Often a stomach ulcer occurs without symptoms (latent form) and becomes chronic over time. It is important to pay attention to accompanying signs. Can there be a temperature with a stomach ulcer? This is described in the article.
Like many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, an ulcer is considered the result of long-term pathologies. The disease appears due to the following factors:
- violation of the diet and eating junk food;
- prolonged stress;
- bad habits;
- damage to the gastrointestinal tract by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Not always one factor has strong harm, but their combination can lead to the development of an ulcer. Is there a temperature with a stomach ulcer? This phenomenon can be with a vulnerable nervous system, so a person may not immediately feel it.
Disorders of the nervous system appear with spasms of the blood vessels of the gastrointestinal tract and the brain. When ignoring the headache and pain in the gastrointestinal tract, which appear due to an unhe althy lifestyle, gastritis gradually develops, andthen an ulcer.
Symptoms of the disease
Signs of the disease may be bright or mild. In the first case, it is easier to make a diagnosis, and in the second case, the disease can be latent for a long period. In this case, the patient's appetite does not suffer. On the contrary, there is a permanent feeling of hunger. Temperature remains normal.
Symptoms of the disease include the appearance of:
- discomfort or pain in the stomach after eating;
- frequent burps;
- flatulence and bloating;
- stool instability.
These symptoms are manifested in erosive gastritis and ulcers. If the pain becomes severe and difficult to eliminate with painkillers, then there is a risk of an ulcer. The diagnosis is made by laboratory and instrumental studies.
Fever with a stomach ulcer can mean occult bleeding. It is identified by the black color of feces.
If left untreated, a person will lose weight even if they have a good appetite. This is considered a symptom of the presence of pathology.
Hyperthermia with ulcers
Temperature with stomach ulcers is not the main symptom. Rather, it is uncharacteristic for this disease. But this symptom may be evidence of exacerbation or complications. With exacerbation, there is a sharp pain in the epigastrium and black stools.

Does the temperature rise with a stomach ulcer at the initial stage? Usually hyperthermia is within 37 degrees. What is the temperature for a stomach ulcer during an exacerbation? In thiscase it is 38-39 degrees.
Don't bring down the temperature with aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen on your own. These funds lead to irritation of the mucosa of the organ and aggravation of the severity of the disease. If an ulcer is present, antipyretics are given rectally (paracetamol suppositories) because they bypass the stomach and do no harm.
Why does hyperthermia appear?
Temperature with a stomach ulcer usually does not appear at the beginning. This symptom is not typical for this disease. But it can confirm internal bleeding. If, with the appearance of temperature with a stomach ulcer, no other signs of exacerbation are felt, then this may indicate a respiratory viral illness.
With the defeat of the body with SARS, the protective function of immunity will act and the temperature will rise. With such a reaction, uncomfortable conditions will be created for microorganisms, so a person recovers faster.
Hyperthermia occurs as a symptom of an exacerbation of an ulcer due to malnutrition, violation of the regimen, high loads on the abdominal muscles or bad habits. Elevated body temperature with a stomach ulcer is observed when:
- Periviscerite.
- Perigastritis.
- Perforations.
- Penetration.
During an exacerbation, there may be other symptoms besides hyperthermia. Probably the appearance of heartburn, nausea, epigastric pain. They often appear at the same time.
Perforated ulcer
Signs of ulcer perforation are cyclical:
- At the beginning of the pathology, the temperature with a stomach ulcersometimes 38-40 degrees. The patient feels an increase in pain, weakness, dizziness, nausea. A person wants to take the position of the body in which relief will come. Patients usually assume the “fetal position.”
- After some time, the symptoms are relieved, the temperature drops, the pain and nausea disappear. But these sensations are considered deceptive, since it is at this time that perforation and developed peritonitis are observed. If you delay, inflammation of the peritoneum is likely.
- Then, under negative conditions, the symptoms increase rapidly, there is an increased heartbeat, the temperature reaches 40 degrees, there is bloating. Pain and nausea also return. The condition becomes critical and dangerous.

A patient with a perforated ulcer needs emergency hospitalization. Only then will it be possible to alleviate his condition.
Ulcer penetration
This complication of an ulcer manifests itself in the form of the appearance of a pathology of adjacent organs. Then the pain in the epigastrium can move from periodic to permanent. The intensity of the pain increases, it does not depend on eating and taking medications that lower acidity. During penetration, subfebrile temperature appears, and an increase to elevated numbers may confirm a destructive process.
Penetration is considered a life-threatening complication. In this case, an ambulance of specialists is needed. The disease is difficult to treat with drugs, and surgical methods are usually used.
Intragastric bleeding
Gastric juice corrodes the mucosa and increases the ulcer. Sometimes there is exposure and damage to the vascular wall with the appearance of internal bleeding. Signs can be expressed depending on the amount of blood lost.

Intragastric bleeding appears as:
- pre-syncope;
- expressed weakness;
- loss of consciousness;
- bradycardia;
- pressure reduction;
- vomiting blood;
- tarry feces.
The only way to stop the bleeding is in the hospital. Gastroscopy is performed to confirm and establish the focus. Bleeding is stopped during the procedure by stapling the defect with staples or treating with a special agent.
Then antisecretory agents are prescribed intravenously to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. The patient remains under medical supervision for several days. If the manipulation did not stop the bleeding, then surgical treatment is needed.
At an early stage, the disease is diagnosed by endoscopic examination. This procedure involves:
- Clinical blood test. With it, it will be possible to find out the content of hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells, the state of vascular cells, malignant processes.
- Fecal occult blood test.
- X-ray, which will reveal a depression in the mucous membrane.
- Endoscopicresearch.
- Biopsies. The procedure is needed to determine the malignant lesion.
- Research on the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
Carrying out a diagnostic measure allows you to confirm the presence of an ailment. After that, the doctor prescribes an effective method of treatment.
Temperature elimination
Fever with gastric and duodenal ulcers usually forces a person to use antipyretic drugs. It is forbidden to do this, as some medicines damage the mucous membrane of the organ. In this case, it is allowed to use:
- Aertala.
- Meloxicam.
- Celebrex.
- "Nimesulide".
Such products have a protective effect, covering the mucous membrane, which does not allow irritation. For duodenal ulcers and erosive gastric ulcers, folk remedies are used. Herbal medicine helps with decoctions of herbs and teas.

With low acidity, tea with cranberries and milk with honey are effective, it is advisable to take it at night. The drink perfectly restores a person's condition, relieving unpleasant symptoms.
But there are components that are better not to use in treatment:
- Raspberry and linden. Their use is undesirable due to the fact that they are considered analogs of "Aspirin", which is considered prohibited in case of an ulcer. Although the temperature drops with raspberries and lindens, there is a high probability of complications.
- Strawberries. Berrylowers the temperature. But you can’t use it with an ulcer, as it contains malic and citric acids, which aggravate the disease.
What to use carefully?
Please note that some funds are allowed to be accepted, but with caution. This applies to:
- Daisies. To prepare a useful tool, you need 1 tsp. flowers and some hot water. It is infused for about half an hour.
- Currants. They make tea with her.
Medicines with chamomile and currants should not be taken with high acidity. Otherwise, they may lead to unpredictable results.
Useful tools
Used for ulcers:
- Decoction of barley. To prepare it, take cereals (100 g) and water (1 l). The agent is brought to a boil. The decoction is taken with honey.
- Infusions and decoctions of herbs are allowed to be used after consultation with a doctor.

With an ulcer, proper nutrition must be observed. The condition of the mucous membrane worsens from alcohol, spicy, smoked foods, carbonated water and coffee. The diet should include rice, milk, oatmeal and semolina. They accept fresh fermented milk drinks, butter.
Effective for mucous products such as honey, sea buckthorn oil, aloe juice. With ulcers, you need to drink juice from carrots, fresh cabbage, potatoes. Help decoctions of cudweed. The daily menu should include olive, linseed oil. With such products, the condition of the mucosa improves. Oilshould be drunk between meals and added to vegetable stews, cereals.
In order to prevent stomach ulcers, especially with fever, it is necessary to adhere to preventive measures.
- Observe oral hygiene and treat dental caries.
- No smoking and alcohol.
- Follow a he althy diet.
- Prevent acute and chronic ailments, hormonal disorders.
- Prevent frequent use of medications.
- We need a proper organization of work and rest time.
These simple preventive measures allow you to get a great effect. In addition to ulcers, it will be possible to prevent many other ailments.

Thus, if a high temperature appears with a stomach ulcer, it is better to consult a specialist. Such a symptom may be a sign of a complication that is considered dangerous. And with timely treatment, this can be prevented.