Enlarged lymph node on the neck on the right side: causes and treatment

Enlarged lymph node on the neck on the right side: causes and treatment
Enlarged lymph node on the neck on the right side: causes and treatment

No one person can be insured against a wide variety of diseases and pathologies that develop throughout life. If such a symptom appears as an enlarged lymph node on the neck on the right side behind or in front, then this should not be regarded as a temporary phenomenon that will pass by itself. A similar symptom may signal that one or another failure has occurred in the body. However, don't panic.

General information

The human body contains a huge number of lymph nodes. They perform a protective function and help fight various infections. Accordingly, the lymphatic system is one of the components that are part of the overall immune system. Therefore, if a lymph node is inflamed on the right side of the neck, then first of all the suspicion falls on the immune system. However, the treatment will directly depend on the specific causes that caused such symptoms.

patient at the doctor
patient at the doctor

Main symptoms

If we talk about signs that indicate inflammation of the lymph nodeon the neck on the right side, then first of all it is worth conducting a visual inspection. Sometimes the inflammation is so large that it is easy to see with the naked eye. However, as a rule, its presence can only be determined by feeling the neck in the place where it is located.

If we talk about the size of the lymph nodes, then in their dimensions they can reach the size of a chicken egg, or they may not exceed the size of a small pea. Lymph nodes not only become inflamed, but also hurt in some. Sometimes there are no additional symptoms at all.

However, most often an inflamed lymph node on the neck on the right side is accompanied by a slight increase in temperature. But it is usually no more than 37.5 degrees. Also, patients suffering from this pathology often suffer from headaches. Every day these symptoms become more pronounced.

Elevated temperature
Elevated temperature

You can also pay attention to the appearance of constant weakness and loss of strength. Moreover, similar symptoms are observed in both adults and children. It is worth consulting a doctor if there is severe pain in the lymph node on the neck on the right side. You need to understand that over time it will only increase and bring even more torment. Also, pathologies associated with the lymphatic system manifest themselves in the form of a sore throat. As a rule, this happens at a fairly late stage, when the size of the lymph node is already very large. You should also pay attention to redness in the neck.

When similar symptoms appearyou must immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can determine the exact causes of the pathology and prescribe treatment. So don't wait for things to go away on their own.

Lymph node: swelling on the neck on the right side and its causes

It is worth noting right away that it is very difficult to understand why such symptoms develop on your own. Often, the inflammatory process occurs due to trauma. However, there may be other reasons as well. For example, a lymph node in the neck on the right side increases if a person suffers from an infectious disease. It can be the usual SARS, tonsillitis or flu. Also, the lymph nodes in the neck increase in case of tuberculosis, stomatitis and many other pathologies that are completely unrelated.

Sometimes ordinary caries also causes similar symptoms. It is also worth considering that the lymph node can also increase against the background of blood poisoning, autoimmune diseases, cancer and many others. Also, similar symptoms are observed in any pathologies that lead to a deterioration in the functioning of the immune system. A similar symptom may also indicate a malfunction in the endocrine system. Therefore, if the lymph node on the neck on the right side hurts, then it is very difficult to understand why this happens on your own. But some assumptions can be made.

Chronic lymphadenitis

As a rule, this condition is observed in people who suffer from reduced immunity. As soon as they have even the most harmless catarrhal disease, the lymph nodes immediately become inflamed. As a rule, nopain is not observed.

Pain on the right side
Pain on the right side

There may be a complete remission or, conversely, an exacerbation, and then the pathology becomes chronic. Often there are suppurations. You should not start chronic lymphadenitis, as it often occurs simultaneously with the development of tuberculosis. The main feature of chronic lymphadenitis is that no pronounced additional symptoms are observed. The temperature doesn't even rise. But all this is typical only for the chronic form. If we are talking about an aggravation, then the situation is radically changing.

If you reach the acute form of this pathology, then in this case the thermometer readings can reach 39 °C. A person will have severe swelling in the affected area. Therefore, you should not allow the disease to progress, as this can lead to serious complications.

Lymph node on the neck on the right side: unilateral enlargement

If there is an increase in the cervical or submandibular nodes, then, as a rule, this indicates that the patient may develop lymphoma or tumor processes. Often, if discomfort appears on the neck, they are accompanied by similar problems in the collarbone area. If a person notices a large lymph node on the neck on the right side, do not delay. Gradually, the tumor can spread in the form of metastases that enter the chest cavity or gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the treatment will be very long and difficult. There is a risk that it will not be possible to get rid of the pathology at all.

Inflammation of the lymph nodes inchildren

As a rule, the main reason that children suffer from these symptoms is that an infectious process is taking place in the body. However, in most cases in children, a serious increase in nodes does not occur. It should be borne in mind that the child is the owner of a rather weak immunity, therefore, the painful condition is often accompanied by lymphadenitis. This happens against the background of tonsillitis, laryngitis, acute respiratory infections, SARS and influenza.

doctor with child
doctor with child

As soon as bacteria enter the lymphatic channels, they move to the lymph nodes. After that, the process of producing cells that are needed to fight the infection begins. In order to create as many of them as possible, the body is forced to increase the size of the lymph nodes.

If a lymph node is enlarged on the right side of the neck, this first of all indicates that the child's immune system has weakened and is unable to cope with the threat on its own. If we talk about symptoms, then in this case the child may become more capricious, and he will also lose his appetite.

In children, inflammation of the lymph nodes, even at a minor stage, is always accompanied by fever. There may also be signs of intoxication. In this situation, you should first conduct a visual examination, then feel the child, and then consult a doctor. If we are talking about babies, then an inflamed lymph node on the neck on the right side may be a signal that the immune system has begun to work more actively. Often, such symptoms appear during measles, rubella, with mononucleosis,toxoplasmosis.

Inflamed lymph nodes in an adult

In this case, too, we are most often talking about an infectious disease. The only thing is that, unlike children, adults suffer from enlarged lymph nodes when more serious pathologies appear. For example, this can happen against the background of diphtheria, tuberculosis, syphilis, rubella virus, measles, herpes and many other pathologies.

Sore lymph node
Sore lymph node

About 5% of cases of pathologies of the lymphatic system are associated with non-infectious factors. For example, we can talk about the beginning of oncological processes. Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and make sure that this is a normal reaction of the body, and not a symptom of a more serious illness. The most characteristic symptom of the development of complex pathologies is that the size of the lymph node exceeds 1 centimeter. If severe pain is additionally observed, then this indicates that treatment should be started immediately.


If a lymph node is inflamed on the right side of the neck, then you need to make an appointment with a therapist and an otolaryngologist. Instrumental diagnostics is mandatory. This means an ultrasound and an MRI or CT scan.

If the doctor has doubts, then a puncture of the lymph node is done. By the composition of the fluid, the doctor will be able to accurately determine whether it is a malignant tumor. It is impossible to detect oncology on your own.

neck ultrasound
neck ultrasound

Depending on the diagnosis, the specialist will prescribe a course of treatment.

Antibiotic treatment

Antibacterial therapy is almost always used for lymphadenitis, during exacerbations, with the appearance of severe pain and swelling. Also, antibiotics are mandatory prescribed at elevated temperatures. Since the inflammation of the lymph node often occurs against the background of other ailments, this type of remedy allows you to get rid of them. Usually these are drugs that are taken orally. Mostly these are broad-spectrum drugs.

But if we are talking about the chronic stage, then we can limit ourselves to ointments. For example, a doctor may prescribe tetracycline, erythromycin, or synthomycin ointment.

Other forms of treatment

If the doctor was able to accurately establish that the lymph node on the right side of the neck aches due to a viral infection, then the treatment can be quite long. Especially when it comes to mononucleosis.

Immunomodulatory drugs are also prescribed. For example, a doctor may prescribe Viferon, Isoprinosine, or Cycloferon.

If a herpetic type infection is diagnosed, the lymph nodes will be greatly enlarged in size. In this case, Acyclovir or other drugs similar in composition to it are prescribed.

If the problem appeared on the background of dental pathology, then after the course of treatment, physiotherapy may also be required. For example, patients are prescribed microcurrents, UHF and other procedures that promote rapid recovery.

Traditional medicine

It is immediately worth noting that it is worth treating lymph nodes at home only if we are talking aboutminor problem. For example, when the inflammation is very small, it does not bring unpleasant pain. It is also not recommended to self-medicate in the situation if the patient has a fever.

Neck pain
Neck pain

If we talk about traditional medicine recipes, they should first of all be aimed at strengthening immunity. Anti-inflammatory drugs will also help. The use of all kinds of compresses, rubbing and lotions is strictly prohibited.

Several recipes are most effective. For example, you can brew a tablespoon of echinacea and the same amount of St. John's wort in two cups of boiling water. After that, the liquid is infused for 60 minutes and drunk half a glass 3 times a day.

Some mix equal parts calendula, mint and chamomile and brew 2 tablespoons of the resulting collection with boiling water. When the composition settles and cools down, you can use it for rinsing.

It is extremely undesirable to treat children with any means of traditional medicine without a preliminary examination by a doctor. There is a risk of doing more harm and not getting rid of the pathology.

In conclusion

In most cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes does not pose a serious danger. But this does not negate the fact that such symptoms may also indicate dangerous pathologies. Therefore, it is better not to guess, but to diagnose. Especially if the patient's body temperature has risen (even slightly).
