Allergy on the body. How to recognize and win

Allergy on the body. How to recognize and win
Allergy on the body. How to recognize and win

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Allergy (from the Greek "foreign", "impact") is a reaction of the immune system, which is provoked by some kind of irritant (allergen). Any sign of hypersensitivity is a violation of immunity. The scientific explanation for this phenomenon is the secretion of increased amounts of histamine by human cells into the blood vessels.

body allergies
body allergies

Allergy on the body manifests itself in the form of spots, rashes, nodules that constantly itch, burn and increase in size. Favorite places of such sores are skin folds, stomach, cheeks, shins, neck. Itchy spots gradually capture the entire body. When combing the wounds, the skin is damaged, the infection can easily enter the body and cause inflammation. Therefore, allergic spots should be treated immediately, without waiting for them to go away on their own.

Allergy Causes

Treatment of any disease begins with identifying the causes of its occurrence. Those that most often cause allergies on the body have also been established:

- modern household chemicals: deodorants, washing powders, soaps that penetrate immediately under the skin,causing irritation;

- natural wool: clothes made from it, pillows, blankets, pets;

- metal, for example, nickel buttons and fasteners often cause allergic stains in children;

- plants both domestic and just trees on the street (poplar, birch, pine);

- food: tomatoes, strawberries, seafood, nuts, cocoa, milk, eggs, food flavorings, preservatives (in most cases, after eating these foods, people with this disease develop an allergy to the skin of the face);

skin allergy
skin allergy

- drugs provoke the most severe manifestations of the disease, up to allergic shock - the most dangerous state of the body, when the fight for life goes on for seconds.

Allergies on the body differ from other forms of the disease in a milder ailment - the general well-being of the body, as a rule, does not worsen.

Ways to fight

Noticing rashes on the skin that constantly itch, you need to:

allergic spots
allergic spots

- first, check your menu for allergenic foods and eliminate them from your diet;

- secondly, if it is not possible to determine the allergen on your own, contact a doctor for testing to identify the pathogen.

If an allergy has already appeared on the body, then the main thing to do is to eliminate contact with the provocateur, otherwise any treatment will not work.

Medicines for treatment are antihistamines that the doctor will select depending on the condition of your body (for example,suprastin, fenkorol, etc.). Antihistamines remove skin rashes, itching, relieve swelling.

Cosmetologists-dermatologists advise using hypoallergenic cosmetics. It can be found not only in the pharmacy. Since allergies have already become a serious problem of the 21st century, many cosmetic companies have organized the release of a series of hypoallergenic cosmetics. For example, mascara, lipstick and creams of all world brands are marked “hypoallergenic” on the packaging - this is like a kind of advertising that inspires consumer confidence.

Take care of your he alth, the condition of your skin, as it is the largest organ of the human body. Red spots, hives or other irritations do not decorate it. Your he alth is in your hands.
