Prostate cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Prostate cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment
Prostate cyst: causes, symptoms, diagnostic tests, medical advice and treatment

Prostate cyst - very common in men. With age, the risk of developing the disease increases significantly. A cyst is a kind of cavity formed from the tissues of the prostate itself, inside which fluid accumulates.

The highest risk of prostate cyst formation is in older men. However, it can also develop in young people in good he alth.

Main classification

Prostate cyst is divided into false and true. A false neoplasm occurs in the case of severe squeezing of the prostate. As a result of this, its parts expand somewhat, and liquid gradually accumulates in them. The true type of neoplasm occurs as a result of various diseases of the prostate.

prostate cyst
prostate cyst

In addition, the prostate cyst is divided according to the nature of the pathology and can be congenital and acquired. Congenital neoplasmsare formed as a result of a violation of the development of the Müllerian canals. If you turn to the doctor in time, this type of cyst can be very easily detected. The main symptom of this type of lesion is a violation of the development of the main organs of the reproductive system. Outwardly, such a neoplasm looks like a large drop and reaches 5 cm in size, often localized at the base of the prostate. If it enters the urethra, the gland enlarges very quickly.

The acquired type of cyst is considered the most common. Often, such a neoplasm is formed in older men due to the occurrence of tumors, foreign bodies and wounds in the prostate. Often it reaches 3 cm in size. If an infection gets inside the cyst, then various kinds of complications can occur.

Causes of occurrence

Prostate cyst - a cavity formed from he althy prostate tissue. It contains a liquid that varies in degree of viscosity. Please note that the color may vary. The walls of the neoplasm are altered fibrous tissues. In some individual cases, these neoplasms are congenital in nature, but often they are acquired.

Provoke the appearance of a cyst can be factors such as:

  • harmful working conditions;
  • chronic prostate disease;
  • irregular sex life;
  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • STDs;
  • malnutrition;
  • sleep disturbance.

If a man works hard and hard,comes into contact with harmful substances or is exposed to vibration, then there is a high probability of formation of a prostate cyst.

Quite often, a neoplasm occurs due to untimely or improper treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of this organ. Irregular sexual life can provoke the formation of pathology. In the absence of sexual contacts in the pelvic area, venous congestion is formed, which negatively affects the functioning of this organ. However, an excessively active sex life can also be a risk factor, especially with frequent changes of partners.

Any disease of the prostate gland often occurs in men who abuse strong alcoholic beverages, smoke and use drugs.

Main symptoms

The neoplasm is not always obvious and may be asymptomatic. In this case, the existing pathology is detected quite by accident during the examination and consultation of specialists on another occasion. However, the disease has quite pronounced symptoms. The symptoms of a prostate cyst in men include:

  • impaired urination;
  • slight increase in temperature;
  • pelvic pain;
  • constant urge to urinate;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased erection;
  • weakening of the urine stream;
  • discomfort during ejaculation.

When an infection penetrates, there is a rather high risk of a purulent process. As a resultan abscess is formed, pathological tissues grow. Such changes provoke gradual sclerosis and atrophy of the prostate.

Main symptoms
Main symptoms

A cyst can form in any fragment of the gland. Sometimes it even blocks the lumen of the urethra or intestines, which leads to very dangerous consequences.

Among the main symptoms of a prostate cyst in men is the presence of severe pain, impaired urination or discomfort in the perineum. Similar signs indicate the accession of a purulent process.


In order for the therapy to be as effective as possible, you need to start it immediately after the first symptoms of a prostate cyst appear and a comprehensive diagnosis is carried out. To diagnose the presence of a neoplasm or to distinguish it from similar diseases. To do this, you need to conduct an additional examination, which includes:

  • palpation;
  • uroflowmetry;
  • laboratory;
  • biopsy;
  • tomography;
  • TRUS and ultrasound.

If there are no contraindications for a rectal examination, the urologist first of all performs palpation of the gland. If, during the examination, seals are found, then the doctor makes a preliminary diagnosis. However, such a technique is considered effective only if the neoplasm is formed on the surface of the organ and directed towards the rectum.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

Uroflowrometry is an examination that allows you to determine the peculiarity of the urination process. Laboratory studies make it possible to differentiate a cyst from other diseases.

TRUS of prostate cysts is considered the most informative method. It allows you to detect a neoplasm at the earliest stages.

Ultrasound of a prostate cyst is performed against the background of a filled bladder by the transrectal method. This method allows you to accurately determine the size of the cyst, its localization and structure. It is worth noting that this research method is prohibited for use in case of intestinal obstruction or the presence of anal fissures.

Tomography is considered the most effective, but expensive method. It is prescribed mainly for ambiguous ultrasound data, as well as if there is a suspicion of cancer.

Providing treatment

There are a variety of ways to treat prostate cysts in men, the photo of which is presented below. The choice of technique largely depends on the severity of the disease, the existing symptoms, the size and type of education.

prostate cyst
prostate cyst

For therapy, methods such as:

  • observation;
  • drug therapy;
  • puncture;
  • sclerosing;
  • operation.

If the cyst is not accompanied by any dangerous symptoms, pain, its size does not exceed 2 mm, and it was discovered quite by accident, then no special treatment is carried out. Howeverthe urologist must constantly monitor the tumor and control its size.

Drug therapy is carried out with the help of medicines. The choice of drugs depends on the provoking factors, as a result of which the neoplasm began to develop. In the presence of a large cyst, when the processes of urination disorders begin, a puncture is prescribed.

Sclerotherapy is a procedure during which a special drug is injected into the cavity of the cystic formation. It provokes gluing of the cavity. If the cyst has reached a significant size or complications have begun to develop in the form of suppuration, then surgical intervention is required. The operation involves the excision of education. This type of therapy is used in the most extreme cases, as it is a cardinal method.

Physiological procedures are prescribed quite rarely. The cavity has thin walls, so many manipulations in this case are prohibited. In particular, methods such as:

  • hirudotherapy;
  • warming up;
  • physical activity.

Hirudotherapy helps to effectively solve the existing problem. You can resort to this method of treatment to relieve painful symptoms or with a combination of many other diseases.

In the chronic course of the disease, heating may be prescribed, however, such a procedure can be carried out only after diagnosis, as dangerous complications can arise.

Physical activity has a good result, inparticularly outdoor sports. This allows you to normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Medicated treatment

Drug treatment of prostate cysts is aimed at eliminating the underlying cause of the disease. These can be infectious processes, activation of pathological changes in prostate tissues, hormonal disorders. The course of drug therapy is carried out by using several groups of drugs, among which the doctor selects the required drugs to eliminate pathological symptoms. The doctor prescribes medicines such as:

  • hormonal drugs ("Dexamethosone", "Prednisolone");
  • anti-inflammatory ("No-Shpa", "Diclofenac");
  • alpha-adenoblockers ("Tamsulosin", "Silodosin");
  • vitamin complexes ("Duovit", "Vitrum Life").

Hormones and medications that affect the metabolism in the prostate help slow down the process of cyst growth and reduce the likelihood of new formations. Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs help eliminate foci of infection. They are prescribed until the existing symptoms are completely eliminated.

Medical treatment
Medical treatment

Alpha-adenoblockers help normalize the blood circulation process by dilating blood vessels and lowering blood glucose. As a result of this, there is a significant improvement in the outflow of urine and the normalization of general well-being. Vitamin complexes are indicated during antibacteri altherapy. To normalize the intestinal microflora, it is recommended to take bifidobacteria.

Folk techniques

In the presence of prostate cysts in men, folk methods are often used for treatment. Among the plants that help get rid of pathology, as well as reduce unpleasant symptoms, such as:

  • ginseng;
  • sage;
  • burdock;
  • celandine;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • mint;
  • calendula.

These herbs are part of useful urological preparations and have very useful qualities that facilitate cyst therapy. The tonic, antiseptic and diuretic effect of herbal remedies helps to significantly reduce the number of medications used. In addition, it reduces the toxic load on the body of a man.

Folk remedies
Folk remedies

It is worth remembering that when using traditional medicine, you must first consult with your doctor to prevent complications.


Removal of a prostate cyst is recommended in the presence of large neoplasms or a serious threat of rupture of the cystic cavity. The decision regarding the operation is also made if conservative methods have not brought the desired result.

Surgical intervention
Surgical intervention

Endoscopic or band surgery performedfor the purpose of sclerosis, drainage or mechanical removal of prostate cysts. Modern possibilities of surgery make it possible to eliminate the cystic formation safely, however, it is worth noting that a relapse of the disease may occur in the future. After the operation, the patient must be permanently registered and must visit a urologist for a scheduled examination.

What could be the complications

In the absence of timely treatment of prostate cysts, the consequences can be quite serious. These include:

  • accumulation of pus followed by tissue melting;
  • deformation of the prostate as a result of squeezing;
  • rupture of a cyst with infection of the pelvic organs;
  • acute urinary retention;
  • sexual dysfunction, infertility.

When reaching a large size, suppuration of the cyst and spontaneous opening may occur. This is a very dangerous condition that requires urgent surgery.

In addition, persistent urinary retention can cause kidney problems. To prevent their occurrence, you must strictly follow all the doctor's instructions.


The occurrence of a prostate uterine cyst is associated with the impact of negative external and internal factors that disrupt the normal life support processes of the organ. Preventive measures come down to eliminating the causes and creating the most optimal conditions for maintaining men's he alth. For prevention, measures such as:

  • regular medical check-ups;
  • giving up bad habits;
  • physical activity;
  • regular sexual relations;
  • prostate massage;
  • proper nutrition;
  • timely treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory processes;
  • injury avoidance.

Preventive measures help reduce the risk of pathological changes in the prostate, and also make it possible to recognize possible deviations in a timely manner and begin treatment at the initial stages of the disease.
