The sudden or gradual appearance of swelling or swelling in any part of the body should immediately alert a person. After all, the growth of organs or their parts is not the norm. A cause for concern is a swelling on the neck, which can be a symptom of many pathologies. Often, swelling of this part of the body is associated with an increase in lymph nodes or the thyroid gland. Less commonly, a tumor on the neck has a different origin. Regardless of why it appeared, it is urgent to consult a doctor. Most often, patients with such neoplasms are referred to an oncologist. After all, any swelling on the body may indicate the development of cancer. Nevertheless, you should not panic in advance, the first thing you need to do is see a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

Why does my neck bulge?
Answer the question: "What are the symptoms, causes and treatment of swelling on the neck?" only a specialist can. First of all, the doctor must determine what is the cause of the swelling. And also get information about the origin of the neoplasm. Hypertrophic changes in each organ,located in this anatomical region, can provoke a tumor on the neck. Symptoms also depend on the origin of the pathological protrusion. In most cases, to find out why the swelling appeared, it is necessary to conduct a histological examination. It consists in splitting off a piece of the tumor and examining it under a microscope. This method is necessary to determine the cellular composition of the formation. Thanks to such a study, you can find out what origin the tumor on the neck has, whether it is benign or malignant. Only after receiving answers to these questions, they begin to treat the disease.

Tumor on the neck: causes of occurrence
Since there are several organs, vessels and nerves in the cervical region, the origin of the tumor may be different. The following reasons for the appearance of a protrusion are distinguished:
- Inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs. Most often, with acute or chronic pathologies of the throat, nose and ear, an increase in regional lymph nodes occurs. This happens with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis media, etc. After all, the outflow from all these organs is carried out to the lymph nodes of the neck. In addition, dental pathologies can become the cause of their hypertrophy.
- Benign neoplasms of the neck. Among them, tumors of the skin and fatty tissue, blood vessels and nerves are most common. Also, benign neoplasms can be of organ origin.
- Infectious diseases. These include mononucleosis, influenza,diphtheria. Also, an increase in lymph nodes is possible if they are affected by tuberculosis bacteria.
- Injuries of the cervical region. In this case, there is a slight swelling or swelling of the skin.
- Thyroid disease. When the function of this organ is impaired, goiter often develops. In some cases, the neck is significantly thickened on both sides. Sometimes there are nodular formations of the thyroid gland. Then there is a swelling on the neck on one side.
- Malignant neoplasms. Cancer of any organ can cause enlargement of the lymph nodes in the cervical region. Most often, metastases are found there. Also, the organs of the cervical region themselves (thyroid gland, larynx, trachea, pharynx, lymph nodes) can undergo malignant growth.
- Leukemias are acute and chronic oncological diseases of the hematopoietic system.
Varieties of cervical tumors

As you can see, the etiology of neoplasms is very extensive. In this regard, there are many types of neck tumors. They are classified according to several criteria. The most important is the cellular composition of education. There is a malignant and benign tumor on the neck. The causes and origin of the neoplasm are not as important as the degree of cell differentiation. After all, the choice of treatment and the prognosis for life depend on it. Benign neck tumors include:
- Papilloma. They grow from the top layer of the skin.
- Lipomas are benign formations consisting of adipose tissue.
- Fibromas. Consist of fibrous connective tissuefabrics. They can form both from the tissues of the neck and be organ tumors.
- Neurofibromas.
- Lymphangiomas.
Malignant tumors include cancer of any of the organs of the cervical region. The most common are lymphomas and Hodgkin's disease. In addition, thyroid and oral cancers are common. An increase in the neck can be observed both due to the growth of an organ malignant tumor, and due to metastasis to the lymph nodes. More often the second option takes place.
It should be remembered that not only neoplasms can cause swelling in the neck. Varieties of swelling also include inflammatory diseases of the lymph nodes. In most cases, they are caused by pathologies of the ENT organs. Less common is localized lymphadenitis, not associated with other diseases.

Swelling on the neck: symptoms
Symptomatology depends on the cause and type of tumor. The most pronounced clinical picture is observed with lymphadenitis. In diseases of the throat, symptoms such as pain on one or both sides, hyperemia of the tonsils, the appearance of pus, difficulty swallowing and fever are noted. At the same time, it is precisely the lymph node that is “responsible” for the affected organ that increases. On palpation, it is hypertrophied, not soldered to the surrounding tissues. There is local redness and fever over the lymph node.
Benign neoplasms of the neck are often asymptomatic. The only clinicala sign is an increase in one of the parties. If hypertrophy is pronounced significantly, then symptoms of organ compression may occur. This is manifested by a change in voice, difficulty swallowing, discomfort when tilting and turning the head.
Symptoms of cancerous tumors depend on the location of the focus. Most often it is dysphagia, voice change, pain when eating. If a neck tumor arose as a result of metastasis to a lymph node, then symptoms of cancer intoxication are noted. These include subfebrile temperature, loss of appetite, decreased ability to work, deterioration.

Swelling on the neck of lymphoid origin
Most neck tumors are of lymphoid origin. Such formations can occur both in inflammatory diseases and in oncological pathologies. In any of these cases, it is necessary to undergo an examination. After all, an increase in lymph nodes can signal a variety of pathologies, each of which requires a special approach to treatment. With multiple protrusions, Hodgkin's disease, neck cancer, can be suspected. The tumor on the neck will be on both sides and in several places at once. With timely treatment, this disease has a favorable prognosis.

Tumours of the neck with thyroid involvement
If a patient suffers from a thyroid disease for a long time and at the same time notes the appearance of a nodular formation, it is urgent to consult withdoctor. A protrusion on the one hand is often associated with the growth of the tissue of the organ. However, nodular goiter can develop into cancer. Therefore, a histological examination in this case is necessary.
How do I diagnose neck tumors?
Swelling or swelling in the neck should be examined by an experienced specialist. Only he can determine which organ is affected. With inflammation of the lymph nodes, the diagnosis is limited to palpation. If the doctor suspects the presence of a neoplasm, an instrumental examination is necessary. It includes ultrasound of the thyroid gland, lymph node or other organs, tumor puncture. In some cases, biopsy and histological examination are indicated.

Differential diagnosis
Distinguish inflammation from oncological diseases due to palpation of the lymph nodes, accompanying symptoms and instrumental examination. In case of thyroid pathology, in addition to a neck tumor, such clinical manifestations as sweating, exophthalmos, tachycardia, and irritability will be observed. Benign tumors are diagnosed by ultrasound and biopsy.
Cervical tumor treatment depends on the cause. In inflammatory pathologies of the throat, antibacterial drugs are prescribed (drugs "Amoxicillin", "Tsiprolet"), rinsing with saline, chamomile decoction. If the tumor is caused by an oncological process, combined treatment is necessary. In most cases, they resort to surgery, chemotherapy.