Guide's knotty pruritus is a dermatological disease known in clinical practice as prurigo. The occurrence of pathology leads to the formation of a network of numerous inflamed papules on the skin. As a result, the patient has to experience unbearable discomfort every day. Symptoms of the disease can be seen in the photo. The symptoms and treatment of nodular pruritus will be discussed later in the article.
Clinical picture

Let's look at what pattern is observed during the development of nodular pruritus. Photos of symptoms (rash) show that in this case the epidermis of the inner regions of the forearms suffers. Inflamed papules also appear on the legs, buttocks, back and abdomen. There is an abundance of nodular neoplasms of a rounded shape. Papules have a dense structure. Individual nodules can reach 1 centimeter in size.
At the initial stages of development of Gaida's pruritus, the color of the epidermis remains normal. Over time, the epidermis in disease-causing foci acquires a bright red hue. Prolonged lack of adequate therapy leads to severepeeling of tissues on the surface of papules. Hard crusts form. In the most advanced cases, the pruritus nodosa rash transforms into something resembling warts.
The formation of a network of inflamed papules is accompanied by intense itching, which intensifies as the nodules increase, the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis increases. Scratching the skin causes the appearance of multiple open wounds covered with bleeding crusts. Touching the papules with dirty hands leads to complications of nodular pruritus. Against the background of infection of damaged skin, folliculitis and furunculosis often develop.
The result of combing the papules is the formation of scar tissue and areas of the epidermis with hyperpigmentation. Constant itching causes severe stress in the patient. Over time, scratching the skin becomes a habit that is quite difficult to eliminate even after the final cure of the disease.

Most doctors are inclined to believe that Gaida's nodular pruritus develops against the background of an increase in the body's susceptibility to the effects of specific stimuli. Most often, the manifestations of the disease occur in response to food allergies. Among children, trouble makes itself felt with acute reactions to protein in the composition of mother's or cow's milk. At an older age, intolerance to flour products, citrus fruits, eggs, chocolate, smoked meats, spices, honey, alcohol, meat of certain types of fish becomes the cause of the development of knotty pruritus.
Factors provokingthe occurrence of symptoms of the disease, often the following appears:
- failures in the production of certain digestive tract enzymes;
- hereditary tendency to develop allergic reactions to food;
- destruction of he althy intestinal microflora;
- damage to body tissues by an abundance of toxins as a result of infection with parasites;
- inhibition of bile duct functions;
- nervous disorders, disruption of sleep and wakefulness.
Dermatologists note cases of the development of the disease against the background of bites of blood-sucking insects. According to statistics, this is most often observed among residents of rural areas.

To confirm the presence of nodular pruritus, the doctor performs a visual examination of disease-causing foci on the skin. Scraping of pathological tissues is carried out, which are examined under a microscope.
The patient is sent for examination to a gastroenterologist. The solution makes it possible to identify malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract, which can provoke the development of nodular pruritus in adults and children. An analysis for dysbacteriosis is performed. Additionally, the diagnostician examines stool samples for the presence of helminth eggs.
During the examination, the doctor seeks to exclude the presence of diseases, the development of which is characterized by a similar picture. Usually, the specific location and appearance of papules allows you to visually distinguish pruritus from toxicoderma, atopic dermatitis, and scabies.

Since the development of pruritus is most often observed as a result of specific reactions of the body to the use of certain foods, it is important for the patient to follow a special diet during the entire course of therapy. The following foods are excluded from the daily diet:
- rich protein sources - whole milk, eggs, legumes, fish, nuts, mushrooms;
- food containing spices, dyes, preservatives, flavorings;
- fried foods;
- alcoholic and carbonated drinks;
- histamine-boosting foods - cocoa, fermented cheeses, pickles, spinach, tomatoes, strawberries.
It is important for the patient to avoid eating food that previously caused allergic reactions. An undesirable action seems to be reducing s alt intake.
The category of allowed dishes for pruritus includes lean cereals, lean meat. It is allowed to cook food using refined oil. It is considered safe to eat black bread, boiled potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, young peas and beans. It is allowed to introduce green apples, gooseberries, pears, cherries into the diet. You should drink non-carbonated water and tea that does not contain synthetic additives.
In order to treat knotty pruritus, doctors prescribe the following physiotherapy procedures:
- Inductothermia - the impact on the foci of the disease by an alternating magnetic field. The result of the treatment is the speedy removal of inflammation, the elimination of pain and irritatingitching.
- Electrophoresis - the affected areas of the epidermis are stimulated with weak current discharges. In parallel, drugs are injected into the tissues. Under the influence of electrophoresis, the components of medicines penetrate better into the deeper layers of the skin.
- Ultraviolet irradiation - the procedure activates a number of photochemical and biological processes in the body. The use of the technique contributes to the accelerated healing of wounds and the removal of inflammation.
- Phonophoresis - ultrasonic stimulation of the epidermis, during which the affected areas are treated with anti-inflammatory hydrocortisone ointment.
- Microwave Therapy – Physicians perform electromagnetic radiation on the adrenal region. The procedure contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body and the production of additional energy, which makes it easier to fight the manifestations of the disease.
Hydrocortisone ointment

Relieve itching with nodular pruritus, eliminate inflammation and swelling allows the use of "Hydrocortisone". After applying the drug to the skin in the places of formation of foci of the rash, inhibition of the allergic reaction is observed. The active substance hydrocortisone acetate is concentrated in local tissues, which avoids the progressive development of dermatitis.
In order to combat pruritus guidea, a photo of the manifestations of which can be seen in the publication, medications are prescribed to improve digestion and pancreas function. One of the most effective means of this category is"Mezim". The composition of the drug contains enzymes that are involved in the digestion of proteins and fats. Therapy using the drug allows you to eliminate violations of the breakdown of polysaccharides.

To remove intestinal dysbacteriosis with pruritus, doctors prescribe the use of Linex. The combined probiotic acts as a source of lactic acid bacteria that contribute to the restoration of he althy intestinal microflora. The action of the drug ensures the creation of an environment that is not suitable for the active reproduction of pathogenic organisms. The result of therapy is the active production of food enzymes, the synthesis of essential vitamins, and the restoration of the metabolism of bile secretions. Taking the medication ensures the normalization of hormonal levels and strengthening of local immunity in the intestines.
Zodak is an effective blocker of histamine production. The use of the drug facilitates the course of skin allergic reactions. According to the results of clinical studies of the action of the drug, the absorption of one tablet of the drug per day provides the removal of redness and inflammation of the epidermis. The medicine begins to act within half an hour after use. The sensation of itching ceases to bother a person with pruritus throughout the day.
Propolis-based ointment

According to the observations of traditional healers, getting rid of the manifestations of pruritus makes it possible to treat the foci of the disease with ointment,prepared with propolis. Prepare the product according to the following recipe:
- take 100 grams of butter;
- heat 15 grams of propolis in a water bath;
- the ingredients are mixed and kept on low heat until a substance of a homogeneous consistency is obtained;
- The ointment is cooled and then poured into a dark glass vial.
The product is treated with rash-affected areas of the skin 3 times a day. Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of propolis, the regeneration of damaged skin is observed. Oxidative reactions in local tissues are eliminated. The patient ceases to pester the sensation of itching. There is a general improvement in well-being. Under the action of butter, the epidermis is qualitatively moisturized and becomes elastic.
Healing decoction of walnut, woodruff and lime blossom
To disinfect the skin, relieve inflammation and eliminate the sensation of itching with pruritus, healers advise using the following remedy. Combine a tablespoon of walnut leaves, woodruff grass and linden blossom. The mixture is poured with boiling water in a volume of 0.5 liters. The resulting composition is placed on the stove and boiled for 10 minutes. The medicine is allowed to cool to room temperature. The liquid is decanted through gauze or a fine strainer. The decoction is drunk 3 tablespoons in the morning and in the evening, which significantly alleviates the course of the disease.
Yarrow Lotion
Yarrow decoction will help relieve annoying itching with pruritus. A handful of fresh leaves of a medicinal plant is rinsed under running water. Raw materials are brewed with twoglasses of boiling water. The product is put on a small fire and boiled for 5-10 minutes. The expressed, cooled liquid is impregnated with a piece of natural tissue. The material is applied to the foci of skin rash. The procedure is performed after waking up and shortly before going to bed.
Burdock root ointment
Burdock contains an abundance of biologically active substances that ensure the elimination of allergic and inflammatory reactions in the structure of epidermal tissues. In order to prepare a healing agent, the dried root of the plant is taken. Raw materials are carefully crushed and ground in a mortar to a powder state. The resulting substance is combined in equal proportions with medical vaseline. The ointment is sent to a dark glass container. The product is allowed to brew in a place where the sun's rays do not penetrate for several days. The drug is treated with rash-affected areas of the epidermis after taking a warm bath.
Baths from infusion of birch buds
In order to combat the manifestations of pruritus, healers recommend taking the following baths. A handful of birch buds is poured with a liter of boiling water. The composition is placed in a thermos and kept for 2-3 hours. The liquid is decanted and poured into the bath. The water procedure using the product is carried out daily for 15 minutes.
In conclusion
So we have considered the features of therapy for Gaida's nodular prurigo. The photos that you can see at the beginning of the article make it possible to understand that this ailment is unpleasant. Treatment involves the exclusion from life of factors that provoke the development of pathology. Importantdirect forces to eliminate the underlying ailment, whether it is an allergy, a violation of the intestinal microflora, malfunctions in the production of digestive tract enzymes, or neurological problems. Of particular importance is adherence to a specific diet.
The use of complex therapy contributes to a favorable outcome of treatment. However, the patient should not forget about the chronic nature of the pathology. With repeated exposure to provoking factors, nodular pruritus may recur.