In the common people, lipomas are called wen. They are benign neoplasms that can, to varying degrees, disrupt the circulatory process in the place where they appeared. As a rule, such growths do not harm the general state of human he alth. But visually they cause a lot of discomfort. It is especially unpleasant when a lipoma appears in the face, for example, near the eye. However, wen can also form on any other part of the body: on the back, legs, arms and hips.

If you look for information on how to get rid of a lipoma, the reviews will be very different. Some successfully use traditional medicine, while others have been helped only by surgery. To understand how best to remove a wen, you first need to understand why such growths appear at all and whether they are dangerous.
Reasons for the formation of lipomas
In this case, there are a number of factors that can lead to such skin problems. For example, it could be a hereditary trait. Often, subcutaneous formations appear on the backgroundliver dysfunction, malnutrition, poor environmental conditions. Lipomas can appear during menopause or after receiving traumatic brain injuries. Also, the appearance of skin formations can be affected by any metabolic disorders, blockage of the channels of the sebaceous glands, infectious diseases, and much more.
If small
If a very small “pea” appeared on the body, then you should not worry about it. Of course, squeezing it out with a needle, and even more so with dirty hands, is not worth it. It is also not necessary to go to the doctor, since with such sizes no surgical excision is required. However, if over time the wen begins to grow actively, then in this case, surgery is indispensable. It is performed very easily and does not require general anesthesia. As a rule, a lipoma can be removed with the use of local anesthesia or without it at all. It all depends on the size and depth of the neoplasm.
Growing lipomas are recommended to be removed, as otherwise there is a risk that after some time this formation may develop into oncology.
Standard methods for removing wen
If we talk about how to get rid of lipomas, then, as a rule, when contacting a doctor, a specialist prescribes a procedure called mechanical cleaning. Although this operation is not difficult, it is not recommended to perform it at home due to the risk of infection. The procedure itself consists in the fact that the specialist, armed with a disinfected needle, carefully pierces the wen and cleansfrom within.

If deciding how to get rid of a lipoma, the doctor comes to the conclusion that it is too big, then local anesthesia may be required in this case. But sometimes the wen is so small that even mechanical cleaning is impossible. In this case, painless injections are used that help get rid of an unpleasant wen even at the time of its formation.
If you do not want to once again feel various needles on your body, then you can use the methods of laser therapy. This is guaranteed to avoid the appearance of scars that may remain at the site of the neoplasm. Also, wen can be burned with a coagulator. However, this procedure is extremely painful, so it is rarely chosen by anyone. Nevertheless, such activities help to ensure that the lipoma does not recur.
Other methods
Also talking about whether it is possible to get rid of lipomas and how to do it correctly, the doctor can pay attention to the general state of human he alth. Perhaps he lacks vitamin A. Therefore, a specialist may recommend that you include more supplements with this component in your diet. Also in pharmacies you can find special ointments for the treatment of wen.
Medical therapy may also be applicable. It usually lasts about 1 month. But on the other hand, this is a very effective method of how to get rid of a lipoma without surgery. If such treatment is carried out, then the possibility of relapses is also excluded.
Since wen rarely cause serious concern, thensometimes you can use the methods and traditional medicine.
This is the most accessible and simple method of how to get rid of a lipoma without surgery. Just 2-3 compresses using onions will be enough to forget about this problem.

To prepare such lotions, you must first bake the onion in the oven until it becomes soft. After that, onions are crushed and mixed with a small amount of grated soap. The resulting mixture is applied to the bump and left overnight. These procedures should be continued until the lipoma is completely gone. Soap is recommended to use natural without unnecessary dyes and flavors.
Red pepper
Considering the methods of how to get rid of lipoma at home, you should pay attention to this recipe. To prepare this natural remedy, you need to crush a hot pepper pod and put it on a linen cloth. First, it is recommended to moisten it with a small amount of medical alcohol or ordinary vodka. A similar compress is applied to the affected area and held for up to 20 minutes.
However, this treatment will take much longer. The compress should be done 2 times a day, at least 3 weeks in a row.
Lamb fat
This is another way to get rid of lipoma folk remedies. To prepare such an ointment, nothing special is required. It is enough to melt a spoonful of fat in a water bath. While it has not cooled down, you need to apply liquid toproblem areas and start rubbing it for 20 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be performed daily until the problems disappear completely.
Everyone knows that this herb perfectly fights against numerous skin formations. Therefore, if there are problems with how to get rid of a lipoma at home, you should try this remedy. To do this, you need to brew a cool decoction of celandine. At the next stage, it is enough to moisten gauze in the liquid and tie it on the affected area. The procedure is performed until the neoplasms are opened.

If a wen appeared on the head
This is one of the most embarrassing situations anyone would ever want to face. As a rule, lipomas of this type can have both a dense and soft consistency, depending on the tissue with which the wen begins to fill. Such neoplasms can cause minor problems if they fill with fatty contents and connect to the circulatory system.
If we talk about how to get rid of this type of lipoma, then most often such growths are removed with the help of surgical intervention in order to exclude the further possibility of tumor growth. If the formation is very large, then in this case the procedure can be performed even under general anesthesia, as it may require quite a long curettage.
With a slight lesion, you can get rid of it at home. But in this case, doctors do not recommenduse needles, only compresses are allowed.
If a wen is under the eyes
When it comes to how to get rid of a lipoma on the face, it all depends on its location. In the case of formation under the eye, it is worth noting that the skin in this place is very thin, so the wen will not lie deep. Such lipomas cannot adversely affect a person's he alth, so the use of folk recipes is allowed.
If the wen is small, then it can be dried with iodine or boric acid. For 7 days, it is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with a cotton swab using one of these products.
Also, the so-called egg film will be effective against small wen. This is one of the oldest ways to get rid of lipoma. In order to use this recipe, you need to take a fresh chicken egg, chop it and drain all the contents into a container. After that, the film is separated from the shell and applied to the area where the lipoma has formed. You need to keep such a compress for about 30 minutes.

Also, some use aloe and kalanchoe. Compresses using these plants are recommended to be performed for at least a week. You can also prepare a lotion using s alt and oil. The last component is slightly heated to the point that you can melt the seasoning in it. The finished mixture is applied to the skin under the eyes.
If the lipoma appeared above the eyelid
This is also a very unpleasant formation, as it is located onthe most conspicuous place and catches the eye of others. In this case, the fastest way is to get rid of it with the help of specialized ointments and creams. For example, "Videstim" or "Gistan" cream will do.
If you use such compounds, then the wen quickly resolves. To do this, every morning and evening it is necessary to apply the ointment to the affected area. As a rule, problems disappear in less than 7 days. If during treatment an unpleasant burning sensation appears, then the procedure must be stopped immediately.
You should also pay attention to the number of lipomas. If a lot of small “balls” have formed, then in this case, cleaning by a specialist is most often required. Otherwise, you will have to suffer from similar problems for a long time. However, some people get rid of a large accumulation of neoplasms with the help of garlic.
To do this, simply apply the raw material of the plant head to the diseased area 3-4 times a day until the defects disappear completely. Thus, the disclosure of wen is provoked. You can also use a bow in the same way.
If the wen appeared on the back
If we consider how to get rid of a lipoma on the body, the reasons for its appearance and other factors, it is worth noting that often such neoplasms appear in this area. The back often sweats, and it is difficult to see pimples on it.

As a rule, in this case we are talking about a soft and mobile neoplasm. Wen of this type grow very slowly. But if you do not pay attention to them for a long timeattention, they can be up to 10 cm in diameter.
As a rule, large lipomas are also removed from the back by surgery. However, if the bump is not yet so large, then you can use alternative methods of treatment. To do this, you need to prepare a kind of gruel, which includes wheat grains. The resulting mixture is wrapped in gauze and applied to the wen. It is necessary to wear such a compress without removing it for several days, after which the bandage is changed. As a rule, this leads to the fact that the wen opens up and all the pus flows out.
This tool is recommended to use so that the removed neoplasms do not begin to reappear after a while in the form of new unpleasant rashes. Among folk healers, cinnamon is very popular. It doesn't need to be applied anywhere. It is enough to consume one and a half tablespoons of this spice per day. If you eat cinnamon every day, then after 3 months you can expect a complete cleansing of the body and getting rid of all skin defects.

However, you need to understand that such a spice can also harm the body. If a person has any problems with internal organs and especially the gastrointestinal tract, then you should not resort to such events. In addition, it is very difficult to eat at least one spoonful of cinnamon, as in this case a person will experience the most unpleasant sensations.
It is best to prepare a slightly different remedy using cinnamon. Her needmix with honey in a ratio of 1 to 2. You will get a more pleasant and tasty composition, which is enough to take one spoon every morning and evening. Thanks to this sweet mixture, lipid metabolism is completely restored and cholesterol is excreted from the body. In addition, cinnamon allows you to get rid of excess weight, and honey has an anti-inflammatory effect and other beneficial properties for the human body.