Every person starts to worry if neoplasms of any origin, indurations or tumors appear on his body. The dermoid cyst is no exception, which has a thick-walled capsule, inside which there is a liquid with various inclusions, for example, epithelium, hair, bone tissue, teeth, and so on. This neoplasm usually develops as a result of a disorder of embryogenesis, therefore it consists of embryonic cells. Sometimes such a pathology develops after injury.
Usually a cyst does not pose a danger to human he alth and life, but sometimes it can transform into a cancerous tumor. Therefore, doctors recommend surgical removal of pathology.
Characteristics and description of the problem
Dermoid cyst or teratoma is a cavity neoplasm that has a capsule of connective tissue, the walls of which are lined with stratified epithelium. Inside the capsule contains a liquid with various elements: hair, epithelium, nails and others. In medicine, cases have been recorded when cysts in the capsulecontained sections of the intestines, bronchi, limbs, eyes and jaws. The neoplasm is most often benign, but in some cases it can degenerate into cancer, which will metastasize (in 3% of cases).
A dermoid cyst, the photo of which is presented below, can form anywhere, it grows over time and begins to put pressure on neighboring organs. Therefore, doctors recommend removing such an education. Often, a cyst forms on the coccyx, ovaries in women, testicles in men, mediastinum and other organs. Usually the disease does not show any signs. The size of the cyst can reach the size of a nut. Depending on what is in it, a dense and soft neoplasm is distinguished. According to ICD 10, this disease is in the range from D10 to D36.

The cyst is formed in the prenatal period. Its development is influenced by negative factors during a woman's pregnancy. A dermoid cyst is often diagnosed in a child (in 31% of cases). It usually develops in the eye area, on the skin of the eyebrows. Sometimes the pathology is formed on the nose, head, chest, in the scrotum, coccyx and sacrum. In the latter case, the formation can reach a huge size without affecting the bones. Such a pathology often causes deformation in children of internal organs, which can lead to death. A dermoid cyst on the head is also often diagnosed, in particular on its hairline.
In adults, pathology develops equally in menand women. It can manifest itself at any age, even in the prenatal period of development.
Causes of disease development
Dermoid cyst, the causes of which lie in the wrong fusion of tissues in the prenatal period of development, is a congenital anomaly. But the disease may not appear immediately, the cyst is often diagnosed after it significantly increases in size and provokes the development of vivid symptoms.
The exact causes of the development of the disease are not known. Doctors tend to believe that a dermoid cyst may have the following causes:
- Injuries, infections, use of illegal drugs during a woman's pregnancy.
- Genetic and chromosomal mutations.
- Intoxication of the body with toxins and poisons.
- Abuse of bad habits.
- Carrying twins, one of which stops developing and merges with the other, becoming part of it.
Symptoms and signs
Usually a dermoid cyst, the photo of which is published in this article, does not show symptoms. Often the disease is diagnosed during instrumental examination for another pathology. If the tumor is localized under the skin, it may be detected during a preventive examination.
Signs of the disease begin to develop when the neoplasm reaches a large size, because of which it begins to compress nearby organs.

Dermoid ovarian cyst, the causes of which are described above,as well as the testicles is accompanied by heaviness in the abdomen, pain during intercourse, frequent urination, constipation. In women, the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the body temperature rises. The cyst can be up to fifteen centimeters in size and is observed in young women. In the absence of proper treatment, the development of an inflammatory process in neighboring organs and the formation of squamous cell carcinoma is possible.
Coccygeal cyst, which is diagnosed quite often, is accompanied by pain in the coccyx and anus, pain during bowel movements, the appearance of fistulas.
With a cervical cyst, a person has frequent breathing, suffocation, the skin becomes bluish, unpleasant sensations develop during swallowing. The cyst in this case is localized near the pharynx, it grows into the mucous membrane and skin. Sometimes tumors that reach the size of a child's head can be found.
Intracranial neoplasm manifests itself in the form of headache, dizziness, nausea. Dermoid cyst of the mediastinum is manifested by respiratory failure, cough, hemoptysis, hiccups and pain in the neck and shoulder. Neoplasm on the eyelid provokes visual impairment.
A cyst can be diagnosed by the following features:
- round shape of neoplasm;
- dense elastic consistency;
- no pain on palpation;
- skin does not change its color, structure;
- slow progression.
When a cyst develops in the fetus of a pregnant woman,disorders of the structure and development of the skeleton, pathology of soft tissues. The earlier a tumor develops in him, the more disturbances in his development will occur.
The symptomatology of this disease depends on the location of the cyst, its size and the effect on the surrounding tissues and organs. In childhood, pathology rarely shows signs, since often the cyst is small. But doctors recommend removing the dermoid cyst in order to prevent the development of dangerous complications in the future.

Diagnostic measures
Usually cysts are diagnosed during a medical examination. The doctor examines the patient, determines the size and location of the neoplasm. CT and MRI are used to determine the connection of the cyst with body tissues. These techniques also make it possible to study any part of the body, including adipose, bone and muscle tissue. If there is bone tissue inside the cyst, the doctor prescribes an x-ray to obtain complete information about the neoplasm.
In some cases, a dermoid cyst is found in an embryo during an ultrasound scan at the stage of a woman's pregnancy. But some forms of the disease appear only after the birth of a child or when he reaches an older age. When diagnosing a neoplasm in the fetus, the doctor monitors the course of pregnancy, determines the causes of the anomaly, prescribes laboratory blood tests.
When diagnosing a disease in children and adults, the doctor must send for a consultation with an oncologist to find outcyst malignancy. Once a definitive diagnosis has been made, appropriate treatment is given.

Therapy of disease
Dermoid cyst treatment involves only surgery, as there is a possibility of suppuration of tissues and dysfunction of the compressed organs. The degree of surgical intervention depends on the form, localization of the neoplasm and the age of the patient. If the neoplasm is benign, only the cyst is removed, the internal organs are not affected.
Removal of a neoplasm is performed by opening it, completely cleaning and draining the cavity in case of suppuration. When the inflammation subsides, the cyst capsule is excised. Usually, a dermoid cyst is removed in half an hour, while the operation takes place with minimal tissue injury. In severe cases, operations take longer. Often, women of reproductive age remove part of the diseased ovary, in severe cases, the uterus with appendages. For men, the affected testicle is removed. The big problem in this case is the possibility of having children in the future. Sometimes a doctor prescribes hormonal drugs to restore sexual function.

The most effective surgical techniques are laparoscopy, laser therapy and endoscopy. After the dermoid cyst has been removed, the patient can return home after a few days.
Therapy of this disease always has a good outcome and is one of the safest surgical interventions. But with untimely treatment, relapses are possible. With the development of the inflammatory process, the cyst is necessarily opened, cleaned of pus, and only after the inflammation has been removed, it is removed. If the removal was successful, the test results are good, the doctor conducts only periodic monitoring to assess the patient's condition.
Treatment of malignant cysts
When metastases spread, chemotherapy is used, after which many patients feel better. The choice of chemotherapy method will depend on the location of the tumor and metastases, its type and size. To do this, it is examined using a microscope. After treatment, blood elements and kidney activity are monitored. The course of therapy lasts about twelve weeks, in some cases it is repeated. Most often, it is possible to completely get rid of the neoplasm.

Cyst during pregnancy
Most often, small cysts that are found during a woman's pregnancy behave calmly, they do not harm the woman's he alth and do not affect the development of the fetus. But with a large neoplasm, torsion of the cyst leg is possible, which will provoke the development of inflammation. In this case, immediate surgical intervention is required.
When the size of the formation is up to five centimeters, a pregnant woman is only observed. If the cyst is large, it is operated on at the sixteenth week of pregnancy.
Complications and consequences
Cysts grow slowly but constantly. Sometimes they maytransform into cancer. Almost always there are complications with the coccygeal cyst. In this case, there is a disorder of urination, intestinal obstruction, skin necrosis, the appearance of fistulas. After surgical intervention with incomplete removal of the neoplasm, a complication may appear after several years of life. A fistula with purulent inflammation is formed.
When the tumor is localized in the organs of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis, it can transform into squamous cell carcinoma. Such cysts contain deformed horny scales, which can become inflamed and suppurate. When the cyst ruptures, its contents enter the peritoneum, which causes the development of chronic inflammation. The most common complications are suppuration of neoplasms, which leads to the appearance of a severe pain syndrome and increases the risk of developing oncology.
If the dermoid cyst is benign, the prognosis is good. According to statistics, with coccygeal pathologies, about half of the sick children die as a result of compression of the internal organs or rupture of the neoplasm during childbirth. Malignant cysts are often cured with chemotherapy, even when metastases have spread. Only in isolated cases does a fatal outcome occur. But if the tumor is in the chest, the prognosis will be less favorable than with an ovarian or testicular cyst.

There are no specific preventive measures for this pathologyexists. Prevention should include the exclusion of the influence of negative factors on a woman's pregnancy, it should proceed without complications. Doctors recommend excluding all possible causes of cysts. To do this, you need to lead a he althy lifestyle, control the intake of medicines, give up bad habits.
It is recommended to periodically undergo examinations and pay attention to the appearance of pain and discomfort. With prolonged pain syndrome of any localization, it is necessary to consult a doctor, especially when it is accompanied by testicular deformity in the stronger sex, as well as heaviness in the lower abdomen in women.
In the human body, under the influence of certain factors, both external and internal, various neoplasms can occur. Some may appear in old age, others are observed in children, and some are formed even before birth. It is the latter that are called dermoid cysts, which are usually benign and easily treatable. The main thing is to identify the pathology in time and remove the neoplasm.