Cephalgic syndrome is a common headache. It can be either an independent disease or a symptom of a more serious illness. Today, more than 70% of people suffer from headaches of varying severity. However, symptomatic head pain is not common.
In any case, if you suffer from headaches, you need to be examined to rule out more complex diseases.

Symptomatic cephalgic syndrome usually has the following features:
- severe pain in the head;
- old drugs no longer satisfy her and stronger drugs are needed;
- along with an attack of pain in the head, the temperature rises, drowsiness appears;
- dependence of pain on physical exertion or body position.
If there are other neurological signs in addition to pain, a CT scan and magnetic resonance imaging should be done urgently.

Primary cephalgic syndrome can be classified into tension headachesand migraine. A migraine attack is a severe throbbing pain in the left or right eye socket. Migraines can be caused by menstruation, alcohol, eating chocolate, or lack of air. Migraines often disrupt daily life.
Tension headache is the most common type of headache. Its cause may be muscle or mental overstrain. Such pain has a bilateral localization, Astheno-cephalgic syndrome is accompanied by nervousness, irritability, sudden mood swings.
Often you can get rid of such pains quickly, however, if the cephalgic syndrome is started, it can become chronic. At the same time, it manifests itself almost every day, which leads to the development of depression, excessive use of painkillers, the appearance of hypertension and a constant state of stress.

The disease is diagnosed by describing the patient's sensations, as well as with the help of various laboratory tests and MRI. In this case, the doctor takes into account the intensity of pain, their frequency, localization and tries to find out under what conditions the syndrome begins.
Cephalgic syndrome is a disease that is treated primarily by excluding those factors that cause an attack. For example, it is necessary to properly organize the daily routine, normal sleep. Try not to be in a stressful situation, as little as possible to be nervous. The patient's nutrition should be complete, especially since chocolate and products withtyramine, as they often provoke an attack. If necessary, the use of drugs that dilate blood vessels is limited. Naturally, moderate exercise will not harm the body.
Medications are prescribed if there is any concomitant disease that provokes an attack of pain. If the pain is infrequent and mild, then most often they go away on their own within half an hour. If they last longer and the person feels discomfort, then a mild pain reliever can be taken.