Diaper dermatitis: treatment, symptoms and causes

Diaper dermatitis: treatment, symptoms and causes
Diaper dermatitis: treatment, symptoms and causes

Diaper dermatitis, the treatment of which is very important for a baby, is a rather serious disease of the skin of a child, which brings a lot of inconvenience and pain.

Causes of pathology

diaper dermatitis treatment
diaper dermatitis treatment

The problem most often occurs in infants who are forced to stay in diapers for a long period of time. The fact is that the baby's skin is not well protected from the influence of negative factors, so it is quickly irritated under the influence of urine or feces. That is, the main reason for the appearance of pathology is insufficient hygiene of the baby.

Diaper dermatitis, the treatment of which can be quite difficult and lengthy, often occurs if the baby is too tightly wrapped, and the perineal area is rotting. It should be noted that such irritation can affect a significant part of the skin of the child.

The reason for the appearance of dermatitis may be an allergic reaction of the little one to any hygiene products or a fungus. It must be said that the degree of development of the disease may be different, but regardless offactors that caused inflammation, you should consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

diaper dermatitis treatment photo
diaper dermatitis treatment photo

Dermatitis manifests itself very accurately, and it is difficult to confuse it with any other pathology. The very first sign of the disease is redness on the skin of the child between the folds of the skin, as well as in the perineum and buttocks. At the same time, the baby experiences discomfort and pain if you touch the inflamed area.

In difficult cases, ulcers and cracks may appear on the affected areas. If the pathology has already passed into such a stage, then it will be very difficult to eliminate it. It is impossible to allow the appearance of suppuration on the skin of a child. Diaper dermatitis, which must be treated immediately, is also characterized by very intense itching and a burning sensation.

A sick baby is often naughty, cries, does not allow to touch the affected area. It is especially difficult to calm the child at night. Naturally, at the first symptoms, any measures should be taken immediately to eliminate the pathology.

Features of removing inflammation

treatment of diaper dermatitis in children
treatment of diaper dermatitis in children

Since diaper dermatitis, which can be treated at home, appears in almost every baby, regardless of his hygiene, the recommendations presented will be useful for every mother.

So, for starters, you should stop wrapping the child as tightly as possible. Try to set the room optimal for himtemperature so that the skin does not rot. Naturally, dirty diapers should be changed as needed. Try to leave your baby's skin exposed as often as possible.

If the pathology has appeared, then the main way to overcome diaper dermatitis is treatment. You can see photos of babies who suffer from this disease in the article.

So, if the skin is inflamed, try to reduce the negative impact of urine and feces on it. To do this, carefully monitor the condition of the diaper. Also use special hypoallergenic protective ointments and creams that create a protective barrier on the skin. Treat the crotch area and the spaces between the folds every time you change a diaper.

After the child went to the toilet, it must be washed and then dried with soft tissues or even a hair dryer. To eliminate inflammation, you can use decoctions of herbs (oak bark, calendula and chamomile).

Treatment of diaper dermatitis in children involves the use of zinc-based ointments and creams. For example, popular drugs today are Desitin, Bepanten, Drapolen. If the disease is caused by a fungus, then, naturally, it is necessary to use the appropriate medications prescribed by the doctor (Miconazole, Clotrimazole and others).
