The disease always has a negative impact on a person's well-being, and if it is associated with the lungs, then it is difficult to breathe, coughing prevents a full life. In inflammatory diseases, the chest should be trained for a faster recovery. However, it should be noted that breathing exercises for bronchitis should be used in combination with medication treatment. Only the use of these methods in combination will help to recover faster.
Breathing exercises also help the body cope with pneumonia faster. During breathing sessions and physiotherapy exercises, ventilation of lung tissues is observed. For this reason, the human pulmonary system becomes able to cope with the main symptoms of the disease without complications and in a short time. Doctors also recommend using breathing exercises in conjunction with exercise therapy to avoid complications, which in more cases are observed after the end of the active phase of the disease.
Proper breathing sessions lead to habituation to sharp breathingaperture. Thus, tissues affected by inflammation are continuously oxygenated.

Despite the fact that in most cases breathing exercises have a positive effect, there are still contraindications that must be taken into account.
- if during gymnastics the condition deteriorated sharply, a fever occurred, it is necessary to stop the session immediately;
- acute respiratory failure, shortness of breath at rest;
- under 4 years of age;
- body temperature above 38°C;
- deviations in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
About diseases and disorders of the body, you need to check with your doctor. If something is bothering you, you should get a diagnosis.
Problems of breathing exercises
Sessions of breathing exercises help to cope with several tasks at the same time:
- inflammatory process in the bronchi becomes less intense;
- blood circulation is stimulated;
- mucus and inflammatory secret accumulated in the bronchi are excreted faster;
- Immune system strengthened;
- hemoglobin increases.
Breathing exercises for children
Children have immature respiratory muscles, which causes a slow removal of sputum from the bronchi, respectively, the recovery process can be greatly delayed. Breathing exercises for bronchitis for children isvery effective and safest treatment.

Sessions of breathing exercises for acute bronchitis children should begin only after the inflammatory process subsides. Basically, it is allowed to start breathing exercises on the 2nd-3rd day of treatment with medications.
The child should perform breathing exercises under the close attention of adults, it is also necessary to monitor the process of sputum removal after the sessions. Classes should start with statistical exercises, and then add dynamic ones.
The position of the child during breathing exercises is determined by the general state of he alth. If you feel good, then gymnastics is recommended to be done in a standing position. If necessary, sessions can be done sitting or lying down.
In order to strengthen the immune system and respiratory muscles in a child with chronic bronchitis, it is recommended to do gymnastics not only during an exacerbation of the disease, but also at the time of remission.
According to the recommendations of experts, it is better for a child to do breathing exercises in specialized groups led by highly qualified specialists who can explain to the baby and his parents how to do each of the exercises correctly. Also, in more cases, the child is more interested in being in a group with children.
If it is not possible to attend special courses, then the parents of the child should prepare by independently studying the correctness of the exercises. Gymnastics should be performed with the child, motivating him to action.

Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova
Strelnikova Alexandra Nikolaevna, who is an opera singer of the USSR, suffered from heart disease, accompanied by constant suffocating attacks. Strelnikova was able to independently develop and then test on herself a set of breathing exercises that help eliminate suffocation and relieve bronchospasm. Strelnikova's respiratory gymnastics technique for bronchitis has passed clinical trials that have confirmed its effectiveness.
Initially, Strelnikova's set of exercises was intended for patients with asthma and obstructive bronchitis, but the technique turned out to be effective for more diseases of the respiratory system:
- bronchitis of all origins;
- pneumonia;
- tonsillitis;
- inflammation of the paranasal sinuses and others.
Execution rules
How to do it right?
- You need to inhale briefly, sharply and strongly. If the patient inhales through the mouth, then the exhalation will be quiet and soft, and through the nose, on the contrary, intense and noisy.
- You need to exhale slowly, smoothly.
- During inhalation there should be movement.

Exercises from Strelnikova's technique
Strelnikova's breathing exercises technique for bronchitis contains a long list of different exercises. Of these, the mostcommonly used, recommended for everyone to know.
- Hands. The recommended posture is sitting on a chair with a straight back or standing. The arms are bent at the elbows, and the palms are directed away from you. Next, you need to take a noisy, active breath and at the same time clench your palms into fists. With a soft exhalation, open your fists. One approach includes 8 breaths and 8 breaths. The complex consists of 20 sets.
- Shoulders. Posture - sitting or standing. The legs should be kept together. Clench your palms into fists and put on your belt. During inhalation, let go of the hands sharply, open the fists, spreading the fingers. In this case, the shoulders and arms should be in a tense state. In each approach, 8 breaths, the recommended number of approaches is 8.
- Pump. The exercise should be done while standing. In exceptional cases, you can sit. Hands are located on the belt. First you need to take a sharp breath, then - a smooth exhalation, accompanied by a slow tilt down, take the starting position. In each approach, 8 breaths and exhalations. It is recommended to do 8 sets.
Breathing exercises for chronic bronchitis

Don't forget about drug treatment. In order for breathing exercises in chronic bronchitis to be effective, the exercises should be performed every day.
- Perform the exercise while standing. The legs should be put together, and the arms should be raised up, stretch, rising on the toes. For this, you need to take a deep breath through your nose. As you exhale through your mouth, release your hands down, stand on your foot. As you exhale, say"uh", drawing out the letter "x". Repeat at least 4 times.
- Put your feet shoulder-width apart, stretch your arms down, pressing to your hips. Inhaling through your nose, raise your arms and spread them out to the sides. With a loud exhalation, lower your hands and pat your hips. The exercise should be repeated 5 times.
- Slow walking in place. When taking the first step, you need to raise your hands, spreading them to the sides. Inhale through the nose. On the next step and exhale loudly with the sound of "goo-o-o", lower your hands. Do the exercise for 1-2 minutes.
Breathing exercises for the elderly
In older people, the organs are weaker, respectively, the disease is more difficult than in the younger generation. The processes that accompany bronchitis can be fatal for the elderly. Therefore, breathing exercises for bronchitis for the elderly is necessary.
Since it is often difficult for patients in old age to perform standing exercises, it is recommended to use the Strelnikova technique, because more exercises can be done in a sitting and lying position. This is especially important for people who suffer from other chronic diseases, accompanied by the obligatory observance of bed rest. Elderly people are advised to exercise with extreme caution.
Pauses between them must be increased, and if pain occurs, immediately reduce the load. If the patient does not have a weakened state of the whole organism, then it is recommended to use breathing exercises in combination with exercise therapy exercises. Alsoyou must follow all the doctor's recommendations for drug treatment, which is mandatory.
If there are no contraindications, then breathing exercises can be combined with traditional medicine. A complex of various methods will help strengthen the respiratory tract, lungs, which will become the basis for a quick recovery.

Breathing exercises for obstructive bronchitis
For the treatment of obstructive bronchitis, experts recommend using exercises that help eliminate fatigue of the respiratory muscles and diaphragm. Drainage exercises should also be used to help expel phlegm.
Respiratory gymnastics for obstructive bronchitis includes a set of exercises, from which you can choose several for daily performance.
- One of the most popular and simple is the positive pressure exhalation exercise. To perform the exercise, you will need a straw or straw and a vessel of water. The patient needs to take a deep breath, then slowly release the air through a tube into a container of water. The duration of one approach is 15 minutes. During the day, you need to do about 5 sets.
- "Hug yourself." It is recommended to perform in a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. The patient needs to quickly hug himself, trying to reach his shoulder blades with his palms. In this case, it is necessary to exhale strongly and loudly. Do the exercise for at least 10 minutes.
- In a standing position stretch out your armsto the sides and rise on your toes. Then stand on your feet and lean forward so that your back is in a slightly bent position. Next, hug yourself so that your palms hit your shoulder blades. Then spread your arms to the sides, hug yourself again, crossing your arms over your chest and hit your shoulder blades 3 times. All this is done on a loud exhalation. Then inhale with the diaphragm and return to the starting position.

More experts say that breathing exercises for bronchitis are necessary for adults and children. It is often recommended to use Strelnikova's technique, which helped to strengthen the body and cope with the disease for many people. But everyone can choose a set of exercises depending on the characteristics of the body.

Respiratory gymnastics for bronchitis and pneumonia is an effective remedy, but only in combination with other methods, such as traditional medicine, exercise therapy, drugs. It is important to remember that you should not treat yourself. You must first contact a specialist, clarify contraindications, study the detailed implementation of exercises and only then proceed to treatment.