Practically everyone has experienced the symptom of bleeding. This condition is observed after invasive manipulations (testing, injections), with cuts. In these cases, drops of blood come out of the injury site. This happens due to trauma to the vessels of the skin or mucous membranes. At the same time, the blood quickly stops, and no pronounced changes in hemodynamics are observed. Nevertheless, there are a number of diseases, due to which the integrity of the vessels is restored with difficulty. At the same time, even capillary bleeding is difficult to stop. An example is pathology - hemophilia, which occurs due to a violation of the coagulation system of the body. Normally, capillary bleeding is not considered a serious pathological process. In most cases, outside help is not required for their relief.

What is capillary bleeding?
Bleeding occurs due to the destruction of the vessel wall. It can be arterial, venous, capillary. The latter is due to various injuries of small vessels of the body. signscapillary bleeding are familiar to everyone. They are observed with shallow cuts, falls (often in children), scratching, etc. Most often, capillary bleeding stops on its own. However, in some cases it is difficult to stop it due to a clotting disorder or injury to several small vessels at once. In such situations, you must take action yourself or call an ambulance.

Causes of capillary bleeding
Signs of capillary bleeding are known not only to adults, but also to children. After all, most often it is the kids who are faced with a similar symptom. Despite parental control, every child at least once fell on his knees or hands, resulting in capillary bleeding. In addition to injuries, there are other causes of this symptom. Among them:
- Stab wounds. In most cases, they occur as a result of performing medical manipulations. Among them are vaccinations, injections, blood sampling from a finger and dental procedures. At home, such wounds can be obtained while sewing.
- Cuts. Occur at home quite often. The main reasons are shaving and cooking.
- Increased intracranial pressure. This condition often results in nosebleeds.
- Pregnancy. It is known that during this period the capillary wall becomes more fragile. Therefore, when emptying the nasal passages, pregnant women may experience slight bleeding.
In addition, a similar symptom occurs in people suffering from vascular diseases. These pathologies include thrombocytopenic purpura, hemorrhagic vasculitis, hemophilia, leukemia, etc. In these cases, medical attention is necessary even with a minor injury.

Symptoms of capillary bleeding
The main signs of capillary bleeding include local manifestations of trauma. These include minor soreness in the area of damage, violation of the integrity of the skin. The main symptom is bleeding from the wound. It has a red color - the middle between a scarlet hue and burgundy. Unlike damage to arteries and veins, the blood stream does not come out under too much or too little pressure. There is no pulsation of the vessels. Other signs of capillary bleeding are the unexpressed intensity of the outpouring of biological fluid, as well as its discharge over the entire wound surface. In addition to violation of the integrity of the skin, the symptom is also observed when the mucous membranes are damaged. The most common is capillary bleeding from the nasal cavity. It can occur as a result of a blow, increased intracranial pressure. Also, a similar symptom is often found in vascular pathologies - vasculitis. Signs of capillary bleeding from the nose are the red color of the biological fluid and a small pressure of the jet. Most often, the symptom resolves on its own and hospitalization is not required.

Diagnosis of external capillarybleeding
As you know, bleeding can be external and internal. In the first case, the symptom is not so dangerous, as it is diagnosed in the first minutes. Identifying internal bleeding is more difficult. After all, there is no visible damage. External signs of capillary bleeding are immediately noticeable. They are the same, regardless of the location of the damaged vessels. External signs include the red color of blood, and its distribution throughout the wound. Unlike damage to the arteries, pulsation is not observed. The intensity of the outpouring of blood is low. However, if the veins are damaged, it is lower. If bleeding occurs from the vessels of the skin, then abrasions, wounds or traces of scratching can be seen on its surface. Hemodynamic disorders do not occur in most cases.

How to recognize internal bleeding from capillaries?
Signs of capillary bleeding from internal organs are more difficult to recognize. After all, the biological fluid does not flow out, but into the cavity of the body. Internal bleeding includes gastrointestinal, uterine, etc. The causes of such symptoms are organ injuries (physical and chemical effects on the mucous membrane), inflammatory and infectious diseases, oncological pathologies. In some cases, such bleeding is not diagnosed, as they stop on their own and do not lead to hemodynamic disturbances. Sometimes there are symptoms such as tachycardia, low blood pressure, pale skin. With capillarybleeding from the stomach occurs vomiting with an admixture of blood (Mallory-Weiss syndrome). Often this symptom is observed in people who abuse alcohol. When bleeding from the intestines, the stool turns black (melena). Anemia and a decrease in the number of red blood cells are observed in the KLA.

Capillary bleeding: signs and first aid at home
Most often you can cope with capillary bleeding on your own. However, you should not treat this symptom indifferently, as complications may develop. This is especially true in cases where nasal capillary bleeding is repeatedly repeated. Signs and first aid at home:
- Cleaning the wound with an antiseptic solution and applying a bandage. In this case, a sign is the release of red blood under low pressure from the skin.
- Rinse the wound surface with cold running water. This will help not only stop the bleeding, but also reduce pain.
- Applying a hemostatic sponge for a few minutes.
Nose capillary bleeding: signs and first aid (briefly)
When nosebleeds, the biological fluid is poured out in drops or a jet. The intensity is low. First aid includes the following activities:
- Sit down and calm the victim, tilt his head slightly forward.
- Press the wings of the nose against the septum for a few minutes.
- Apply ice.
- Ifthe bleeding does not stop, it is worth inserting turundas moistened with a solution of hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages.
If the above measures are ineffective, it is necessary to call an ambulance.
Help with severe capillary flow
In some cases, even capillary bleeding can lead to serious consequences. The most dangerous of them is hemorrhagic shock. Most often this occurs with internal bleeding. In this case, hospitalization is necessary. Help in the hospital is to replenish the BCC, the introduction of hemostatic drugs. These include medicines "Dicinon", "Vikasol", "Aminocaproic acid".