Wen are subcutaneous outgrowths, which in medical practice are referred to as "lipoma". Doctors classify such neoplasms as harmless tumors. Wen under the skin do not pose a serious he alth hazard. However, most people seek to remove such tumors for cosmetic reasons. There are several ways to get rid of wen under the skin on the hands and other parts of the body.
Researchers still cannot establish a list of specific prerequisites for the formation of wen under the skin (photo can be seen in our material). However, there are many objective hypotheses regarding factors that can provoke the formation of such neoplasms. According to doctors, the causes of wen under the skin can be considered:
- result of traumatic effect on tissues;
- congenital tendency to develop characteristic outgrowths;
- disorders of fat metabolism in the body;
- exposure to the skin of an abundance of ionizing radiation;
- avitaminosis along with insufficient protein intake;
- age-related changes in the structure of subcutaneous tissues.
According to scientists, the first place among the above factors is the genetic predisposition to the formation of wen. The risk of the formation of such neoplasms increases significantly if this has previously been noted in parents.
Clinical picture

What symptoms are observed in the formation of wen under the skin? In the early stages, there are no pronounced signs. A person does not notice the outgrowths, because they are of small size and elastic structure. Moreover, their occurrence is not accompanied by pain and local fever. When pressed, the outgrowths may move.
Over time, the accumulations, which previously had a soft consistency, are somewhat compacted. Wen begin to grow together with the surrounding tissues. The skin in the places of their formation takes on a tightened appearance. It makes itself felt clinical manifestation in the form of a feeling of heaviness at the site of tumor formation. Large wen begin to cause sagging of the skin and lead to stagnant processes in the tissues. All this looks extremely unaesthetic and makes a person look for ways to solve the problem.
What are the dangers of wen?
As noted above, wen under the skin are benign neoplasms. However, there is always a slight risk of their mutation. We are talking about cases where chronic outgrowthscovered with capsules. A dense barrier is formed, beyond which antibodies are not able to penetrate to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. The internal component of the wen becomes a fertile environment for the active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.
Such outgrowths pose a danger when attempts are made to remove them on their own. People often try to pierce or squeeze wen under the skin. However, such actions lead to the entry of serious infections into tissue structures. Often, gross interventions cause abnormal changes in the structure of wen and a significant growth of neoplasms.
Surgical Therapy

If a wen has formed under the skin, what to do in such a situation? A popular solution is surgical excision of the neoplasms. The operation is as follows. The doctor makes a small incision on the skin, after which he gently squeezes out the encapsulated outgrowth. Then the specialist scrapes the remnants of pathological tissues and cleans the wound using disinfecting compounds. Finally, sutures are applied. After removal, wen no longer form in the presented area. However, the result of surgery is the formation of scar tissue.
Laser technique
Treatment of a wen under the skin is carried out using a laser device. The technique is quite expensive. However, the result is worth it: the operation is absolutely painless and avoids the formation ofscars. When exposed to a laser, the encapsulated tissues gradually dissolve. After such an intervention, the skin is smoothed for several weeks. After the operation, there are no hints of the former presence of the outgrowth.

This method of removing wen under the skin is quite in demand among visitors to beauty parlors. The essence of the procedure is to influence the neoplasm with directed high-frequency electric current charges. Complete healing of the wound after such an operation is observed within one and a half weeks. There are no scars or other traces of intervention at the site of exposure. In rare cases, hyperpigmentation is noted. However, the problem disappears naturally over time.
Removal of a wen under the skin on the hands and other parts of the body occurs due to the introduction of special tubes into the tissues. The neoplasm is pierced and separated from adjacent he althy structures. If the outgrowth is large, they often resort to excision and scraping of individual fragments. The consequence of the operation is the formation of minor puncture marks on the skin through which the endoscopic apparatus was inserted. Within a few days, such damage heals on its own.
Radio wave therapy

How else to get rid of a wen under the skin? An effective solution would be to remove the neoplasm by influencingpathological tissues by directed radio wave radiation. The procedure contributes to the dissolution of not only accumulations of fat masses, but also the surrounding capsule. The application of the technique allows you to avoid bleeding. The operation is absolutely painless. In addition, at the end of therapy, suturing is not required. Recovery after radio wave removal of a wen takes no more than a week.
Vishnevsky's ointment
The remedy is a popular solution not only for eliminating wen, but also for pulling other neoplasms out of the skin structure. The composition of the drug contains components with a sparing effect. For this reason, the ointment is safe to use even for pregnant and breastfeeding women.
The main active ingredient of the remedy is atheroma. When applied to the affected areas, the component begins to draw the contents of the wen outward. In the treated area, a slight inflammation forms, which can fester slightly. To heal such a wound, tissues are treated with antiseptic compounds.
Ichthyol ointment

Wen under the skin on the arm, photos of which can be seen in the publication, are quickly eliminated through the use of ichthyol ointment. The tool has a resolving effect. The drug produces a pronounced effect on lipomas, warming local tissues. The result is a gradual dissolution of the growth. Separate components of the ointment prevent the formation of inflammatory processes. It is not recommended to apply the composition to the mucous membranes. Based on this, betterresort to the use of other means if wen occur in the face.
Asterisk Balm
The product is made on the basis of essential oils synthesized from peppermint, cinnamon, camphor, cloves and eucalyptus. Vaseline is an auxiliary component. These substances are distinguished by their ability to penetrate into the deep layers of tissues and dissolve the structure of neoplasms. The composition also contains menthol and beeswax, which relieve the accompanying discomfort during the treatment.
Due to the natural composition, the balm is considered an absolutely safe remedy for eliminating wen. However, the use of the drug is not advised to people who have individual intolerance to the components, as well as pregnant women.

The sap of the plant is a rather caustic substance. When it comes into contact with the skin, an ulcerated area appears at the site of the formation of the wen. Over time, a hole appears here, which makes it possible to gain access to the outgrowth. This contributes to the removal of the contents of the neoplasm by any available method. For such purposes, you can use compresses based on the same Vishnevsky ointment or apply aloe sheets to the affected area. Despite the effectiveness of the method, considerable discomfort will have to be endured during therapy, since such treatment is accompanied by the development of a rather pronounced pain syndrome.
Hellebore Root
Resorption of neoplasms in the skin structure and cleansing of adjacent tissues contributesthe use of a remedy prepared on the basis of the root of the hellebore plant. Dried raw materials are carefully ground to obtain a powdery mass. To make a portion of the medicine, 50 mg of the substance is poured into a glass of boiled water. The remedy is insisted throughout the day. Next, the composition is carefully filtered. The infusion is consumed daily in one portion. Resorption of wen with such therapy can take many months. However, the result will be a complete cleansing of tissues from fat accumulations. Check with your doctor before using this method - hellebore is poisonous.

The use of garlic to remove wen under the skin will be a rational solution, since the juice of the plant has irritating and antiseptic properties. During local use, there is an active stimulation of blood flow to the area of neoplasm formation. All this contributes to the gradual resorption of the subcutaneous outgrowth.
How to use the remedy for the treatment of wen? A few cloves of garlic are ground into a pulp. Such raw materials are combined with 2-3 drops of vegetable oil. The resulting mass is rubbed into the area of outgrowth formation. The procedure is performed daily until the problem disappears completely.
In conclusion
Each of the above methods of dealing with wen is quite effective. An excellent solution for a speedy non-surgical solution to the problem is the combination of individual medical and alternative methods of therapy. Of course, before resorting to specificactions, it is worth discussing these methods with your doctor. It is not recommended to remove the outgrowths yourself, as this will only aggravate the problem.