Why does the knee crackle?

Why does the knee crackle?
Why does the knee crackle?

Many people are faced with the phenomenon when during physical exertion or even during a slow walk, the knee crunches. Most often, such a symptom is simply ignored. However, if the crunch in the knee joint becomes systematic, it is worth paying attention to the state of he alth, and it is best to consult a doctor.

Crunches knee due to arthrosis

In fact, in most cases, the crunch is one of the first signs of arthrosis. Such a disease is associated with the gradual wear of cartilage, which acts as a "laying" between the articular surfaces of the bones. Arthrosis can occur for various reasons. For example, such a violation may be the result of an injury or hemorrhage within the joint. It can also occur as a result of inflammation or an infectious disease. A similar disease is also accompanied by pain, swelling of the knee, as well as redness of the skin over the joint.

Cracking knee due to sedentary lifestyle

In fact, it is generally accepted that wearcartilage tissue is more prone to professional athletes. However, a sedentary lifestyle can also be attributed to risk factors. If you have a sedentary job, you rarely walk and do not do physical labor, then the blood circulation in the knee area slows down. Do not forget that nutrients and oxygen enter the tissues exclusively with the blood. Therefore, the lack of activity leads to the gradual development of hypoxia of the cartilaginous tissue of the joint, which is the reason for its thinning.

very crunchy knees
very crunchy knees

Knee cracking due to being overweight

The knee plays the role of a shock absorber, so it is this joint that constantly withstands almost the entire body weight. And obesity is often the reason that the knee crunches when extending, bending, walking, running, squatting, etc. After all, extra pounds increase friction between the articular surfaces, which, accordingly, leads to wear of the cartilage. By the way, professional weightlifters who constantly have to lift heavy weights often suffer from the same problem.

Knee crunches due to malnutrition

Of course, proper, balanced nutrition is extremely important for the normal functioning of the body and, in particular, the joints. With a deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential nutrients, cartilage tissue cannot function normally, resulting in its thinning.

crunchy knee when extended
crunchy knee when extended

What to do if your knees are very crunchy?

Actually inin such situations, it is best to consult a doctor, especially if symptoms such as swelling, soreness and redness are present. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose and determine the causes of crunching and clicking in the knee joint. As a rule, the treatment in this case is complex and includes the intake of vitamins and preparations - chondroprotectors, as well as the use of agents that improve blood flow. An integral part of the treatment is proper nutrition, special gymnastics and physical activity (swimming will be extremely useful), as well as massages and physiotherapy.
