Wen on the body is an unpleasant phenomenon that many men and women are forced to face. Someone sees in this benign neoplasm only a cosmetic defect, while someone fears its rebirth. What are wen, what are the reasons for their appearance and how to get rid of them? The answers to these questions are offered in the article.
Wen on the body: what is it?
For starters, it doesn't hurt to understand what they are. Doctors call these benign growths lipomas. What does a wen look like on the body? This is a soft movable seal, which is located in the subcutaneous fat layer. Most often, such tumors can be seen on open areas of the body, for example, on the face, neck, hands. Is it any wonder that their owners dream of getting rid of them as quickly as possible.

Two types of lipomas are most widespread.
- Miliums. These neoplasms are compact in size (no more than 3-5 mm), rise aboveskin, look like white nodules. They consist of dead areas of the epithelium and adipose tissue. You can meet them even in infants, their occurrence does not depend on gender. The chin, cheeks, wings of the nose, areas under the eyes are the places where milia are traditionally localized. These wen on the body do not increase in size, do not cause discomfort. Therefore, they are perceived solely as a cosmetic flaw.
- Xanthelasmas. They are mobile subcutaneous formations consisting of fat cells. These lipomas have a loose consistency, may have a different shape. They are able to increase in size, can be found in different parts of the body. Xanthelasmas are most common in women over 50.
What else do you need to know about wen on the body? These neoplasms can be both single and multiple. In exceptional cases, they grow up to 10 cm in diameter. Lipomas can appear in children and adults, in men and women.
Reasons for appearance
What other information is useful for owners of benign neoplasms? Why do wen appear on the body? Unfortunately, scientists have not yet been able to fully understand this issue. However, something still turned out to be found out.
So, where do wen come from on the body? The reasons for their occurrence may be different. The causative factor is malnutrition. Lipomas can appear on the body of someone whose diet is dominated by fast carbohydrates, preservatives, trans fats.

In addition, the following options are possible:
- lipid metabolism disorder;
- congenital anomalies;
- hormonal changes;
- diseases of the thyroid gland, pituitary gland;
- violation of the functions of the genitourinary system;
- kidney pathology;
- chronic diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, liver;
- impaired immune system function, beriberi;
- high blood cholesterol;
- diabetes mellitus;
- bad habits (alcohol, smoking);
- sedentary lifestyle.
What else can you tell about where the wen come from on the body? The reasons for their appearance may not be internal, but external. In some cases, this is due to blockage of the outlet of the sebaceous gland. Also, their occurrence may be associated with hypothermia, stress.
Are they dangerous
Is it really necessary to remove wen on the body? Doctors are of the same opinion on this issue. Lipomas should certainly be disposed of, it does not depend on their location and quantity. Neoplasms are benign in nature, but there is a possibility of their degeneration into a malignant tumor.

What are the warning signs that a person needs an urgent medical examination?
- The wen begins to grow rapidly. Its increase in size occurs in a short time period.
- Touching a lipoma causes unpleasantsensation becomes painful.
- Change the color and shape of the neoplasm.
- Inflammatory processes develop in nearby tissues.
- Serous fluid begins to ooze from the lipoma.
Any of these symptoms can warn about the onset of tumor degeneration. In this case, it is urgent to get rid of the wen. After removal of the neoplasm, its tissues will certainly be subjected to histological examination. This will refute or confirm the presence of cancer cells.
Should the appearance of wen on the body be alarming if there are no alarming symptoms? Doctors advise getting rid of neoplasms that do not cause discomfort to their owner. Lipoma is a serious cosmetic defect. In addition, there is a threat of rubbing it with clothes, damage.
Removal in clinic
Relatively recently, the only option available was surgery. Fortunately, today the owners of lindens are offered various methods of dealing with them. How to get rid of wen on the body in the clinic? The following methods are most popular:

- cryolysis;
- laser beam;
- radio wave method;
- electrocoagulation;
- puncture-aspiration method.
Which method should be preferred? To make a decision, you need to get more information about each of them.
The technology is based on the use of cold. benignthe neoplasm is frozen with liquid nitrogen, which leads to its death. Some time later, the lipoma disappears on its own. The procedure is carried out using a special device for acupressure. This ensures the safety of nearby tissues.
What are the disadvantages of this method? Cryodestruction allows you to cope with only small neoplasms.
In this case, wen on the body, the causes and methods of removal of which are discussed in the article, are cauterized with electric current. The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. In place of the lipoma, a wound remains, which quickly becomes covered with a dry crust. The crust falls off after the wound dries up. In its place, a dark spot remains, which disappears after a while.

What are the disadvantages of electrocoagulation. First of all, it should be noted that this procedure is mainly suitable for dealing with small wen. When removing a large lipoma, it is possible to save the scar. Also, one cannot fail to note the pain of the procedure, the need for the use of local anesthesia.
Puncture-aspiration method
This way of dealing with wen on the body is not suitable for everyone. First of all, people who have lipomas formed on the eyelids, under the eyes should pay attention to it. It is also worth knowing that only owners of small tumors can resort to it. What is this method? To remove a lipoma, a special device is used, with whichits contents are sucked out. For some time, a trace of the injection remains on the skin. The likelihood of complications tends to zero, but there is a threat of relapse. It cannot be excluded that a benign formation will reappear in the same place.
Laser beam
An effective and safe method of dealing with wen on the body is laser treatment. This method is often used when it is necessary to remove tumors on the face, scalp, arms and neck. During the procedure, the laser beam not only burns out fatty tissue, but also coagulates the blood vessels. This helps prevent infection of nearby tissues, bleeding.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, it can last 20-30 minutes, the time directly depends on the size of the lipoma. At the site of the neoplasm, only a small wound remains, which quickly heals. There are no scars, a wonderful cosmetic effect is guaranteed. The recovery period takes a minimum of time.
Radio wave method
The fight against wen on the body with the help of a radio knife is gaining more and more popularity. This is the name of a special device that successfully replaces a surgical scalpel. A directed beam of radio waves easily cuts tissue, disinfects the surgical field and stops bleeding.
During the operation, the doctor cuts the skin, removes the lipoma tissue in layers. The wen is removed along with the capsule, which eliminates the threat of relapse. The procedure can last 15-30 minutes, the patient can recover home an hour later. The appearance of suppuration is completely excluded,edema. Also, the use of a radio knife guarantees the absence of scars, scars at the site of the removed tumor.
Perhaps the only drawback of this progressive method is its rather high cost.
Pharmacy products
Referring to a specialist helps to quickly get rid of wen on the body. However, many people prefer to deal with them with the help of pharmacy products. Preparations intended for topical application soften tissues, activate blood circulation. Before using them, be sure to read the instructions. You also need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction. To do this, you can apply a small amount of ointment, cream or gel to the inside of the forearm. Approximately 20-30 minutes later, it is worth making sure that there is no redness.

- Vitaon balm. The composition of this natural preparation includes essential oils and extracts of pine, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula, mint, yarrow and other medicinal plants. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, has regenerative properties. The tool can be used to treat adults and children, pregnant and lactating mothers.
- Videstim ointment. Among the components of this drug is retinol, the action of which is aimed at splitting the tissues of the wen. The use of the agent ensures the reduction or complete disappearance of the lipoma. The ointment is suitable for adults and children, but there are certain restrictions for pregnant women.women.
- Vishnevsky's ointment. Fish oil, birch tar, xeroform, castor oil are the components that make up the drug. This tool is famous for its ability to penetrate deeply under the skin, it has an antimicrobial, drying and astringent effect. Its use leads to the fact that the tissues of the neoplasm are absorbed, brought out. The ointment can be used at any age.
- Ichthyol ointment. The composition of this drug includes medical vaseline and ichthyol. Thanks to these components, blood flow to the area of the lipoma is ensured, its resorption. In addition, the ointment has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound healing effects. The drug is available for adults and children from 6 years of age, it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.
How to get rid of wen on the body? The reasons why people prefer folk remedies can be different. Someone considers them the safest for the body, someone wants to save money in this way. Recipes for healing compresses are offered below.

- Onion. To prepare such a compress, you need to bake an unpeeled onion in the oven, cool and chop. Next, you need to grate a piece of laundry soap, mix this product with the onion mass. The composition is laid out on a gauze napkin, after which it is fixed in the area with a wen using an adhesive plaster. You can remove the compress only six hours later. As a result, the wen should open up and come outout. Until then, the procedure is repeated daily.
- Egg. To prepare this compress, fresh leaves of the golden mustache plant and a raw chicken egg are required. The plant must be crushed, mixed with an egg. The resulting composition is laid out on a wen, on top it is necessary to place a gauze napkin, polyethylene and a bandage, with which you can keep warm. It is necessary to keep such a compress for at least 12 hours, so it is better to do it at night. The procedure is repeated daily until the opening of the lipoma.
- With aloe. The leaves of this plant are famous for their pulling and bactericidal properties. With the help of such a compress, you can get rid of small wen on the body. A fresh leaf must be freed from rough skin and thorns, cut in half. A fresh cut must be applied to the neoplasm, fixed with a bandage. Repeat this procedure every evening until the result is achieved. When a small wound remains at the site of the lipoma, it should certainly be disinfected.
A person who expects to quickly achieve his goal, it is better to give preference to more effective means. The use of folk recipes in the fight against benign neoplasms involves a long wait for the result.
The article has a photo of a wen on the body, which will help you better imagine what it is.