Wen on the head - how to remove, features and methods

Wen on the head - how to remove, features and methods
Wen on the head - how to remove, features and methods

In the article, we will consider how to remove a wen on the head.

This is a benign formation formed from the connective tissue, which gradually grows more and more and is able to penetrate even to the periosteum. Such a tumor captures the entire space between the muscles and vascular plexuses. Many patients become very worried when they see a bump on their head. How dangerous is it and how is it treated? Is it always necessary to remove a wen on the head?

wen on the head how to remove
wen on the head how to remove

Description of pathology

A lipoma is a benign tumor in fatty tissue under the skin. This mobile soft formation of an oval or round shape, painless on palpation, resembles a ball that rolls under the skin. If a wen occurs in the deeper layers, it can affect the vessels or connective tissue, which means that the lipoma will be more dense, in somesituations, nerve endings can even be affected, the patient will feel pain. It is mainly localized on the scalp and forehead, rarely on the nose, lips and around the eyes. It develops slowly, if there is no treatment, the lipoma can grow from a few millimeters to eight centimeters. If several pieces are formed at once, it can be judged that the patient has such a disease as lipomatosis. Such a pathology is not dangerous, it is well treated. The wen on the head can be removed.


There are the following causes of lipoma:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • metabolic defects;
  • clogged sebaceous glands;
  • slagging;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive organs and the autonomic nervous system.

How to remove a wen on the head, you should check with your doctor.

remove wen on head
remove wen on head

When should I see a doctor?

Although a lipoma is a benign formation, in rare situations it can degenerate into a malignant liposarcoma. Among other things, lipoma is often confused with atheroma, a cyst of the sebaceous glands, and the risk of transformation of such a formation is much higher. If the tumor is damaged, it can lead to inflammation and bacteria entry, which is an additional threat. A wen growing on the scalp or eyelid can compress blood vessels and damage the nerves responsible for the brain and vision. That is why you should immediately consult a doctor whendetection of a lipoma.

Many people wonder how to remove a wen on the head.

When is it necessary?

If the wen does not cause inconvenience and does not increase, you can not worry, because emergency removal is not needed, and small formations can resolve over time without intervention. The smaller the wen, the less likely it is to grow and squeeze the vessels around, the risk of degeneration is minimal. However, you can not postpone a visit to a dermatologist for a long time. In children, lipomas are removed only from the age of five. In some situations, it may require urgent elimination. The main indications in this case are:

  • a sharp increase in lipoma;
  • appearance of an inflammatory process in the area of the wen;
  • pain;
  • oozing liquid from lipoma;
  • changing the color and shape of education;
  • The location of the wen near the eyes or in the occipital region.

Where can I remove a wen on my head? You can do this at any medical institution in the city.

whether to remove the wen on the head
whether to remove the wen on the head

Diagnosis and therapy

Before prescribing treatment, the lipoma is examined. For this, a histological analysis is used, if necessary, ultrasound and computed tomography are required. All diagnostic measures are needed to determine the specifics of the location of the neoplasm relative to the vessels and tissues, to identify those features that may affect the choice of method for removing the lipoma.

Let's tellmore details on how to remove a wen on the head.

Removal of a lipoma by surgery and other invasive methods

Removal is carried out in the surgical department or in the centers of aesthetic medicine. Elimination methods are selected by a specialist, taking into account the information of diagnostic studies. In modern medicine, there are a lot of different methods for removing wen, and each of them has its own specifics.

The most affordable way is surgical excision. Surgical intervention lasts no more than half an hour, is carried out under local anesthesia, allows you to eliminate the contents together with the capsule, which minimizes the possibility of a return of the disease. The disadvantages are the duration of healing, scars and scars after surgery. Complications may also occur in the form of inflammation, hematoma and swelling. In such situations, you need to contact a specialist.

You can remove the wen on the head with a laser. At a fairly high price, manipulation has several advantages. After laser removal, there will be no scars, the tissue recovers very quickly, the risk of infection is minimal, as is the likelihood of relapse. The laser acts only on the tumor, the surrounding tissues do not touch, the procedure is completely painless. The average cost of laser removal in Moscow ranges from 3,000 to 15,000 rubles. Here is the price for this procedure.

You can remove a wen on your head in other ways.

where to remove the wen on the head
where to remove the wen on the head

Cryodestruction - exposure to liquid nitrogen vapor, allows you to get rid of the formationvery fast. The advantages are the absence of relapses, rapid tissue recovery, painlessness, the disadvantages are the very high price of manipulation.

Liposuction - by means of a lipoaspirator, the contents of the neoplasm are removed through a puncture. The manipulation is almost painless, there are no scars. A significant disadvantage is the likelihood of relapse, since the capsule is not eliminated.

Endoscopy makes it possible to remove a wen through a microscopic incision using special equipment that provides control over the operation. Also, a small scar may remain after the operation.

What is important to install before uninstalling?

Before choosing a suitable way to remove a wen, a specialist must determine whether blood vessels are affected. The most effective and correct therapeutic method is still surgery. In addition, the cost of removing a wen is quite affordable, but do not forget that it can be different in each individual case.

When such a neoplasm appears on the head, laser removal should be performed using high-quality equipment in order to exclude the possibility of infection and complications in the future. Where to remove the wen on the head, it is important to know in advance.

remove wen on head at home
remove wen on head at home


Drug therapy is used to eliminate small neoplasms. Through injections, a medicine is injected into the wen, which promotes the resorption of fat, in caseIf necessary, the procedure is repeated after ten days. A similar method is used only after analyzing the internal contents, if there are no symptoms of tissue degeneration and contraindications. The wen resolves within two months, however, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of the lipoma in this way, there remains a high probability of recurrence.

If there are no complications and the tumor is small, the specialist may advise using an ointment. For example, the ointment of Karavaev, Vishnevsky, beekeeping products. Ointments are applied in the form of compresses or used for regular treatment of a wen, the duration and course are determined by a specialist. It is undesirable to treat lipoma on your own using external methods without diagnostic procedures.

Is it possible to remove a wen on the head at home?

Popular folk remedies

If such a formation appears on the head, you can use folk methods of treatment. You can get rid of it at home, when the formation is small.

laser hair removal on head
laser hair removal on head
  • Help to eliminate the bump such drugs as ichthyol ointment, Asterisk balm and Vishnevsky ointment. Any of these medicines is applied to gauze and applied as a compress. The dressing is changed every 9-10 hours. Therapy continues until the wen disappears.
  • Another home remedy will relieve education: vinegar is mixed with iodine in a 1:1 ratio. This composition must be applied with a cotton swab to the lipoma. The procedure is repeated three times a day.until full recovery. Alternatively, a simple treatment of the neoplasm with iodine is allowed.
  • Hydrogen peroxide helps to get rid of a wen, which should be lubricated with a tumor or applied as a compress several times a day.
  • You can apply a cut garlic clove to the cone, it is fixed with a plaster or bandage. Such compresses should be done before going to bed. The product should not be used by patients with skin sensitivity.
  • where can i remove the wen on my head
    where can i remove the wen on my head
  • You can also get rid of lipoma with a mixture of lard and garlic. The ingredients are crushed, a garlic clove and two teaspoons of lard are mixed. The mixture is applied to the bump every day until the swelling disappears.
  • To eliminate the wen, you can bake onions in the oven. Then rub it on a grater, mix with laundry soap. Such a tool must be applied to gauze, applied in the form of a compress to the lipoma. The procedure is carried out every day, in the evening and in the morning. Each time the mixture is prepared anew.

When wen appear on the head, it is important to know what should not be done in any way: open the lipoma, squeeze the contents out of it, act mechanically on the wen located near the eye.
