Intestinal infection is a concept that combines more than 30 types of diseases as a result of the activity of viruses and bacteria. To avoid trouble in connection with them, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of infection and the symptoms of the disease.
Intestinal infection - a disease in which its pathogens penetrate the intestines of the victim. Intoxication, indigestion, fever are the main symptoms in this case. Such types of causative agents of intestinal infections as salmonella, dysentery, typhoid fever, cholera disrupt digestion processes and dehydrate the body.
Routes of infection:
- airborne;
- air-dust;
- food.
The source of infection can be both sick and cured patients for some time (about three weeks). The presence of microbes is observed in feces, as well as in urine, vomit, saliva. Rightly, diseases of a bacterial nature are called"disease of dirty hands".
Immunity to viruses is not developed, so there is no guarantee that after an illness it will not return.
Species: bacterial and viral
Intestinal infections are divided into two groups: pathogenic (immediately provoking inflammation) and conditionally pathogenic (developing under certain conditions, weakening the body). Both viruses and bacteria can act as pathogens. Both have individual effects on the body, and it is difficult to determine the greater degree of harm to one of them.
Viruses enter the environment along with the feces of an infected patient, animals, poultry. All objects that come into contact with faeces pose a risk of transmission.

Common viral and bacterial pathogens of intestinal infections:
- enteropathogenic Escherichia coli;
- Campylobacteriosis;
- salmonella;
- rotaviruses;
- halophiliasis;
- escherichiosis;
- dysentery shigella;
- staphylococci;
- V. cholerae.
What are the classifications of pathogens?
Viral. Transmission of infection: oral, household, airborne way. The risk of infection is higher compared to bacterial. The sick person is dangerous to others for three weeks after recovery. Varieties:
- enteroviral - the muscular and nervous system, heart are affected;
- enteric hepatitis A and E - with poor-quality water, infectedgroceries, unwashed dishes;
- rotavirus gastroenteritis - the source of infection is a person.
Protozoa. Infection occurs with the ingestion of water from an infected reservoir.
Treatment is long, involves the use of specialized drugs. Varieties:
- amebiasis, toxoplasmosis - due to microorganisms in the human body, animal;
- giardiasis - in the absence of treatment, resettlement occurs throughout the body;
- balantidiasis - reproduction of ciliates balantidi, accompanied by ulcerative colitis.
Bacterial diseases:
- Escherichiosis. The disease occurs due to the activity of Escherichia coli. The bacteria remain active for several months.
- Dysentery. Shigella intoxication. The human body produces toxins. The source of infection is a person, water, food.
- Typhoid fever. Sources of infection - water, food. The lesions of the gastrointestinal tract increase, ulcers and ruptures form. It is dangerous because its incubation period reaches two weeks.
- Salmonellosis. Infection is possible after eating low-quality meat, butter, eggs, milk. Of the complications are possible: cerebral edema, renal failure.
- Cholera. The causative agent is Vibrio cholerae: severe dehydration due to diarrhea and vomiting. Fatalities are not uncommon.
- Brucellosis. Damage to the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal, reproductive, nervous systems. The reason is low-quality dairy products. A person is not a source of infection.
- Helicobacteriosis. Leadsto the defeat of the duodenum and other parts of the digestive system. There are ulcers on the mucous membranes.
- Botulism. A deadly disease caused by botulinum toxin. Reproduction occurs in the absence of oxygen. The source of infection is homemade canned food made in violation of technology.
- Staphylococcus. Opportunistic pathogens, symptoms are confused with a cold. Improper treatment leads to complications.
The causative agents of intestinal infections multiply rapidly, and serious complications are not excluded if a specialist is not contacted in time.
As a rule, the bacteria that cause intestinal infections enter the body due to poor hygiene, improper storage and processing of products, eating certain categories of food.

Sources of infection:
- raw water, milk;
- cream cake, dairy products;
- improper food storage conditions (on the same shelf there are fresh fruits and products that must undergo heat treatment - meat, fish);
- wrong storage temperature (at room temperature, bacteria actively multiply);
- contaminated rodent feces falling on dishes;
- undercooked meat;
- eggs: raw, undercooked, underdone;
- vegetables and herbs polluted by the earth;
- common hygiene items (dishes, towel);
- contact withobjects in the room where the patient lives;
- ignoring hygiene rules;
- transmission of infection by insects (flies);
- swallowing infected water while swimming in a pond.
Some patients are much more susceptible to intestinal pathogens than others.
Such categories of citizens include:
- older people;
- alcohol abusers;
- premature babies;
- bottle-fed babies;
- born with disorders of the nervous system;
- immunocompromised.

The incubation period, depending on the type of pathogen, lasts from several hours to 10 days. The main symptoms, in addition to loose stools mixed with mucus and blood (or without them) are fever and cramping pains, vomiting, and other signs of intoxication. In addition, there are clinical manifestations due to a specific causative agent of intestinal infections.
In the first hours, symptoms may be absent, but then there are pain in the abdomen - attacks lasting four minutes or more. The main signs of acute intestinal infections are similar.
List of common symptoms of intestinal diseases:
- appetite disorder;
- diarrhea (important to manage to avoid dehydration);
- insomnia;
- skin rash;
- nausea, vomiting;
- abdominal murmurs;
- drowsiness, fatigue.
Specific symptoms of the maincausative agents of intestinal infections:
- gastritis syndrome: pain in the stomach, continuous bouts of vomiting, nausea after eating;
- gastroenteritis syndrome: discomfort in the navel, vomiting, feces look greenish, they may contain mucus, blood;
- enteric syndrome: frequent watery stools (typical of cholera);
- enterocolitis syndrome: severe abdominal pain, frequent urge to defecate (typical of dysentery, salmonellosis);
- colitis syndrome: pain in the lower abdomen, traces of mucus, blood, false urge to defecate, no feeling of relief after emptying, pain does not subside;
- intoxication: weakness, body aches, headaches, nausea, dizziness, fever;
- bacterial infection: signs of dehydration leading to death if left untreated;
- combinations of all symptoms in various variations.

Secondary symptoms of carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections:
- manifestations of pneumonia (occurs against the background of partial dehydration, often occurs in children);
- kidney failure (water exposure to toxins, dehydration);
- toxic shock: manifests itself shortly after infection, as a result of an increased concentration of toxic substances in the body;
- fungal lesions of the gastrointestinal tract;
- dehydration: after vomiting, diarrhea.
Name of pathogen and possible clinicalpicture:
- campylobacteriosis - a condition reminiscent of appendicitis;
- yersinia infection - development of nodular erythema, joint damage;
- salmonellosis - bacteremia and meningitis, pneumonia, abscesses of internal organs;
- E. coli infection - hemolytic uremic syndrome, renal failure, hemolytic anemia.
When dehydrated, the patient can fall into a coma with a fatal outcome. Signs of problems are: prolonged lack of urination, frequent pulse, low blood pressure, change in skin tone, dry mucous membranes. The sooner symptoms appear after eating infected foods, the more severe the intestinal infection.
In some cases, the analysis for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections is carried out by the appearance of feces:
- salmonellosis: frequent and liquid greenish bowel movements;
- escherichiosis: yellowish-orange loose stools;
- cholera, halophiliasis: watery stools with whitish mucus;
- dysentery: slimy stools with blood;
- rotavirus infection: loose, frothy, brown stools.
External symptoms are not enough to analyze intestinal infections, for this purpose a detailed laboratory study is needed.
In each case, the disease is diagnosed in advance, as a result of examination and questioning of the patient. But the exact definition of the causative agent of intestinal infection will give bacteriological examination of feces, blood, vomit.
Laboratory diagnostics includes culture and microbiological examination of feces for the intestinal group, a blood test for RNGA with shigellosis diagnosticums.
For the purpose of a preliminary diagnosis, the relationship between the quality of food consumed and the appearance of feces is established. Then they test for rotavirus infection.

If the result is negative, the following diagnostics are required:
- stool culture;
- examination of wash water for a nutrient medium for bacteria that provoked the disease;
- exploring vomit using a similar method.
The test results may take up to five days. The serological method allows you to detect specific antibodies to viruses of various types using ELISA, RNGA.
The patient is tested for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections from a vein, which is carried out not on the first day of the disease, but in the process of fighting a progressive virus.
It is obligatory to study the characteristics of a particular type of bacteria in the biological material (PCR study). Changes in the intestinal microflora inherent in a particular type of gastrointestinal tract lesion will help to detect studies using sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy and other methods.
If the culture result was negative, immunological diagnostic methods are used. Immunoenzyme methods can detect antibodies to Campylobacter and Salmonella; enterotoxins of pathogenic strains can be detected by PCR, latex agglutination.
Howget tested?
In order to obtain reliable results, the patient is advised to prepare accordingly:
- refrain from meat, alcohol, dairy products, cereals, potatoes, white bread for five days;
- Three days before the seeding procedure for intestinal infections, stop taking antibiotics, laxatives, iron preparations, rectal suppositories;
- prepare a container for analysis: a container purchased from a pharmacy, hermetically sealed and sterile.
Rules of procedure:
- prevent the entry of foreign substances into the feces: urine, blood;
- content container must not be treated with harsh chemicals: it is necessary to wash the container with soap and then scald with boiling water;
- to store the analysis, about 4 hours in the refrigerator is acceptable; the longer the transportation period, the less accurate the results are, since some of the pathogens die.
At home, the analysis is taken in a sterile container. The amount to be guided by is a full teaspoon. In the office of an infectious disease specialist, a rectal swab is taken with a swab, which is injected at a shallow depth into the rectum and placed in a test tube. A doctor's referral is included with the container.
Types of studies:
- For greater accuracy of the result, a three-fold analysis of feces is provided. The material is placed in a nutrient medium for 5 days. At the same time, colonies suitable for a smear on the intestinal group grow, even with a small amountmicroorganisms. Pathological pathogens can be identified by their appearance, the mobility of organisms under a microscope.
- A laboratory assistant can give a preliminary result when viewing feces dissolved in water on the first day. Bacteriological examination allows you to determine the infectious agent, as well as susceptibility to antibiotics.
- The microbiological method involves the obligatory inoculation of feces on special media, and if this is not possible, samples of the material are placed in a solution with glycerin.
- Biochemical tests: determine the amount of fatty acids in the intestine, as a result of which they draw conclusions about the qualitative composition of the intestinal group.
- Quick results get serological tests of blood reactions. The intestinal group analysis takes into account the entire spectrum of microorganisms.
Duration of analysis: It will take about seven days for the final result of studies on causative agents of intestinal infections. This period is necessary to establish the characteristics of the growth of the pathogen. You can speed up the process using express methods that provide less certainty.
The presence of a variety of the pathogen is noted in the appropriate column of the research form or fits into the conclusion by the signature of the doctor. A detailed analysis, taking into account the number of colony-forming units, makes it possible to judge the nature of dysbacteriosis against the background of beneficial microflora.
You should not decipher the analysis yourself, only bacteriologists, infectious disease specialists, gastroenterologists will give the correct answer.
Infectious intestin althe disease requires an integrated approach and cannot go away on its own. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the causative agents of acute intestinal viral infections, and a properly constructed therapy regimen provides a phased recovery.
Basic principles of treatment:
- bed rest;
- certain diet;
- use of specialized medicines.
In the fight against pathogens of intestinal infections, antibiotics or intestinal antiseptics are prescribed. They have the advantage that they can be used before the pathogen is identified.
In each case, sorbents are prescribed for the accelerated removal of toxins from the body ("Smekta", "Atoxil", "Enterosgel", "Filtrum").
In the process of normalization, probiotics ("Linex", "Hilak forte", "Acipol"), products containing bifidus and lactobacilli are shown. Enterogermina, Mezim, Creon, Pancreatin, Bio-gay, Enterol, yogurts are successfully fighting dysbacteriosis.
The next step is rehydration, as the patient loses large amounts of s alt and fluid, which is fraught with consequences. In addition to this, antipyretics, diarrhea drugs, diet food, and bed rest are prescribed. At the pharmacy, you can buy ready-made s alt products from which saline is made.
Means recommended in the fight against pathogens of viral intestinal infections: Norfloxacin (tablets), Oralit,"Rehydron", "Humana". Symptomatic treatment for gastritis includes the use of "Omez", "Ranitidine", "Omeprazole", with nausea - "Cerucal". If a person is not sent to a hospital with a dropper, then he is prescribed a plentiful drink.

Seeing a doctor should not be delayed if young patients feel unwell, even if the urge to vomit is infrequent. They need urgent screening for intestinal infections to avoid rapid dehydration. And before the arrival of the ambulance, you need to give the child a drink at intervals of ten minutes, 5 ml.
Any intestinal infection requires a diet. Medicines are useless without special nutrition. Meals are selected taking into account the severity of the disease, general recommendations and the category of excluded products. In case of exacerbation, soups, low-fat broths, cereals, fish, steamed scrambled eggs, baked apples without skin, lean cookies are recommended.
Prohibited foods for diarrhea:
- milk and dairy products;
- dishes containing raw vegetables;
- fresh berries and fruits;
- fried, fatty;
- spicy (spices, onions, garlic);
- s alty, smoked;
- canned food;
- alcohol.
To compensate for the lack of fluid in the body, dried fruit compotes, weak rosehip broth, still water are recommended. Milk should be eliminated from the diet for at least three months after recovery.
What not to do whensuspected infection
It happens that when an intestinal infection is suspected, people make independent attempts to improve their condition. But without testing for the causative agent of the intestinal infection, such treatment may be harmful or lead to complications.
Activities prohibited for infectious diseases:
- pain management with painkillers: altered state complicates intestinal infection testing and treatment program development;
- non-medical use of fasteners: toxins continue to accumulate in the intestines, threatening to aggravate the condition, while diarrhea helps to cleanse the body;
- using a heating pad: heat increases bacterial growth;
- use of folk or homeopathic remedies: methods are possible only as additional after consultation with a specialist.
The occurrence of any kind of infection during pregnancy poses a threat to the development of the fetus. Accumulations of toxins can become a prerequisite for spontaneous miscarriage. Dehydration is dangerous, in which the delivery of oxygen and nutrients is difficult. Often there is fetal hypoxia, which affects its further development.
Delay in seeking medical attention in the presence of a virus, the causative agent of intestinal infections, can be fatal.
The slightest signs of spoilage indicate the low quality of the entire product. And not having confidence in the safety of food, it is better to throw it away. Aspreventive vaccination and other measures are not provided. But it does not hurt to follow a number of measures for your own safety.
List of preventive actions:
- remember hygiene;
- boil water and milk before drinking;
- wash hands with soap after going to the toilet;
- change towels often;
- refuse to eat raw eggs, even poultry;
- thoroughly cook or otherwise heat meat;
- control the expiration date of purchased products;
- wash greens well before eating;

- store food in the refrigerator;
- do not give pure milk to an infant;
- keep the living space clean, do not accumulate garbage, which serves as a breeding ground for bacteria;
- if possible, monitor the humidity of the premises, which is favorable for the reproduction of bacteria;
- in case of illness, boil the dishes of the infected;
- treat the patient's feces with a chlorine solution.
The highest activity of pathogens of intestinal infections in water and the environment is in the summer season. It is in the warm season that many allow themselves to drink from open sources. As you know, tap water that has stood in the heat is a breeding ground for dangerous bacteria. Due to the high temperature, products such as meat, fish quickly become unusable, without changing their appearance.
Not everyone considers it necessary to fight insects. Not for everyoneit is known that on the body of a fly there can be up to tens of millions of microorganisms that provoke serious diseases. Therefore, it is unacceptable for insects to crawl on products.
In summer, a person drinks a lot of liquid, which, when it enters the stomach, dilutes the composition of enzymes and thereby reduces their protective functions. At the first symptoms of intoxication, you should immediately consult a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable. A study on carriers of pathogens of intestinal infections should be repeated three times to be sure that there are no dangerous microorganisms for the family, the work team.
Analysis for causative agents of intestinal infections is compulsory:
- medical workers of maternity hospitals, children's, infectious diseases departments;
- personnel of preschool institutions, schools;
- food workers;
- workers involved in the production and processing of products, packers, transporters, sellers.
The listed contingent is tested according to the approved schedule from 2 to 4 times a year. Upon confirmation of infection, the study for the carriage of pathogens of intestinal infections can be expanded to the level of a general check of personnel at the request of the sanitary supervision authorities. In case of a dangerous epidemic, the powers of inspection are increased - up to the closure of the institution.
In this way, a source of infection, a bacteriocarrier, a person who has been ill and has the remains of an infection in the body, an undertreated patient can be identified. Unscrupulous attitude to hygiene threatens the he alth of the person himself andthe people around him.