Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Useful information: what to do if the legs swell

Useful information: what to do if the legs swell

Swollen limbs cause a lot of discomfort. It becomes difficult to stand, constantly pulls to sit down, shoes begin to painfully press … What should I do if my legs swell? Read about it in this article

Bruised ribs - how long does it hurt, symptoms and features of treatment

Bruised ribs - how long does it hurt, symptoms and features of treatment

Rib contusion is a mechanical damage to a given bone, in which its structure remains intact; is the most common and mild of chest injuries. It may be accompanied by fractures of the limbs, subcutaneous hemorrhages, but such serious injuries as concussion, pneumo- or hemothorax, ruptured lungs are extremely rare

Corns on the legs: causes and methods of treatment

Corns on the legs: causes and methods of treatment

Corns on the feet, also known as calluses, are thickened areas of skin that have become hard and hard due to repeated or prolonged rubbing, pressure, or other irritation. How to treat them? Find out in the article

Mandelssohn's syndrome manifestations. Severe respiratory disease

Mandelssohn's syndrome manifestations. Severe respiratory disease

Mendelssohn's syndrome is a severe complication that develops in patients after undergoing abdominal operations, as well as as a result of some injuries and pathologies of related organs. What is this disease?

Acute respiratory failure: causes, diagnosis, classification, emergency care and treatment

Acute respiratory failure: causes, diagnosis, classification, emergency care and treatment

Acute respiratory failure is a serious pathology that can lead to he alth problems and death. About what are its causes, what assistance should be provided, what the consequences may be - the article will tell

Arrhythmia disease: doctors' reviews

Arrhythmia disease: doctors' reviews

Arrhythmia is a pathological condition that is associated with a violation of the heart rhythm. If a person is in a calm state, then his heart rate should be 60-80 beats per minute, sometimes the number of these beats decreases or vice versa increases

ALS disease: causes, symptoms and course. Diagnosis and treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

ALS disease: causes, symptoms and course. Diagnosis and treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Modern medicine is constantly evolving. Scientists are creating new drugs for previously incurable diseases. However, today experts cannot offer adequate treatment against all ailments. One of these pathologies is ALS disease. The causes of this disease are still unexplored, and the number of patients is only increasing every year

Chronic active hepatitis: classification, symptoms and treatment

Chronic active hepatitis: classification, symptoms and treatment

Chronic active hepatitis is a viral disease. The number of people suffering from it is increasing exponentially. In medicine, even fatal cases have been recorded. Can you live with it? Chronic hepatitis - how to treat and how? Let's figure it out in more detail

Types of curvature of the spine (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis): causes and methods of treatment

Types of curvature of the spine (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis): causes and methods of treatment

The following types of curvature of the spine are distinguished: lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis. They appear for many reasons and affect regardless of age. There are many ways to treat them. The main thing is to choose one that really cures, and does not cause even more harm

How to treat seborrhea on the face: a review of drugs and folk remedies

How to treat seborrhea on the face: a review of drugs and folk remedies

How to treat seborrhea on the face? In the process of developing seborrheic dermatitis, redness appears on the skin, which begins to peel off. Skin cells die. Some call this disease dandruff. Quite often, the disease appears on the face, this does not indicate that the person does not follow the basic rules of hygiene

Removal of the uterus: consequences for the body

Removal of the uterus: consequences for the body

In gynecology, hysterectomy is a common practice. Another name for this surgery is a hysterectomy. It is carried out both on a planned and emergency basis. Women, regardless of age, react very painfully to such a doctor's decision. Let's try to figure out what are the consequences of the operation to remove the uterus

Hippocratic nails: causes and treatments

Hippocratic nails: causes and treatments

Symptom of drum sticks (Hippocratic fingers, or drum fingers) - not affecting the bone tissue and not painful bulb-shaped thickening of the terminal phalanges of the fingers and toes, which can be traced in chronic diseases of the heart, liver or lungs. What causes this pathology. What are the methods of treatment. What is the forecast

Tongue hurts, as if burned: how to treat?

Tongue hurts, as if burned: how to treat?

This disease is called an interesting word "glossalgia". It occurs in both women and men. There are many reasons for the appearance, as well as methods of treatment. It is worth learning in more detail about what to do if the tongue hurts (as if burned)

Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics and punctures

Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics and punctures

Treatment of sinusitis without antibiotics: ointments and decoctions of medicinal herbs, blue clay and bay leaf. Laser therapy and ozone therapy, the use of the Yamik sinus catheter, acupressure. Features of the treatment of pregnant women and children, gentle methods of getting rid of pathology

Why my knees hurt after squats

Why my knees hurt after squats

A lot of people have knee pain after squats. Sometimes sports provoke the appearance of side effects. In some cases, a person may be injured while performing a certain exercise. There are times when in the process of squatting there are unpleasant sensations that are associated not only with a large load, but also with a disease of the knee joint. Timely contact with a doctor will help prevent the development of arthrosis and other diseases

How and how to treat stomatitis? Symptoms and Causes

How and how to treat stomatitis? Symptoms and Causes

Some diseases begin to "grow up". Previously, white painful spots in the mouth - stomatitis - appeared only in children. Now the disease is common in adults

How to treat an intestinal infection in children and adults?

How to treat an intestinal infection in children and adults?

Intestinal infections are a group of pathologies that affect the gastrointestinal tract. An adult, whose body is distinguished by strong immunity, quickly copes with such ailments. But they can cause serious harm to the he alth of the crumbs. In some cases, intestinal infection even leads to death. Therefore, it is very important not to let such diseases take their course. An adult is simply obliged to know how to treat an intestinal infection

What causes dorsopathy of the cervical spine and how does it manifest itself?

What causes dorsopathy of the cervical spine and how does it manifest itself?

Dorsopathy is a disease of the musculoskeletal system, which is accompanied by degenerative changes in the spine. The main symptom of this pathology is severe pain in the limbs and back, which gives a person a lot of inconvenience and significantly limits his mobility

What to do if the neck is cold? Symptoms, features of treatment

What to do if the neck is cold? Symptoms, features of treatment

If your neck is cold, you will certainly suffer from pain. There are several ways to deal with the problem

Opisthorchiasis - treatment with folk and medications, scheme and reviews

Opisthorchiasis - treatment with folk and medications, scheme and reviews

In the event that opisthorchiasis is not detected in a timely manner, parasites can cause serious diseases, for example, cancer with cirrhosis of the liver and others. In this regard, it is very important to go to the doctor at the first he alth problems, who, in turn, must carefully examine the patient and prescribe an examination for him. According to the results of the analyzes and the information received, a competent treatment regimen for opisthorchiasis will be prescribed

Lumbar sciatica: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Lumbar sciatica: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features

Back pain that strikes at the most inopportune moment is familiar to many. At this moment, a person has only one task - to quickly get rid of the unbearable symptoms of sciatica. Comprehensive treatment required after first aid

Vascular network on the legs: how to get rid of, causes and features of treatment

Vascular network on the legs: how to get rid of, causes and features of treatment

Why does the vascular network appear on the legs? How to get rid of this problem? The causes and methods of treatment of such a disease will be discussed below

Lymphostasis of the lower extremities: photos, symptoms, methods of treatment

Lymphostasis of the lower extremities: photos, symptoms, methods of treatment

Swelling of the lower extremities is a very common occurrence. The swelling that appears after a hard day and disappears in the morning should alert a person. Such a symptom may be an early manifestation of varicose veins or thrombophlebitis. If the swelling only increases every day, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to exclude lymphostasis of the lower extremities. This disease occurs in 10% of the world's inhabitants

The fattest people in the world: amazing facts

The fattest people in the world: amazing facts

The fattest people in the world, whose photos are presented below, are quite popular in society. Indeed, due to their unique weight, they are increasingly appearing on television screens and appearing on the pages of newspapers and magazines. It is worth noting that some of these representatives are gaining excess weight for the very purpose of becoming famous all over the planet

Subcutaneous mite in humans. Infection and treatment

Subcutaneous mite in humans. Infection and treatment

The subcutaneous mite in humans is localized in the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Most often it is found on the chin, wings of the nose, nasolabial fold. Although the parasite can live on the neck, ears, chest and back. The size of the tick varies from 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters, so it is almost invisible

A person smells like acetone: causes, diagnosis, possible diseases, treatment

A person smells like acetone: causes, diagnosis, possible diseases, treatment

If a person smells of acetone, then this always indicates serious he alth problems. Most often, this is a sign of metabolic disorders. What pathologies cause an acetate smell? And what examinations should be taken to identify its cause? We will answer these questions in the article

Stomach flu: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Stomach flu: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Stomach flu is a common infectious disease that affects both adults and children equally. The disease is accompanied by catarrhal phenomena and digestive disorders. Despite the fact that most often the infection fades away on its own, you should not refuse medical care

Menisci of the knee joint: damage and treatment

Menisci of the knee joint: damage and treatment

The menisci of the knee joint are the cartilages responsible for the variety of movements of the human leg. In fact, this is a kind of natural shock absorber that prevents friction of the bones and their rapid wear

Migraine with aura: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Migraine with aura: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

The occurrence of a severe headache is a sign of many pathological conditions. If the syndrome has a pulsating character, is accompanied by neurological disorders and is not stopped by the use of effective analgesics, then we can talk about the development of migraine with aura. How to fix the problem? You can find out more by reading our publication

Dandruff has appeared and the head itches: what to do?

Dandruff has appeared and the head itches: what to do?

From the article you can find out what to do if your head itches a lot and dandruff appears, what medicines to use, and also how you can avoid the development of this disease. Description of the most popular scalp treatment shampoos

Atherosclerotic encephalopathy: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

Atherosclerotic encephalopathy: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

The term "atherosclerotic dyscirculatory encephalopathy" refers to a pathological process, the course of which is characterized by lesions of the cerebral vessels. The main reason for the development of the disease is poor cerebral blood flow and, consequently, oxygen starvation of tissues. These disorders are a consequence of the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels, and therefore the disease is most often diagnosed in the elderly

How to remove a wart at home? Removal of warts with laser and liquid nitrogen

How to remove a wart at home? Removal of warts with laser and liquid nitrogen

How to remove a wart? Many people know about their existence firsthand. Benign growths can appear on various parts of the body. They interfere, cause inconvenience, negatively affect the appearance. You can get rid of them yourself or in the clinic. Effective methods are discussed in the article

Tourette Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

Tourette Syndrome: Symptoms and Treatments

Tourette syndrome is a relatively rare disease that is accompanied by damage to the central nervous system. It is worth noting that this is a genetic disease, the causes of which are still unknown

Ulcers in the sky in the mouth: photo, causes and treatment

Ulcers in the sky in the mouth: photo, causes and treatment

Every person at least once in his life faced such an unpleasant problem as sores in the sky. Such a seemingly insignificant problem can bring great discomfort to life. This is due to the fact that a person experiences pain when eating, talking. Experts do not recommend ignoring sores in the sky in the mouth, as they can be a symptom of some complex disease

The wart itches: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

The wart itches: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Warts are benign growths on the skin. They do not carry special dangers to a person, but they bring inconvenience. If the growth itches, aches, increases - a significant reason to resort to a doctor. Even very itchy growths should not be scratched to prevent complications. Properly selected drugs and methods will help eliminate painful feelings, reduce irritation

Burning under the armpit: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Burning under the armpit: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment

Because of annoying advertising, everyone knows how to get rid of unpleasant odor or sweat stains under the armpits, but here's what to do if it hurts under the armpits? It can hurt in the armpit due to a variety of factors - from ordinary stretching to a tumor or inflammation of the lymph nodes, and qualified surgeons or oncologists are required to cure these diseases

Sinusitis: operation, algorithm, causes, symptoms, doctor's prescription, treatment without surgery and possible consequences

Sinusitis: operation, algorithm, causes, symptoms, doctor's prescription, treatment without surgery and possible consequences

Sinusitis is commonly called inflammation of the maxillary, maxillary sinus. The disease leads among the most common ailments of adults around the world. Properly prescribed medical treatment of sinusitis helps to quickly solve the problem and return to an active lifestyle. The right choice of drugs is important

Fungal skin diseases are easier to prevent than to treat

Fungal skin diseases are easier to prevent than to treat

Fungal diseases of the skin is an extremely unpleasant disease. The cause is some types of microscopic fungi that parasitize on the human body

Benign positional vertigo (BPPV)

Benign positional vertigo (BPPV)

Benign positional vertigo is common in women over 50 years of age. Sometimes it is enough to perform vestibular gymnastics, but there are serious cases when surgical intervention is required

Xerostomia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment

Xerostomia - what is it? Causes, symptoms and treatment

Xerostomia is expressed in dry mouth. It is caused by a decrease or complete absence of salivation. Pathology does not belong to the category of independent diseases, but is a signal of the presence of a certain failure in the body