Coccyx dislocation is understood as a complete displacement of the surfaces of the joints located on the coccyx, as well as on the sacrum, relative to each other. With a dislocation, the coccyx shifts, while the sacrum is in its place. The surfaces of the coccyx and sacrum lose their points of contact. There are many reasons for the development of such injuries. The picture of the course of the pathology is pronounced, so the identification of dislocation does not present any particular difficulties.

In medical practice, dislocation and subluxation of the coccyx is distinguished, when the joints are not completely displaced. Such injuries can occur both in adults and in childhood. However, the factors that lead to the occurrence of dislocation or subluxation differ. The most common causes of these injuries are:
- Falling on a hard surface. Especially when landing on the buttocks. This injury is most typical for children who, due to increasedactivity drops frequently.
- Intense physical activity, including sports.
- Severe shaking when driving on rough roads.
- Strike directly to the buttocks with great intensity.
- Parental activity can also lead to dislocation of the coccyx. This is due to the narrow pelvis in a woman, the large size of the fetus, as well as prolonged, complicated childbirth.
- Atrophy or weakness of the muscles in the lumbar region. Most common in older people.
- Violation of depreciation of the knee joints.
No apparent reason
It must be taken into account that trauma can manifest itself without visible and obvious reasons. In this case, the dislocation is called idiopathic. This kind of pathology occurs if there is a history of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or due to the development of a malignant neoplasm in the structures of the spinal system.

Almost all varieties of coccyx injuries have similar manifestations. Dislocation of the coccyx from subluxation can be distinguished only on the basis of the results of x-ray examination. The clinical picture of the pathology is as follows:
- The main sign of a dislocation is pain. It occurs immediately after injury and persists for a long period of time. The severity of the pain syndrome may vary. At the initial stage, the pain is sharp and acute, however, in the future, with chronic dislocation of the coccyx, it is described by patients in different ways, ashow it directly depends on the sensitivity threshold of each person.
- With a fresh injury, the pain is permanent and does not subside with a change in body position. If we are talking about an old injury, then the intensity of the pain increases when sitting and standing up. At the same time, she ceases to disturb when a person is standing or lying. The symptoms of a dislocated coccyx are quite unpleasant.
- Pain tends to radiate to the groin and anus.
- Increase in the intensity of the pain syndrome occurs during the act of defecation, when a person begins to push. At the same time, the nature of the pain changes, it becomes shooting.
- Palpation of the coccyx or sacrum is also painful.
- Visual examination shows swelling in the coccyx area, which is characterized by the presence of a hematoma.
Due to pain, the clinical picture of coccyx dislocation is beyond doubt. Despite this, the diagnosis is not made on the basis of the patient's complaints alone. To clarify the diagnosis, the patient must be admitted to the trauma department for a thorough examination.

When a patient complains of pain in the coccyx area, the first step is to conduct a physical examination and take a detailed history. It is important to find out what led to the dislocation of the coccyx. Visual inspection and palpation of the injured area can confirm the complaints expressed by the patient.
Additional examination
In addition, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination to clarifytypes of damage, including:
- Rectal examination, involving the insertion of a finger into the rectum to determine the degree of injury to the coccyx. This method will allow you to determine how much the coccyx deviated to the side, and to identify the intensity of the pain syndrome and the absence of a crunch.
- X-ray examination. An affordable and reliable way to identify a dislocation or subluxation. The picture will show the joints of the coccyx and sacrum.
- Computer and magnetic resonance imaging. Allows you to get the clearest and most accurate picture, and it will be layered.
First Aid
If a person gets a spine injury in the coccyx or sacrum, it is necessary - as far as possible - to quickly deliver him to the nearest hospital or emergency room. The specialist will be able to assess the patient's condition and conduct a complete examination to exclude the possibility of a tailbone fracture, which is a serious injury and will require long and complex treatment.

Before you get to the traumatologist, it is possible to carry out a number of independent activities related to first aid to the patient:
- As soon as the injury has been received, the patient must be provided with a comfortable body position, in this case lying on his stomach. If you need to roll over, it is important to help the injured person to do this, being careful and not making sudden movements.
- To relieve soreness and swelling with a complete dislocation of the coccyx, you can apply ice to the injured area.
- If the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable, you can give the patient an anesthetic, but only after clarifying with the patient about an allergic reaction to certain drugs.
- Conducting hospitalization of the patient. In this case, you can either call an ambulance or take the victim to the hospital on your own. Transport should be done with the person lying on their side.

Coccyx dislocation should be treated on an outpatient basis. The standard scheme of therapeutic measures involves the following steps:
- Reduction of subluxation or dislocation.
- Compliance with bed rest.
- Taking pain medication.
- Performing anti-inflammatory treatment.
- Therapeutic physical culture.
- Physiotherapy treatments.
How is coccyx dislocation corrected?
This should happen under the influence of local anesthesia, as a rule, the choice falls on novocaine blockade. During the procedure, the patient is in the prone position, and the specialist compares the surfaces of the joints. After the coccyx is put in place, it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation.

Restorative measures involve bed rest for one week after the reduction of the dislocation. You can only lie on your stomach to prevent excessive stress on the injured spine. If the patient has been diagnosed with subluxation, then he is forbidden to sit during this period. After this period of time, it is allowed to sit on an orthopedic pillow. The movements should be smooth, this will make it possible to avoid re-dislocation.
The rehabilitation period, when the patient is severely limited in movement, is up to one month. Of the painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, injections of Diclofenac, as well as Ibuprofen, Movalis, etc., can be prescribed. In childhood, as well as pregnant women, antispasmodics such as No-shpa, Papaverine, etc. are prescribed. e.
Since the act of defecation can be complicated by dislocation, the patient is prescribed mild laxatives during the recovery period, as well as a special diet and drinking regimen. Physiotherapy exercises and physiotherapy are also carried out, which allows you to speed up the rehabilitation process.

Consequences of dislocation
Any, even the most insignificant spinal injury cannot pass without a trace for human he alth. If you do not see a doctor in a timely manner, immediately after receiving a dislocation of the coccyx (ICD S33.2), a person may get the following complications:
- Deformation process in the coccyx, accompanied by severe pain.
- Coccygodynia caused by an inflammatory process in the nerve endings located close to the injured area of the spine.
- Violation of labor in women.
- Coccyx dysfunction.
- Insolvency Recurrenceligament apparatus after the first dislocation.
- Chronic pain syndrome.
To avoid these consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner when injured and undergo the necessary treatment with a recovery period.