Adenoids of the 2nd degree: treatment, removal, reviews

Adenoids of the 2nd degree: treatment, removal, reviews
Adenoids of the 2nd degree: treatment, removal, reviews

One of the most common ENT pathologies in preschool children are grade 2 adenoids. If the disease is not detected and treated in a timely manner, it can lead to serious consequences. The most radical method of treatment is surgery, but medication will also help, especially in the early stages.

adenoids 2nd degree
adenoids 2nd degree

What are adenoids?

Adenoids are formed as a result of significant growths of the palatine tonsil, which leads to discomfort, and the child has breathing problems. This pathology is bacterial and is often observed in children from 3 to 7 years old. It is the adenoid tissue that helps in the fight against infections that enter the body during breathing, and is a kind of trap for them. But under the influence of pathogenic bacteria, it can swell, but when it improves, it decreases.

Most parents confuse the symptoms of the disease with the common cold and do not pay special attention to it, on their owntrying to cure the child. It is impossible to diagnose adenoids without a complete examination by an otolaryngologist. Only according to its results, the doctor prescribes the correct treatment.

There are 3 degrees of the disease:

  • 1st degree - if the tonsil, having increased, covers only 1/3 of the choanae (internal openings in the nose). Breathing becomes difficult only during night sleep.
  • Pathology of the 2nd degree is diagnosed when the holes are blocked by 1/2, and it is difficult for children to breathe around the clock.
  • At the 3rd degree of vegetation (overgrowth) are so large that the holes are closed by 2/3 or completely. At the same time, there are violations of breathing, hearing, speech.


An organism with a weakened immune system is more susceptible to their formation. Grade 2 adenoids are formed if these factors are present:

  • penetration of infectious bacteria into the body and the development of diseases, such as whooping cough, influenza, scarlet fever;
  • hereditary factor;
  • chronic diseases of the upper respiratory organs;
  • poor immunity;
  • lack of necessary treatment for the first stage of the disease.
  • adenoids 2nd degree treatment
    adenoids 2nd degree treatment

Characteristic symptoms

Adenoids of the 2nd degree may be indicated by frequent headaches.

You can find out that your child has problems if you find these signs:

  • difficulty breathing through the nose, can be detected both at night and during the day;
  • compensatory mouth breathing;
  • strong snoring, sniffling;
  • deteriorationsleep;
  • frequent headaches;
  • poor school performance;
  • deterioration of memorization processes, decreased attention.

When a secondary infection is attached, this ailment may be accompanied by fever. There may also be discharge of pus from the sinuses with adenoids of the 2nd degree in a child.

removal of adenoids of the 2nd degree in children
removal of adenoids of the 2nd degree in children


To accurately determine the cause, make an accurate diagnosis and identify the degree of pathological processes, the child must undergo all the necessary examinations, as well as consult a doctor.

  1. The adenoids are palpated and their consistency is determined. The doctor examines the arch of the nasopharynx using a special mirror. It is also necessary to take into account that if the child has a strong gag reflex, then such a procedure will be quite difficult to carry out.
  2. X-ray will reveal the exact size of the adenoids. But there is no need to hurry with this method of examination, because the child may receive a dose of radiation.
  3. Endoscopy. Such a method can make it possible to determine the degree of pathology of the adenoids, determine the condition and functions of the Eustachian tube.
  4. Sowing from the pharynx. This study is performed when a bacterial infection is suspected. After confirming the presence of an infectious agent, it will be cultivated in order to determine the degree of sensitivity to antibiotics.
  5. adenoids grade 2 treatment reviews
    adenoids grade 2 treatment reviews

Possible Complications

One of the possible complications of adenoids 2degree is a violation of auditory perception.

Inflamed adenoids affect the overall development of the child. If not properly treated, the child may have serious and dangerous consequences:

  • possible speech and hearing impairment;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reaction;
  • delayed development of fine and gross motor skills;
  • mental developmental disorders.

Do I need surgery for grade 2 adenoids? More on that later.

adenoids 2nd degree operation
adenoids 2nd degree operation

Signs of pathological enlargement

Problems with adenoid proliferation are especially relevant in children aged from one year to 14-15 years. Often, pathology is observed in preschool children. What symptoms may be noticed by parents who assume that their children have adenoid vegetations? Parental attention should be drawn to these signs:

  • baby sleeping with open mouth;
  • the child often develops chronic runny nose, which is very difficult to cure;
  • baby breathing through mouth;
  • speech becomes nasal (nasal);
  • no runny nose, but stuffy nose;
  • hearing declines;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • the child becomes irritable, lethargic, lags behind in school due to a decrease in concentration;
  • temporary cessation of breathing may occur at night;
  • the child refuses outdoor games, as it is difficult for him to breathe through his mouth;
  • the child often suffers from otitis media and colds.

Feedback on grade 2 adenoids in a child will be presented at the end of the article.


When talking about treatment, they usually mean surgical removal of the adenoids, but it is also important to remember that more gentle therapies are possible. There are more pluses in this treatment, namely:

  • no injury;
  • well tolerated by the child;
  • painless;
  • no anesthesia needed.
  • adenoids 2 degrees in a child reviews
    adenoids 2 degrees in a child reviews

Such treatment usually begins with the elimination of acute symptoms of the disease, the exclusion of signs of intoxication. In case of elevated temperature, antipyretics are taken. In order to eliminate the causes of the disease, antiviral drugs or antibiotics are used after determining the pathogen. This treatment also includes:

  • physiotherapy, sinus lavage, such procedures are carried out personally by a doctor;
  • symptomatic therapy, which is based on the elimination of various manifestations of the disease;
  • Quartzation and laser therapy.

Among other things, follow these rules:

  • guarantee proper nutrition;
  • ensure the child to drink plenty of water;
  • observe strict bed rest.

Let's consider the surgical treatment of grade 2 adenoids.

Surgical method

It must be borne in mind that if a child is diagnosed with this pathology, then the operation is not prescribed in all cases. The indications for surgery are:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • frequent adenoiditis and sinusitis;
  • pronounced signs of poor sleep;
  • urinary incontinence;
  • severe difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • noticeable lag in emotional and physical development;
  • apnea.

If the decision to perform a surgical operation was made, then it is necessary to comply with all doctor's prescriptions before and after the operation. You also need to remember about he althy, proper nutrition, bed rest and fresh air.

Usually the operation is carried out by these methods:

  • electrocoagulation;
  • laser;
  • or coblation.

The most popular method for removing grade 2 adenoids in children is laser adenoidectomy. This method has a local analgesic effect, is considered less traumatic, can cope without undesirable consequences, and is characterized by a quick rehabilitation period.

adenoids of the 2nd degree in a child
adenoids of the 2nd degree in a child


In order to prevent the formation of such a pathology, it is necessary to detect signs in a timely manner and follow simple rules:

  • when inflammatory processes appear in the body, you should immediately seek help from a specialist;
  • if a child has a chronic illness, it is necessary to ensure that exacerbation attacks are as rare as possible;
  • increase the child's immunity through regular physical activity and hardening;
  • go out with your child often - air and sunbathing can be goodeffect on the general condition of the body;
  • avoid crowded places, especially during a viral outbreak;
  • make sure that the child's room always has optimal humidity and temperature;
  • don't start adenoids of the first degree, treat them in advance.

Since it is now known what second-degree adenoids are, you need to remember the need to diagnose the disease in time. There is no need to be afraid that the child may be prescribed an operation. It should be remembered that second-degree adenoids can be cured with conservative methods in any case.

Reviews about grade 2 adenoids

Treat or remove - often such questions are asked by parents whose child has adenoids. Everyone knows that there is a possibility of recurrence after surgery, so practically no one is happy with this prospect, and no one wants to give the child into the hands of surgeons. Parents willingly share their personal experience: pathology can be cured without surgical intervention. According to reviews, the treatment of grade 2 adenoids with homeopathy and laser gives good results.

Many parents are sure that there is nothing superfluous in the body. And some doctors agree with them. Therefore, do not rush to remove adenoids surgically. It is necessary to engage in treatment, combine medical methods with folk remedies and try to protect the child from infections. This approach will definitely give positive results.
