Jade is a kidney disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Jade is a kidney disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Jade is a kidney disease: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Jade is an inflammatory disease in which there is dysfunction of the kidneys. The severity of the violation of the work of the body depends on the type of pathological process, the cause and severity. The acute form causes temporary dysfunction. The chronic course of the disease is fraught with irreversible soft tissue damage and scarring. This, in turn, entails the development of a life-threatening condition - kidney failure.

What is jade?

The kidneys are the cleansing filter of the body. In addition, they are involved in the process of hematopoiesis and metabolism, maintain water balance. They are entrusted with the function of ensuring a normal level of pressure in the arteries. Therefore, any pathology affecting the renal system negatively affects the work of the whole organism.

Jade is a disease that includes a group of inflammatory disorders of various organ structures. Underthe latter refers to the renal glomeruli and tubules, interstitial tissue. With the development of the inflammatory process, damage to the organ occurs in them. The kidneys stop filtering blood properly. Harmful substances begin to accumulate in the body, adversely affecting human he alth.

The kidney itself consists of thousands of structural units - nephrons. One such fragment represents the glomerular filter and tubular system for reabsorption of beneficial elements. It is in the nephron that the division of substances into waste products, which are subsequently excreted with urine, and useful elements, which are reabsorbed.

Disease types

There are several varieties of jade. The first classification of inflammatory kidney disease is based on the site of development of the pathological focus:

  1. Glomerulonephritis (an inflammatory process is observed in the glomeruli or glomeruli of the kidneys).
  2. Pyelonephritis (pathology extends to the pelvicalyceal system).
  3. Tubulointerstitial nephritis (inflammation of the tubules and interstitium).

In addition, the disease can have an acute or chronic course, and according to the degree of damage it can be diffuse or focal. Primary nephritis is an independent disease. Secondary develops against the background of already present pathologies of the kidneys and other organ systems.

patient consultation with doctor
patient consultation with doctor

Causes and risk factors

Primary kidney damage in most cases is directly related to their pathology. It may havehereditary and be genetically determined. This form of the disease does not appear immediately after birth, but after some time, when the intermediate metabolic products begin to have a toxic effect.

Secondary nephritis develops against the background of the following he alth problems:

  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • cirrhosis;
  • vasculitis;
  • hepatitis B;
  • oncological diseases;
  • severe forms of anemia.

The cause of acute nephritis is usually an infectious process in the body, which is a complication in the form of an inflammatory process in the kidneys. The chronic variety is the result of poor-quality or untimely treatment of an acute one. In addition, its exacerbation is observed with hypothermia, reduced immunity, infection from the bladder.

The risk group for developing the disease includes people who are overweight and have hypertension, who have a history of heart disease and diabetes. In addition, gynecological diseases and surgical interventions in the urinary tract significantly increase the likelihood of nephritis.

Clinical picture

Symptoms and treatment of nephritis are largely determined by the form of the disease. The acute infectious variety usually develops in patients under 35 years of age. Its first manifestations occur within a few days after hypothermia. The main features are as follows:

  • temperature increase;
  • weakness;
  • back pain;
  • thirst and dryness inmouth;
  • bloating, nausea, vomiting;
  • pain when urinating;
  • blood in urine.

All forms of jade are characterized by swelling. It first appears on the face and eyelids, then spreads to the legs and the whole body. The danger of edema lies in their rapid progression, the occurrence of heart failure against this background.

In chronic nephritis, the pressure rises. However, a similar symptom is often found in the acute course of the disease. It is not dangerous.

Chronic nephritis entails cases of regular exacerbations, proceeds for a long time. Even during periods of remission, patients complain of weakness, lack of appetite, subfebrile temperature.

In the case of secondary types of pathology, the renal glomeruli are affected. The clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms:

  • pallor of the skin;
  • pronounced swelling throughout the body;
  • appearance of protein in the urine;
  • high blood pressure;
  • anuria.

With high pressure figures, patients often develop eclampsia with severe headaches, convulsions. Possible loss of consciousness, involuntary defecation.

nephritis symptoms
nephritis symptoms

Diagnostic Methods

Diagnosis of the inflammatory process does not cause any particular difficulties. If the primary symptoms of nephritis occur, you should consult a doctor. Who treats the kidneys and is engaged in the prevention of nephritis? These issues are within the competence of the urologist, therapist and nephrologist.

Diagnostics begin with anamnesispatient and clinical symptoms to determine the etiology of the disease. Usually patients complain that the kidney hurts on the left side or on the right side, for a high temperature. Then the doctor examines the skin, palpates the lumbar region, measures pressure and pulse. After that, he gives a direction for laboratory tests (general / biochemical blood, general and urine culture).

Instrumental methods of diagnostics are obligatory. Ultrasound is the most informative. With its help, you can assess the general condition of the kidneys, identify edema, the presence of sand and stones. On ultrasound, signs of nephritis are easily confirmed. Also, patients are prescribed CT with or without a contrast agent. The study allows you to study the structure of the organ in a three-dimensional image, to assess the functional state of the excretory system.

After receiving the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes therapy. Usually it is carried out in a hospital with bed rest. In addition, the patient is individually selected medications, a diet is prescribed. Being in the hospital is necessary for regular monitoring of the patient's condition, taking tests from him and assessing the dynamics of the kidneys. Only this approach can prevent the development of kidney failure.

diagnosis of nephritis
diagnosis of nephritis

Drug therapy

Jade is a disease that requires long-term medication. Treatment usually takes from 20 days to several months. Bacterial Form Therapydisease, in case of infection, is based on antibiotics in tablets or intravenously (Ceftriaxone, Amoxiclav, Tsiprolet). Sometimes the treatment regimen is supplemented with herbal uroseptics. When the course of the disease is accompanied by pain, it is recommended to take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac).

"Diclofenac" tablets
"Diclofenac" tablets

Poor kidney function negatively affects the balance of electrolytes in the body. If their level is markedly increased, the patient is prescribed diuretics (Furosemide, Diuver). They help remove excess fluid and minerals from the body, reduce swelling. With a lack of electrolytes, supplements of magnesium, sodium and potassium in tablets are indicated.

Kidney dysfunction is one of the causes of high blood pressure. It is necessary to control its indicators with the help of drugs against arterial hypertension ("Captopril", "Valsartan").

In Europe, doctors offer their own version of how to cure nephritis. They prescribe bacteriophages to their patients. However, this therapy is very expensive. Therefore, it is not used in Russia.

medical treatment for nephritis
medical treatment for nephritis

Other treatments

Therapeutic plasmapheresis is used to stop the inflammatory process and purify the blood from toxic substances. The procedure involves taking a portion of blood for the subsequent separation of the formed elements from its liquid part. The latter is then replaced with intravenous fluids or donor plasma that lacks antibodies. Uniformselements with renewed plasma are returned back to the patient's bloodstream.

If the patient's condition, despite drug therapy, worsens or kidney failure develops, lifelong blood purification is required. In such cases, hemodialysis is performed. Kidney patients are in specialized medical centers or hospital.


Diet for nephritis

Without a change in nutrition, the treatment of the inflammatory process will be ineffective. The diet should be high-calorie and at the same time balanced. If the functionality of the kidneys and other organs is preserved, the system of nutritional correction is not required. Just limit your s alt intake.

In other cases, the jade diet implies compliance with the following principles:

  • presence in the diet of foods high in protein;
  • increasing its calorie content through carbohydrates and fats;
  • eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables;
  • balancing water and s alt.

From flour products it is better to choose bread with a minimum addition of s alt. As for soups, preference should be given to dairy or vegetarian options. Meat and fish should be used in the diet of only lean varieties. Eggs are allowed, but not more than one per day. It is better to drink fruit and vegetable juices, herbal decoctions and infusions.

diet for nephritis
diet for nephritis

Help of traditional medicine

If the kidney hurts on the left side or on the right side, some patientsbegin to self-treat the malaise without confirming the diagnosis. However, this approach is wrong.

In addition to the medical treatment of nephritis, various herbs and decoctions are often prescribed. Homemade medicines have a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and diuretic effect. With the availability and simplicity of herbal remedies, it is not recommended to use them without consulting a doctor.

As a diuretic, folk healers advise using nettle decoction. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of dry raw materials into 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. After it should be taken 125 ml three times a day.

In the chronic form of the disease, bearberry infusion can be prepared. Pour a tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave to infuse for about half an hour. It is recommended to take the remedy in a tablespoon 5 times a day. Bearberry can be combined with lingonberry leaves. The latter have an excellent diuretic effect. It will take 2 tablespoons of bearberry and lingonberry leaves to pour 2 liters of water. The resulting mixture should be evaporated over low heat. When about half of its original volume remains, the infusion should be cooled and filtered. Take it 150-200 ml three times a day.

As a preventive measure, folk healers recommend vegetable juices (potato, beetroot). They are characterized by antibacterial and diuretic action, strengthen the immune system well.

nettle decoction for nephritis
nettle decoction for nephritis

Possible Complications

Diagnosis of nephritis and quality treatment are very important. Otherwise, the course of the disease may be accompanied by complications. Among them, the most common are anuria, pulmonary edema, cerebral apoplexy. In 10% of cases, eclamptic seizures occur, but they end happily. At the beginning of the pathological process, heart failure may develop, which is manifested by shortness of breath, cyanosis and cough.

In severe forms of nephritis, patients are often diagnosed with renal failure. It entails a change in the composition of the blood. One of the consequences is the formation of blood clots and stroke. These disorders occur due to the excretion of a large amount of protein from the body, which is essential for normal life.

Prognosis and prevention methods

Prognosis for recovery from nephritis directly depends on timely diagnosis and adequate therapy. In most cases, it is positive. However, sometimes the disease can be complicated and take a chronic course. If the patient continues to ignore he alth problems, there is a high chance of developing kidney failure.

What is nephritis and how to treat it properly is described a little higher. Can this disease be prevented? Prevention comes down to a careful attitude to one's own he alth and an immediate response to any ailments. It is extremely important to take care of the body, to strengthen the immune system. Doctors also advise:

  • do not take medication without a prescriptiondoctor;
  • do not use herbal infusions and decoctions that are contraindicated in kidney disease;
  • eliminate stressful experiences;
  • do not neglect the treatment of viral and infectious diseases.

When the hereditary form of the disease, all preventive measures are powerless. Such patients should follow the recommended treatment in order to slow down the course of nephrosclerotic processes. Mortality at a young age is still 40%.
