The thyroid gland is a very important part of the body, which is responsible for the normal hormonal levels and the production of iodine. However, modern ecology has hit human he alth very hard. Very often, even in children, doctors determine goiter. It should be noted that the treatment of thyroid nodules must be carried out without fail. If the disease progresses, then it causes irreparable harm to the body.

If the thyroid gland begins to grow, then its functions gradually weaken. Therefore, at the first signs of goiter, you need to contact an endocrinologist. If you have a nodule in the thyroid gland, the symptoms of the disease will be as follows:
- clear discomfort in the front of the neck;
- shortness of breath;
- difficulty swallowing;
- pain.
It should be noted that in the early stages, goiter is not a malignant disease. However, this does not mean that it is not necessary to treat it. The reason for its appearance can be radiation exposure, heredity, malfunctions of the body. At the same time, it is difficult to determine a specific factor.

It is advisable to start treatment of thyroid nodules with a complete examination. To do this, you will have to pass tests that will determine the level of hormones produced. Be sure to undergo an ultrasound examination of the gland. The endocrinologist also feels the organ during the visit of the patient. To see how well or poorly it functions, doctors conduct a study with a video camera and radioactive material.
Treatment of thyroid nodules necessarily begins with conservative methods. The patient is prescribed hormonal drugs and a special diet. Often, the doctor prescribes radioactive iodine to the patient to eliminate neoplasms.
If the nodes are too big and continue to grow, then surgery will have to be applied. Moreover, iron can be removed partially or completely. It is advisable not to start the disease in order to prevent the removal of the organ.

Treatment of thyroid nodules can also be carried out by folk methods, however, before that, you should consult with an endocrinologist. A very effective remedy for eliminating neoplasms is the herb of white cinquefoil. It perfectly regulates the functions of the body. To prepare the infusion, one hundred grams of grass per liter of vodka is used. It is desirable to withstand the liquid in a dark place for a month. You can drink the remedy 30 drops before meals. It takes a month to be treated in this way. After completing the course, you need to take a week break.
The flowers of elecampane andcelandine. However, you need to be careful with the second herb, as it is poisonous. Nodes in the thyroid gland, the treatment of which should be complex, can be eliminated with the help of walnuts. To do this, eat 10 peeled fruits daily. In addition, you can use partitions from nuts. They should simply be filled with alcohol and insisted. Take this infusion preferably 3 small spoons a day. The course of admission should last no more than 2 months.