Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation. Menu for every day

Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation. Menu for every day
Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation. Menu for every day

Eating with a stomach ulcer during an exacerbation should be sparing as much as possible. The fact is that spicy, fatty or fried foods can literally neutralize all the positive effect that was obtained from the appointment of even the most modern drugs in just a few tens of minutes.

Nutrition for stomach ulcers: what not to eat?

First of all, you need to give up all spicy foods. No pepper or seasonings. All this in the blink of an eye will cause a response from the gastrointestinal tract. Food for stomach ulcers during an exacerbation should contain as little s alt as possible. The fact is that even this simple seasoning in large quantities can cause a lot of discomfort in a person with a gastric ulcer. The menu for every day should not contain acidic foods. The same apples can worsen the life of a person with an ulcer, not only during an exacerbation, but even during remission. And here it is not necessary to divide this fruit into sour and non-sour varieties. They all contain malic acid.

Nutrition for stomach ulcers during an exacerbation
Nutrition for stomach ulcers during an exacerbation

Eating with a stomach ulcer during an exacerbation should not be too heavy. The fact is that the body has to spend a lot of time and effort on digesting such products. He will need them more to activate the regeneration processes in the area of formation of ulcerative changes. It is worth noting that dishes with a stomach ulcer are not recommended to be heavily seasoned with various kinds of oils.

How often should I eat?

Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation is close in its parameters to the ideal, that is, to the one that is recommended for any person in everyday life. Unfortunately, few people are so concerned about their he alth that they significantly limit themselves in the consumption of delicious foods, albeit not the most he althy ones. In addition, the frequency of eating is rarely observed.

Menu for every day
Menu for every day

This is especially true in modern society, because each of its representatives most of the time performs some specific duties. Their implementation most often runs counter to the correct frequency of eating. Currently, nutritionists strongly recommend eating about 5-6 times a day. At the same time, at least 2-3 hours should pass between meals. In the case of such dosed nutrition, the stomach is not seriously affected by its own hydrochloric acid.

About serving sizes

It is natural that frequent consumption of too much food will cause a person togastric ulcer, especially during the period of exacerbation, a lot of discomfort. The fact is that the overflow of the stomach impairs its blood supply. Currently, the size of the dish for a stomach ulcer is considered optimal if it does not exceed the volume of the fist of the person who is going to eat. There are, of course, more accurate and modern systems for determining the required portion size, but this technique is much simpler and faster, and therefore is used quite often.

Recipes for stomach ulcers
Recipes for stomach ulcers

Even less seasoning

It is worth noting that people with a gastric ulcer without a diet will not be able to avoid periodic exacerbations of the disease. Whatever drugs they take, they will still have pain in the abdomen. The menu for every day must include those dishes that will not cause exacerbations of gastric ulcers. First of all, you need to limit the amount of seasonings added to food. Mostly it is about ground pepper. It is he who significantly increases the risk of exacerbation of gastric ulcers. Naturally, any exotic spices, especially spicy ones, will cause the most unpleasant sensations.

S alt is bad too

S alty foods have a lesser effect on the condition of the gastric mucosa, however, they can also cause exacerbation of ulcers. At the same time, in comparison with other irritating factors, s alt causes much less discomfort. This seasoning is also quite harmful, but exacerbation of gastric ulcers causes only in those cases when it is in a dish in large quantities.quantities.

Diet for gastritis, stomach ulcer
Diet for gastritis, stomach ulcer

Leading nutritionists suggest limiting s alt in the human diet to three grams per day. The fact is that a large amount of this seasoning begins to cause fluid retention in the body. This can lead to serious problems with the cardiovascular system. In addition, the more spices in a dish, the more of it a person can eat.

Which products are preferred?

It should be noted that there are those dishes, the reception of which is preferable in the presence of stomach ulcers. One of them is such a fermented milk product as kefir. Its benefit lies in the enveloping action. In addition, kefir helps to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Thus, taking this product significantly reduces the negative impact on the gastric mucosa from the body's own aggressive factors.

Many advise eating honey for stomach ulcers. Allegedly, it also has an enveloping effect and includes in its composition almost all the vitamins and trace elements necessary for the body. In fact, this product cannot be called useful for diseases of the digestive system. This is due precisely to the presence of a huge number of different elements in its structure. The fact is that at a time when the digestive system is already weakened, it is problematic for it to simultaneously process a huge number of different substances.

foods for stomach ulcers
foods for stomach ulcers

Dietitians adviseEat enough vegetables and fruits. While preferred are those that do not contain a large amount of acid and fructose. The fact is that acidic plants can enhance the negative effect of gastric juice on the mucous membrane, and sugars contribute to the growth of various pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, pathogenic microorganisms prevent the normal regeneration of already damaged tissues to a greater extent than have a direct damaging effect.

Diet for exacerbation of stomach ulcers should not be rich in large amounts of meat. In almost any inflammatory diseases of the digestive system, it is recommended to abandon this product, especially its fatty varieties. Preference should be given to chicken breast. However, it should be either boiled or steamed.

Who will help you make a diet?

Nutrition for gastric ulcer during an exacerbation should be compiled by a professional. Certain advice about what, how and when to eat, therapists are able to give. More detailed information about what should be the menu for every day with this disease can be provided by gastroenterologists.

Products for stomach ulcers
Products for stomach ulcers

If a person decides to approach the preparation of his diet as seriously as possible, then he should turn to nutritionists. These specialists are able to form the most correct menu not only in terms of the effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, but also in terms of calorie content, which is also important. However, they can provide interesting for stomach ulcers. So, they make their patients' food not only right, but also tasty.

What should be an approximate menu for every day with a stomach ulcer?

A person who suffers from a gastric ulcer, waking up, can drink a glass of yogurt. At about 8-9 o'clock in the morning he should have breakfast. This meal should be approximately 30% of a person's daily calorie intake.

At about 12 noon, you need to have an afternoon snack. A good choice at this time would be a glass of fruit juice, as well as vegetables. Dinner is recommended at 14-15 hours. This meal should be the main one - approximately 40% of the daily calorie intake should be consumed. It is desirable that the lunch was liquid and warm. A meal that is too hot can also aggravate the ulcer.

Exacerbation of stomach ulcer
Exacerbation of stomach ulcer

The next meal should be at 4-5pm. At this time, you can drink kefir and eat a pear or grated carrot. Dinner should be at 6-7 pm. This meal should be fairly light and make up about 10% of your total daily calories. Here, an excellent option would be a vegetable salad seasoned with ordinary sunflower oil, or better with olive oil.

At about 20:00 you need to drink a glass of kefir. It is important not to go to bed within 2 hours after eating. Otherwise, a person may experience heartburn at night.

It is natural that all dishes, regardless of when they are supposed to be consumed, should not be prepared by frying, smoking or s alting. Various kinds of sauces and marinades are also notshould be eaten by a person with a stomach ulcer.

About sweet

Such products for ulcers should be consumed in very small quantities. The fact is that easily digestible carbohydrates are excellent food for various pathogenic microorganisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, with peptic ulcers, sugary foods can cause heartburn and belching.


These products are undesirable for stomach ulcers, for the reason that they are most often prepared using various kinds of irritating food substances. Here we are talking about acetic acid, as well as various seasonings, in particular, black pepper. It is worth noting that the same acetic acid is harmful not only to the stomach, but also to the large intestine. The constant use of marinades can even lead to the formation of malignant neoplasms, especially if stagnation occurs in the intestines.


Diet for gastritis, stomach ulcers, as well as esophagitis and colitis calls for excluding many drinks from the human diet. The fact is that they can provoke an exacerbation of these diseases. First of all, we are talking about alcohol, as well as carbonated drinks. At the same time, even a bottle of foamy beer can significantly weaken the protective properties of the gastric mucosa. Also, people with ulcerative and inflammatory processes of the digestive system should not consume natural juices.

When should you be most careful?

Most often, exacerbation of stomach ulcers and gastritis occurs in autumn andspring periods. It is at this time that you should be as careful as possible in terms of nutrition. Recipes for stomach ulcers in spring and autumn should be chosen the most sparing. It should be noted that during these periods the protective properties of the gastric mucosa are also weakened. So people with constant exacerbations of peptic ulcer can at this time take antacids for prophylactic purposes, of course, in small quantities.

Which garnish would you prefer?

The most rational choice would be boiled buckwheat or barley porridge. Another good option is steamed rice. Do not give preference to potatoes. In particular, this applies to its fried version. Even boiled potatoes are quite heavy food, which will not be useful during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Unfortunately, stew is also not a good food for people in the active phase of this disease. Not suitable for them and fruit salad. This is due to the high content of vegetable acids in such products. An excellent option would be a vegetable salad seasoned with olive or sunflower oil.

What to do in case of exacerbation of a gastric ulcer in the first place?

In the event that a relaxation was allowed in the diet, and it led to an exacerbation of a stomach ulcer, it is advisable to immediately contact your local general practitioner. He will be able to give all the necessary recommendations. Most often, antacids, enveloping drugs, as well as proton pump blockers are used to treat such a pathology. These medicines will helpget rid of pain in the epigastric region. In this case, in no case should you continue to allow indulgences in the diet. The fact is that without its observance, no, even the highest quality drugs will help.

In case of exacerbation of peptic ulcer, it is very important to undergo a special study of the digestive system in a timely manner - esophagogastroduodenoscopy. This diagnostic technique allows you to visualize the gastric mucosa. The most important point is the possibility of taking a section of the modified tissue for further histopathological examination. If the exacerbation of the ulcer is accompanied by bleeding, then it is quite possible to temporarily stop the bleeding during the EFGDS.
