients, the disease occurs during the period of active flowering of plants. If dyshidrosis was caused by one of these external factors, then it is likely that the disease will recede on its own.
It is quite difficult to confuse palmar dyshidrosis with another skin disease. However, in order to make a diagnosis and start treatment, it is important to conduct a differential diagnosis in order to exclude other pathologies with similar symptoms (the initial stage of psoriasis, mycosis).
A patient who has discovered symptoms of dyshidrosis should consult a dermatologist. Despite the fact that specific instrumental and laboratory research methods are not used to confirm this diagnosis, the doctor will be able to draw a conclusion about the disease aftera detailed study of the clinical picture, questioning about the patient's lifestyle. To exclude a fungal infection or confirm it, a scraping is prescribed for the presence of pathogenic microflora in the blisters, the flaky area. In addition, a specialist may need the opinion of colleagues - an endocrinologist, an allergist, a gastroenterologist, a neuropathologist.

If you suspect the origin of the disease of an allergic nature, it is important to determine the irritant. For this, skin tests are carried out, an analysis for immunoglobulins is given. In this case, the most informative method will be the method of laboratory comparison of patient's blood samples with the allergen food panel.
After a comprehensive examination and clarification of the diagnosis, the dermatologist will be able to prescribe therapy for the patient according to an individual scheme.
General principles of therapy
With dyshidrosis of the skin of the hands, treatment is the use of a complex of drugs. If the skin ailment is not complicated by infection, the patient is prescribed desensitizing, anti-inflammatory, sedative and immunostimulating drugs. Otherwise, the list of drugs is supplemented with antibacterial or antimycotic agents.
If the disease proceeds with complications, therapy with topical glucocorticoid anti-inflammatory drugs is started. It is impossible to treat yourself with such means: the choice of a hormonal ointment, the establishment of the frequency and duration of its use is the prerogative of a specialist. With the illiterate use of corticosteroids, addiction quickly develops.body, side effects appear.
In chronic dyshidrosis, patients are recommended to use water-soluble emollients that have a moisturizing effect, relieve itching and burning, promote active restoration of damaged areas of the epidermis and strengthen local immunity. It is necessary to use liquid external preparations not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also during remission. Some emollients contain antibacterial components in their composition, which prevents the reproduction of pathogenic flora in the affected areas and contributes to the adequate nutrition of dry skin.
In addition to drugs for external use, physiotherapy procedures are effective in the treatment of dyshidrosis:
- exposure to liquid nitrogen;
- ultraphonophoresis;
- application of diadynamic currents;
- laser therapy;
- endonasal electrophoresis.
Patients are advised to pay enough attention to personal skin hygiene and eat right. To speed up the processes of restoration of skin tissues, it is important to replenish the diet with a sufficient amount of fermented milk products, fresh vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits (in the absence of an allergic reaction of the body). Fast carbohydrates, on the contrary, are recommended to be abandoned. Under the strictest ban falls alcohol, even in minimal quantities. The use of s alty, spicy and smoked foods may adversely affect; canned and pickled foods will also not benefit. You need to be extremely careful when eating allergens (eggs, strawberries, chocolate, honey,nuts, seafood).

To cure dyshidrosis and prevent it from becoming chronic, it is important to follow all the doctor's instructions. For recovery, a good rest is also important, on which the state of the nervous system directly depends. Stress and overwork must be avoided not only during an exacerbation, but also in order to prevent relapses.
Dyshidrosis pills
We'll have to disappoint those who hope to see here the names of universal pills for this disease. Treatment will have to be complex. Depending on the alleged cause of the pathology, the patient is prescribed drugs for systemic use:
- antihistamines that reduce the degree of desensitization in the body (Zodak, Fenistil, Suprastin, Erius, Zyrtec);
- sedative homeopathic remedies that help stabilize the psycho-emotional background, restore the functioning of the nervous system ("Sedaten", "Novo-Passit", "Persen");
- enterosorbents needed to remove toxic substances from the body (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Atoxil).
If diseases of the digestive system are confirmed, the patient may be prescribed additional treatment.
Preparations for external use
To relieve severe inflammation on the affected skin, the patient is prescribed hormonal ointments "Ftorokort", "Triderm", "Polcortolone", "Elokom", "Laticort". The course of treatment with steroid external agents usually does not exceed a week, after which the patient is transferredfor non-hormonal compounds. If an infection has joined the site of the lesion, the treatment is supplemented with an antibiotic hand ointment (tetracycline ointment, Levomekol). On the legs, dyshidrosis is more often complicated by a fungus, therefore, along with anti-inflammatory compounds, the patient is prescribed antimycotic agents ("Lamikon", "Amiclon", "Exoderil").
Zinc-based ointments
One of the common remedies used in the treatment of skin diseases is zinc ointment. From what this remedy helps, it is difficult to list. The fact is that this hypoallergenic agent has a drying, adsorbing, astringent and disinfectant effect, reduces exudation and weeping, relieves local manifestations of inflammation. Here's what zinc ointment helps with, in addition to dyshidrosis:
- diaper rash;
- polyweed;
- skin ulcers;
- dermatitis;
- herpes;
- streptoderma;
- burns;
- bedsores.

The pharmacy sells such external preparations based on zinc as Valiskin, Desitin, Sudocrem, Tsindol, Zinc Paste. Similar properties are also possessed by products based on ichthyol, birch tar, salicylic acid.
Before applying therapeutic ointments to the affected surface, it is treated with antiseptic solutions of fucorcin or resorcinol. In the initial stages of the disease, doctors often advise folk remedies for dyshidrosis (for example, baths with a decoction of oak bark, soda, sea s alt).
Skin disease inchildren
Dyshidrosis of the skin in a child responds well to treatment. Most often, the disease is diagnosed at an early age, up to three years. If you start treatment in a timely manner and adhere to all medical recommendations, the disease will recede. But no doctor can guarantee that the disease will not return at an older age.

In children, the cause of the disease in most cases is an allergic reaction, so when symptoms of the disease appear, a comprehensive examination by a dermatologist and allergist is mandatory. Drugs for the treatment of dyshidrosis are selected depending on the age of the child and the severity of the disease.