The term "thrush" refers to a fungal disease of an infectious nature. Its other name is candidiasis. Most often, pathology is diagnosed in women. The fungus can normally be present in a he althy person. The active process of its reproduction is launched under the influence of certain provoking factors. In many cases, a person does not even suspect that he is infected and poses a danger to others. The following describes the causes, symptoms, incubation period of thrush in women and men, treatment regimens for the disease.
Development mechanism
Normally, the vagina has an acidic pH. Due to this, pathogens that enter the body die. In other words, pH is a kind of barrier that prevents the growth of fungi and the spread of other infections. Under the influence of various adverse factors, the degree of protection weakens, that is, the natural environment is disturbed.
The causative agent of thrush is a pathogen of the genus Candida. Once in the body, itaffects the mucous membranes. The fungus feeds on glucose. Its active vital activity helps to reduce the number of beneficial bacteria. The incubation of thrush is a short period. If untreated, the pathogen spreads very quickly to other internal organs.

In most cases, the development of candidiasis is triggered by a weakening of both local and general immunity after past infections or chronic diseases.
In addition, thrush appears under the influence of the following factors:
- Hormonal imbalance.
- Using combined oral contraceptives.
- Dysbacteriosis.
- Long-term use of corticosteroids, cytostatics and antibiotics.
- Change in climatic conditions.
- Using intimate hygiene products. As a rule, they contain a large amount of flavors and alkali.
- Regular use of panty liners.
- Wearing uncomfortable, tight underwear and synthetics.
- Using deodorized pads and tampons.
- Unbalanced diet. The growth of the fungus is facilitated by the use of confectionery, spicy and fatty foods, carbonated drinks, and various sauces.
- Avitaminosis.
- Overweight.
- Violation of metabolic processes.
- Smoking.
- Long exposure to stress.
Under the influence of one or moreof the above factors, there is a decrease in the number of beneficial bacteria that secrete lactic acid. As a result, the pH of the vagina shifts to the alkaline side, which is a favorable factor for the reproduction of the fungus.

Incubation period of thrush and severity
There are several stages during candidiasis. If the doctor correctly determines it, he will be able to prescribe the most effective treatment.
Stages of development of candidiasis:
- Primary. In other words, this is the incubation period of thrush. It is characterized by the penetration of the fungus into the human body. The duration of the incubation period of thrush in women is on average 1 day. In some cases, it is delayed up to 7-8 days. At this stage, the symptoms are absent or expressed so mildly that they do not cause anxiety. In men, the incubation period for thrush is also only a few days.
- Secondary. In other words, this is the period of budding. After the end of the incubation period of thrush, the fungus actively begins to multiply. Pathogens gradually penetrate into the tissues, and if left untreated, they gradually affect the internal organs. At this stage, the person shows the first pronounced symptoms.
- Tertiary. The fungus penetrates into soft tissues to a depth of approximately 6 mm. At this stage, the clinical manifestations are very pronounced. This stage is considered to be an already advanced form of the disease, requiring long-term drug treatment.
- Final. Pathogenic microflorapenetrates into the bloodstream and through the liquid connective tissue spreads throughout the body. In such situations, there is a risk of death. In this regard, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately after the onset of the first alarming symptoms.
Thus, the development of the disease is very fast. In this, the infection is similar to a no less common pathology called ureaplasma. The incubation period of thrush can be only a day, a maximum of several days, after which the yeast-like flora begins to actively multiply.

Clinical picture
It often happens that unpleasant symptoms disappear on their own. This situation does not preclude the need to consult a doctor. This is due to the fact that the disease has become chronic or asymptomatic, but recovery has not occurred.
In most cases, after the end of the incubation period of thrush, women experience the following symptoms:
- Pain during intercourse.
- Swelling of the walls of the vagina.
- Plaque on the genitals white.
- Coarse discharge of curdled consistency.
- Severe itching and burning.
- Rash on genitals.
- Deterioration of general well-being.
- Increased urination.
- Aching pain in the lower abdomen.
- Cutting while urinating.
After the end of the incubation period of thrush in men (from a partner, asfungal transmission usually occurs) there may be no symptoms. In the representatives of the stronger sex, the disease most often occurs in a latent form. Only minor violations of sexual function can be observed. If untreated, the fungus spreads to the urinary canal and provokes the development of urethritis.

Features of the disease in children
Infection of a child occurs during its bearing, when the baby passes through the birth canal or with insufficient hygiene. In children, the incubation period for thrush is on average a day. Already the next day after infection, pronounced clinical manifestations appear. Such a rate of development of pathology is due to the fact that the body of a small child is not yet able to stop the reproduction of yeast-like flora.
Candidiasis affects the skin and mucous membranes. Most often, doctors find thrush in children in the mouth.
When the first warning signs appear, women should contact a gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe an examination and, based on its results, draw up a treatment regimen.
Basic diagnostic methods:
- Smear on flora. During the study, pathogens are detected, and the number of lactobacilli is also estimated.
- Bakseev. With it, you can accurately determine the type of fungus and determine its sensitivity to drugs.
- Colposcopy. This term refers to the examination of the vagina with a special instrument.
Additionally, the doctor may prescribe a biomaterial analysis for sexually transmitted infections.

After receiving the results of the diagnosis, the doctor draws up a treatment regimen. It includes the following items:
- Using vaginal tablets and suppositories. The most effective drugs are the following: "Pimafucin", "Kandibene", "Gino-travogen", "Ginezol", "Terzhinan", "Polygynax". The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor. As a rule, this period takes from 3 to 10 days. Vaginal tablets and suppositories must be inserted into the vagina, preferably at bedtime, after putting a sanitary pad on the underwear. It is important to be aware that mild itching may be present for up to 2 weeks after completion of treatment.
- Taking antifungal drugs. Medicines intended for oral use have a complex effect, that is, they destroy fungi in all organs. The following medications are most often prescribed: Fluconazole, Mikosist, Diflucan, Ketoconazole, Pimafucin, Nystatin.
It is important to remember that the course of treatment must be completed by both partners. This is due to the fact that re-infection can occur during sexual contact. This rule applies even if partners regularly use a condom. Men are also prescribed pills. The names of drugs, as a rule, are the same that gynecologists recommend to women. Additional processing is requiredhead of the penis with ointments. Most often, doctors recommend Pimafucin and Clotrimazole.

The outcome of the disease directly depends on the timeliness of the visit to the doctor. At the initial stage, the use of local preparations is sufficient. Their active substances quickly destroy the yeast-like flora.
For moderate disease, the use of local preparations and the use of tablets is indicated. The recovery process takes an average of 10 days.
Ignoring the problem leads to the spread of infection to the internal organs. If the patient went to the doctor at this stage, she will have a long-term treatment. Lack of therapy can even lead to death.
In order to prevent the development of candidiasis, it is recommended to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse, be responsible for observing hygiene rules and strengthen the immune system in a timely manner. In addition, it is advisable to refuse to wear underwear made of synthetic materials. You also need to make adjustments to your diet. It is necessary to reduce the amount of carbohydrate foods and confectionery in the menu.

In conclusion
Candidiasis is a widespread disease that significantly impairs a person's quality of life. The incubation period of thrush can be only 1 day, and after its completion, the first alarming symptoms occur. It is necessary to consult a doctor at an early stage of the development of the disease,to prevent the development of complications from the internal organs.