Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Clot breaks off: what it can lead to

Clot breaks off: what it can lead to

Everyone has heard of a blood clot. But many do not realize how dangerous it is. The formation of a blood clot is a protective mechanism of the body that prevents blood loss when a vessel is damaged. However, its formation can be caused by disturbances in the functioning of the body without damaging the vessel. This article will tell you how and why a blood clot breaks off, as well as measures to prevent the development of thrombosis

Chronic diarrhea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Chronic diarrhea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, prevention

Causes of chronic diarrhea and its main types. General clinical picture of malaise, common symptoms and accompanying diseases. Carrying out diagnostic measures and prescribing effective treatment for diarrhea

Pain between the shoulder blades: causes, what to do?

Pain between the shoulder blades: causes, what to do?

Pain between the shoulder blades indicates that a person has certain he alth problems. What are the causes of discomfort? What is the most effective treatment method? How to prevent back pain?

Beck's sarcoidosis: symptoms, prevention, causes and treatment features

Beck's sarcoidosis: symptoms, prevention, causes and treatment features

In the list of diseases that cannot be contracted from humans or animals and that occur for reasons not fully understood, Beck's disease is not the last. Sarcoidosis is its modern name. It is diagnosed quite rarely, in no more than 150 out of 100,000 people, but it affects people on all continents, and therefore it has been assigned an international code in the ICD-10 classification system

Positional (postural) drainage in bronchopulmonary pathologies: efficiency and procedure technique

Positional (postural) drainage in bronchopulmonary pathologies: efficiency and procedure technique

Positional (postural) drainage helps to accelerate the outflow of purulent fluid in patients with respiratory diseases. The inclusion of this technique in complex therapy can reduce the number of serious complications, the duration of treatment, prevent the formation of bedsores and deaths. You can learn about the technique of carrying out from the article

Prevention of hypertension with drugs and folk remedies

Prevention of hypertension with drugs and folk remedies

Article about medical and folk methods of treating hypertension. Recommendations of doctors and the most effective means are considered

Causes, symptoms and treatment of thyroid nodules

Causes, symptoms and treatment of thyroid nodules

Tyroid nodules can be treated with both conservative and surgical methods. In the elimination of neoplasms, traditional medicine can also be used

"Asph alt disease": treatment of abrasions from a fall

"Asph alt disease": treatment of abrasions from a fall

"Asph alt disease" is jokingly called abrasions and bruises resulting from a fall. From hitting a hard surface, hematomas occur, the integrity of the skin is violated. If the marks on the body and limbs can be masked with clothes, then the damage on the face is immediately noticeable, and you want to get rid of them as soon as possible

What is a parasitic twin?

What is a parasitic twin?

Such an unusual and frightening phenomenon as a parasitic twin has been known since antiquity. Nevertheless, in medicine, this anomaly was described only in the 19th century. Today, several cases of complete disposal of the fetus-parasite are known

Why does the knee crackle?

Why does the knee crackle?

Many people are faced with the phenomenon when during physical exertion or even during a slow walk, the knee crunches. Most often, such a symptom is simply ignored. However, if the crunch in the knee joint becomes systematic, then you should pay attention to the state of he alth, and it is best to consult a doctor

Hip dysplasia in a child is a significant cause for concern

Hip dysplasia in a child is a significant cause for concern

The diagnosis of "hip dysplasia" in a child requires a careful approach, attention and immediate treatment. It is possible to determine the presence of this pathology in a newborn by some presumptive signs, but the most accurate diagnosis is made only when the baby reaches the age of three months, and you should not ignore it or postpone therapy

Treatment of candidiasis in women will help defeat the fungus

Treatment of candidiasis in women will help defeat the fungus

A woman should feel happy, but the discomfort that occurs when Candida fungi are activated makes this impossible. Only timely and effective treatment of candidiasis in women will allow them to return to a full life

Aneurysm is a death sentence?

Aneurysm is a death sentence?

Aneurysm is an enlargement of a vessel that is more than twice its normal diameter. More than 60% of all aneurysms are located in the abdominal aorta

Hypertensive crisis - what is it? Hypertension: treatment, prevention

Hypertensive crisis - what is it? Hypertension: treatment, prevention

Every year the number of people who are diagnosed with hypertension is rapidly increasing. And that's just the official statistics. And a third of them already had a hypertensive crisis. What it is, you need to know not only patients, but also people who do not suffer from hypertension in order to help their loved ones and friends overcome this difficult period

Fungus on the face: types, causes and treatment

Fungus on the face: types, causes and treatment

The skin of absolutely every person contains many microorganisms, including fungi. Usually they do not bring any harm or discomfort, as they are completely harmless. But during failures in the body, fungi begin to multiply more actively and become the causative agents of a disease such as mycosis

Thrush: incubation period, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Thrush: incubation period, causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention

The term "thrush" refers to a fungal disease of an infectious nature. Its other name is candidiasis. Most often, pathology is diagnosed in women. The fungus can normally be present in a he althy person. The active process of its reproduction is triggered under the influence of certain provoking factors

Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Biliary dyskinesia: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Biliary dyskinesia is a common gastrointestinal disease. According to unofficial data, almost every third person suffers from this disease. There are no exact statistics, because not all patients seek medical help: pathology causes a lot of trouble, but does not threaten life. However, in some cases, the disease can lead to complications. That is why it is worth knowing how to treat biliary dyskinesia

Knobby pruritus: causes, symptoms, description with photo and treatment

Knobby pruritus: causes, symptoms, description with photo and treatment

The disease nodular prurigo is a rare type of dermatosis. The pathology is chronic. The main manifestation of the disease is the presence of severe, persistent itching along with profuse skin rashes

How is otitis media treated? Medicines and folk remedies

How is otitis media treated? Medicines and folk remedies

Otitis is a rather serious disease of the organ of hearing, which has an inflammatory nature. The disease cannot be called harmless, since the lack of timely treatment can cause a number of unpleasant consequences

Allergic rhinitis: symptoms and treatment

Allergic rhinitis: symptoms and treatment

According to medical statistics, almost a quarter of the world's population suffers from allergic rhinitis, which is accompanied by nasal congestion and itching, sneezing and tearing

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, degrees, prognosis

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis: causes, symptoms, treatment, degrees, prognosis

Atherosclerotic cardiosclerosis is a diffuse development of connective scar tissue that occurs in the myocardium (the main muscle layer of the heart), which appears as a result of damage to the coronary arteries. The disease is serious, and every person suffering from it should be observed by a cardiologist

Lump in the throat: causes, treatment and consequences

Lump in the throat: causes, treatment and consequences

The most common reason for an individual to visit an ENT doctor is a lump in the throat. It causes discomfort and discomfort when swallowing. The causes of this phenomenon can be various pathologies, i.e. the sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx is a consequence of certain disorders in the body

Fractures of the femoral neck: their diagnosis and treatment

Fractures of the femoral neck: their diagnosis and treatment

Fractures of the femoral neck are rightly considered one of the most dangerous injuries that a person can receive. They grow together very difficult, and on their own - almost never

Diaper dermatitis: treatment, symptoms and causes

Diaper dermatitis: treatment, symptoms and causes

Diaper dermatitis, the treatment of which should begin after the appearance of the first symptom, is an unpleasant disease for both the baby and his parents. So don't let him develop

Alveolar pulmonary edema: symptoms, causes, treatment, emergency care

Alveolar pulmonary edema: symptoms, causes, treatment, emergency care

Pulmonary edema is a life-threatening, very severe and acute painful condition associated with an abnormal accumulation of interstitial fluid in the lung tissue and within the alveoli. Thus, instead of air, which should penetrate into the pulmonary vesicles, water enters them, and because of this, a person does not have the opportunity to breathe, literally choking and dying

Pituitary adenoma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pituitary adenoma: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Pituitary adenoma is a benign tumor formation that originates from the glandular tissue located in the anterior pituitary gland. From a clinical point of view, pituitary adenoma is expressed in the form of ophthalmic-neurological (eye movement disorders, headache, double vision fields and their narrowing) and endocrine-metabolic syndromes

Mycosis of the scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Mycosis of the scalp: causes, symptoms, treatment, drugs

Mycosis of the scalp is an unpleasant disease from which no one is immune. It is a fungus that infects the scalp. Mycosis can be of several types. Before starting treatment, it is important to establish its type, for this you will need to undergo an appropriate examination. In this article, we will talk about the causes of this disease, its symptoms and effective treatment, as an example, we will give specific drugs that help to cope with the disease

Lichen planus: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Lichen planus: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis

Lichen planus is an inflammatory skin disease. It manifests itself in rashes on the mucous membranes and dermis. Another name for the disease is Wilson's disease. It was named after the English scientist E. Wilson, who in 1869 described the disease, determined its differences from other dermatoses and identified the main forms

Ischemic brain disease - symptoms, causes, consequences and features of treatment

Ischemic brain disease - symptoms, causes, consequences and features of treatment

Narrowing of the lumen in the arteries of the brain or their complete blockage leads to the development of coronary disease of the brain, which requires diagnosis, urgent adequate treatment. If no action is taken, then the pathology easily becomes chronic

Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation. Menu for every day

Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation. Menu for every day

Eating with a stomach ulcer during an exacerbation should be sparing as much as possible. The fact is that spicy, fatty or fried foods can literally neutralize all the positive effect that was obtained from the appointment of even the most modern drugs in just a few tens of minutes

Temperature with gastric ulcer: possible causes and features of treatment

Temperature with gastric ulcer: possible causes and features of treatment

Often a stomach ulcer occurs without symptoms (latent form) and becomes chronic over time. It is important to pay attention to accompanying signs. Can there be a temperature with a stomach ulcer? This is discussed in the article

Syphilitic angina: symptoms and treatment

Syphilitic angina: symptoms and treatment

Syphilitic angina occurs during secondary syphilis and is a combination of inflammatory processes in the organs of the oropharynx. The tonsils are most commonly affected. Let us consider in more detail what syphilitic tonsillitis is, signs and types of the disease, as well as possible methods of treatment and prevention

Syphilis disease: consequences, diagnosis and treatment features

Syphilis disease: consequences, diagnosis and treatment features

Among the diseases affecting not just individuals, but society as a whole, it is necessary to single out syphilis. Not so long ago, this word from the lips of a doctor sounded like a sentence. But today, modern methods of diagnosis and treatment can effectively fight syphilis and avoid its terrible consequences

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa: symptoms and treatment

Candidiasis of the oral mucosa: symptoms and treatment

Candidiasis of the mucous membranes is a fungal disease that many inhabitants of our planet face. In this article, we will consider the main features of this pathology, as well as its symptoms, causes and the most effective methods of treatment. Therefore, carefully read this article in order to arm yourself as much as possible

Itchy clitoris: causes, treatment, disease prevention

Itchy clitoris: causes, treatment, disease prevention

Itching in the intimate area - the malaise is quite common. The vulva, labia, perineum, anus, clitoris can itch. There are many reasons for this. For example, allergies, inflammation, etc. Often itching of the genital organs occurs in pregnant women

Allergy on the body. How to recognize and win

Allergy on the body. How to recognize and win

Allergy (from the Greek "foreign", "impact") is a reaction of the immune system, which is provoked by some kind of irritant (allergen). Any sign of hypersensitivity is a violation of immunity. The scientific explanation for this phenomenon is the release of increased amounts of histamine into the blood vessels by human cells

Prevention of vascular thrombosis: expert advice

Prevention of vascular thrombosis: expert advice

Thrombosis is an extremely unpleasant and dangerous disease that, if left untreated, leads to a lot of complications. In some cases, it is much easier to prevent the development of the disease than to undergo treatment later. Thrombosis prevention is an ongoing process

Cephalgic syndrome: types of headaches, diagnosis and treatment

Cephalgic syndrome: types of headaches, diagnosis and treatment

Cephalgic syndrome is a headache attack. It has various causes, types and course. However, if the pain does not go away for a long time, becomes more intense and interferes with a normal life, then you need to urgently consult a doctor

Cracks in the hands: causes and treatment

Cracks in the hands: causes and treatment

Cracks in the hands cause physical torment and psychological discomfort. Many people suffering from this disease try to cope with it with ointments and creams, not assuming that the appearance of cracks may be associated with a disease of the internal organs, therefore, this cosmetic defect should be treated not only with external means

Crack between toes - what to do?

Crack between toes - what to do?

The crack between the toes is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. After all, such damage brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to a person’s life, especially while walking. But what are the causes of such injuries? Can you get rid of them yourself?