The crack between the toes is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. After all, such damage brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to a person’s life, especially while walking. But what are the causes of such injuries? Can I get rid of them myself?
Crack between toes and its causes

In fact, there are many reasons for the appearance of such injuries on the legs. After all, it is here that the skin is most often susceptible to injury. And often the presence of cracks indicates a lack of proper care. Do not forget that skin tissues require thorough cleansing and moisturizing - otherwise, excessive dryness appears, due to which damage occurs.
Crack between toes can be the result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. For example, everyone's favorite open flip flops contribute to the appearance of scuffs and wounds on the skin.
In some cases, these injuries may have more serious causes. The condition of the skin is affected by hormonal disruptions, endocrine diseasessystems, and in particular diabetes mellitus.
Crack between toes and fungal diseases
Of course, a fungal infection often causes skin lesions on the legs. You can catch the fungus both by direct contact with a sick person, and by household means, for example, when sharing towels, bed linen, shoes, etc. In addition, you can become infected while visiting public pools, baths and saunas, showers and etc.
Fungal organisms need moisture and heat to function normally. Therefore, people suffering from excessive sweating of the legs are more prone to such a disease. In any case, you need to understand that a crack between the toes is far from the only symptom of a fungal infection. The disease is accompanied by severe itching, redness and peeling of the skin, sometimes even plaque formation.
Crack between the toes: treatment

If the cracks in the skin have nothing to do with wearing inappropriate shoes, then it is best to see a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly determine the cause of skin lesions and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
If the cause is a fungal infection, then it is necessary to use special drugs that can affect the cracks between the toes. Ointments with antifungal properties, as a rule, contain miconazole, tolnaftate and some other active substances. In particular, the ointment is considered quite effective. Clotrimazole.
In cases where the crack between the toes is the result of improper care or excessive dryness of the skin, you can try to deal with the problem yourself. Firstly, it is necessary to keep the skin clean, as pathogenic bacteria can penetrate through damaged tissues, causing inflammation and suppuration of the wound. Therefore, experts recommend foot baths with decoctions of herbs, in particular chamomile, string and calendula, which have an anti-inflammatory effect. You can also add a few drops of tea tree oil to the water, which enhances local immunity and has an antibacterial effect.

Of course, the skin needs regular care and hydration. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate the toes with olive oil, which softens the tissues and makes them more elastic.